Doctors struck off
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All around the world doctors are bound by the Hippocratic oath, they are voluntarily pledge on taking up medical practice. Without taking the pledge there insurance is illegal and invalid.
They promise to fully aware off and validate and then use new medical advances. 2002 am Moffitt cancer hospital chain published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.
Every Dr. Bought the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit they used, for $10,000, and validated that HIUS would be natural ice cure all 200 types of human cancer out there 2000. They were cure any cancer cell type that emerged in the future. Which requires the the pressurise foreign cell structure, to induce cancer cell replication.
Viral and bacterial infections also share the same foreign inflated cell structure. 1 minute of HIUS cures all cancers. As we set off nuclear fusion in the foreign cell type\
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
HIUS= e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound. Though I have found that 8 W 1 MHz years as effective in 1 minute. This is what professor Argent termed molecular nuclear fusion from water. We also do molecular nuclear fusion from an earlier or hydrocarbon refineries.

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In response to 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound, we are familiar cancers emit X rays. And they do not generate sufficient heat to boil.
The 8 W ultrasound or cancer cells boil and rupture. Damaging regular surrounding body cells. A induces a local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear the distinct exploding cell type totally from the body.
Aninsured both viral and bacterial structures share the same overinflated cell nature, to induce infective structure replication. That ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, clears all viral and bacterial infections.
I use it to clear my own Covid19 November 2019. One month after by internationally agreed medical naming convention, the regular flu became Covid19 for a year. Covid19 cease to exist by medical definition 31st of September, 2020.
We are now on the year of Covid24, which is cleared by 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound as normal . The total cure to all viral and bacterial infections . Including 2012 my friend who was HIV⁺.
So totally clear the most pernicious viral infection in history. That had killed five million people globally. A 1 minute total cure that AIDs life on the planet 2012. With 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound.
Which share the cure the world and AIDs vanished within two weeks. The psychopathic individuals who used to be doctors, by still prescribing the medically ineffective for fatal within a decade, AIDs finance is or 2018.
Every involved Dr. and drug company struck off without legal argument. The same fancy for all prescription of biochemical cancer treatments since 2002. In the prescribing Dr. Totally struck off as a registered Dr..
Although prescriptions then illegal and invalid. They must return or all medical fees to their unfortunate clearing the patient's who was so callously medicated. A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every family who lost a relative to to the doctors psychopathic prescriptions.
Curing all viral infections stops all the turbine to all cancers. The solution be no new cancers over developing. The doctors can year prescribing the intentionally with defective and are fatal biochemical treatments until 2018.
Every registered Dr. Continue prescribing the knowingly defective and fatal within two years biochemical treatments. As it made so much money. Or medical practice was economically unsustainable without cancer drugs.
So far on rich and record that all cancers have ceased forming 2020. further recorded all cancers were extinct in the UK: as a last few cancer patients have been either side in callously medicated to death.
The drug company is trying to propagate the idea of the cancer still exist. Despite for five years repeating the testing the global population, and finding not one cancer! And charging fortunate patients for the negative results. Country to the Hippocratic oath.
No medicine is trying to refocus on seasonal flu, being an incurable infection. The common cold and the seasonal flu (=Covid) being cleared by ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side the chest.
As personally confirmed two months ago. Health Centres all have the validated 8 W three MHZ unit, Dr. Validated to clear all cancers. Also clearing all viral and bacterial infections.
Hospitals also have stopped of 8 W ultrasound devices, which can be used to clear all flu strains in 1 minute. Drug companies have sought to rename the present care of it strain SARS-Co2-omicron.
Worst medicine or sore point agreed internationally it is Covid24. Just your regular inflated foreign cell type. The standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of her patient's chest clearing the infection totally in one session.
No Dr. or drugs intervention even legal. The patient totally cured in any health centre in the world in 1 minute. Or by using their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit.
So the seasonal flu and the common cold both are cured physically. As confirmed by all drug companies on earth - voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.
Prohibited from research or manufacture any biochemical treatment. To the already cured viral condition. Doctors not allowed to research or prescribe defective medicine.
And the Hippocratic N oath acts on the day. There is no two year argue period between higher paid lawyers. All flu treatments illegal medicine. Striking off the prescribing Dr. and the drug company. The Dr. stripped of medical wages and subsequent medical pension.
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