Curing colds and the flu
Clds and flu medically cured |
2002 and three medical professors at the world renown Moffitt cancer centre published the single application of one external High Intensity UltraSound, as a total cure to all inflated cell structures like cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
They used 1 minute of external 8 W three MHZ ultrasound which was a total cure to all 200 types of cancer out there. 2024 and the drug company is are promoting the idea that new cancers have developed.
No they haven't! Any case any cancer that never emerged, was still require the foreign inflated cell structure to get cell replication in a viral fashion. Cancers grow like viruses!
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so foreign inflated cell types require an overinflated nature, plus some viral RNA to get viral structure replication.
Bacterial infections share the same foreign inflated cell structure, to induce the body's immune system to copy the bacterial genome, as an empathic structure. Before the bacterial cells start doing body cell damage after three days.
By which time the body may already contain A fatal bacterial cell load. Viruses copy their own genome. And share this RNA sequence around the other foreign structures in the body.
Tragically precancerous cluster is can acquire this RNA and become full cancers. The Moffitt Paper 2002 as they invoked the viral cure the cancer cure paper.
I wrote up the idea about using ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest to clear the AIDs infection. I found out practically that an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit was as effective.
Today costing under five UK pounds. The Moffitt three MHZ unit can be purchased for $10,000! Which is medical opportunism. You can buy your own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet, five days delivery from China.
Brett in New York 2012 got in touch, he was HIV⁺. He ordered his own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit. As I talked about using a equally effective 150 W 40 kHz unit. 30 times more expensive to utilises.
The unit arrived, but I apply the ultrasound for ½ minute each side use chest, and his AIDs was cured. The most pernicious viral infection history cured in 1 minute, using a medically licensed home ultrasound 8 W 1 MHz massage unit. Medically licensed for safe, unsupervised home use.
And this idea will clear all viral infections. 1 minute externally to the liver will clear all hepetosis. Hep A...E. U and totally curing the previously incurable Hep C...E.
So silent in 34 medicine has prohibited work on a vaccination to the common cold or the flu. As those viral lines change genome too quickly for vaccination medicine to keep up where.
Any Covid vaccination will be obsolete only six months in two a legally required two year drug testing regime. So no care of it vaccination could ever be legal human medicine. Tragically counter productive! Making the seasonal flu more severe with a higher fatality rate.
Up from the standards 3.5% for an medicated flu. Below the 5% required to be classified by medicine as a pandemic. So all talk about the enforced vaccination programme to combat Covid, was just plain illegal1
Any Dr. Giving one vaccination of the Covid19 vaccination guilty of man made a string an unlicensed medicine, with a counter productive effect. The Dr. and drug company struck off without legal argument.
January 2025 3.5 billion global citizens were illegally vaccinated with the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Each other involved doctors and drug company is struck off without legal argument.
The expected medical death rate for even unlicensed vaccination was one in 200. And here we are talking about an unlicensed and illegal vaccination. That resulted in the deliver deaths of 17 million global citizens.
All killed by their Dr. or by hypodermic! The doctors totally aware that medical or since 1934 has always prohibited research or application of a vaccination to common flu.
Astra Zeneca was struck off the biochemical drug register 2001. And all its other biochemical drug patents are void and worthless. He could no longer a borrower legally from the banks to make payroll. Tragically doctors and drug company is are very persuasive.
So Astra Zeneca taught to its way around medical law. Resulting in those delivered 17 million patient murders. They a total legal fine of 2000 trillion. That is massively in excess of the worth of the planet - just 138 trillion last time and I counted.
Or there drugs outside legal Dr. Prescription 2001. Any Dr. Applying illegal medication automatically struck off the doctors' medical register. And the human rights lawyers have legal supremacy to the National Medical regulators.
This is 2024, and people are only have bought their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit. As all talking about a flu epidemic has ceased. As people a year the 8 W ultrasound device a home, ½ minute each side the chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections. Which share the same foreign inflated cell structure they cancers.
But the total cancer cure was published by the Moffitt 2002. And it talk until 2020 four registered doctors to fought on rich and record, that all cancers have stopped forming globally.
The drug company is too great pleasure are medicating the remaining cancer patients to an unnecessary death. Each cancer death since 2002 warranting the same legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.
The prescribing Dr. and assisting nurses are all struck off. And are totally prohibited from medical activity for life. The psychopathic drug company is also are struck off 2002.
The drug company is make 80% other income from cancer drugs. So are busy promoting the idea they cancers globally cell exist. They do not! And the remaining cancer patients have been so callously an needlessly medicated to an expensive an agonising death,
Every involved Dr. and nurse struck off without argument. All 200 biochemical drug company is around the world have continued with the illegal manufacture and sale of the defective an intentionally fatal within two years cancer drugs. So all the drug company is also are struck off for ever.
So Health Services like the NHS, are in the invidious position of having no registered doctors and nurses since 2002. All the doctors in actuality struck off there are no longer registered doctors for 23 years.
The high up nurses share the doctors Hippocratic oath. The drug company is also voluntary signatures. So had to verify the 100% effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
2010 I firstly validated that my 8 W one MHZ unit, totally clear the viral infections for 30 are my friends. Who had arranged a viral and bacterial infections.
I also are totally cleared my friends of breast, colon and lung cancers. Since when my academic contacts have been remarkably silent. As higher education financially dependent on the money provided by the drug companies, to fund the academic research into cancer treatments.
Medical or prohibits research into alternative treatments for already cured conditions. So since 2002 on the total cancer cure was published by the Moffitt, no Dr. or academic medic has been allowed to research cancer biochemical cures. Or automatically struck off without argument.
2010 I validated that ½ minute of my 8 W ultrasound to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, totally clear the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes. I have red about the presence of an inflated viral altered cell type, being linked to diabetes.
So I cured a type two diabetes for my church friend, mother and stepfather: what are the disgust of the Christie cancer hospital, has started doing hearts and diabetic medication as cancers all totally cured 2002.
Like the rest or medicine they continue prescribing the intentionally defective and fatal biochemical cancer treatments until 2020.
I verified fatak the there my stepfather is coronary heart disease, ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest and the back of the kidneys totally cleared the inflated bacterial structure, causing coronary heart disease.
The same ultrasound regime clearing all heart rhythm problems 2023. YoSir I heard from somebody who had diabetes I raised blood pressure.
I have formed in 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound and this pancreas would totally cleared type one diabetes instantly. Adding that the usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest and the kidneys, totally clearing raised heart conditions. As I have firstly validated 2010.
On taking up medical practice every registered Dr. On earth promises to be aware of, firstly validate and use best new medical science. In actuality doctors will fly he was ever biochemistry the drug company is and suggest.
Even there 2002 every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the total cancer cure. Subsequent prescription of biochemical cancer treatments was defective an intentionally fatal medicine.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. I apply to the cure to raise heart pressure 2010. Which totally verified and shoving use by every registered Dr. On earth.
But obviously wasn't! He remembered his own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit for under $10.00. And cure their own raised blood pressure. No Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe heart medication for last 25 years. Or as usual struck off and thrown out of medicine for ever.
The drug companies have reacted to the diabetic cure, by announcing they're going to develop better diabetic treatments. But doctors have put on record March 2023, the R no global diabetics developing around the world.
Though in the usual murderous way of doctors, to manmade the right to continue prescribing the knowingly defective metformin and insulin, muscle diabetics died of diabetic complications.
There were no registered Dr. Is allowed to knowingly applied defective medicine. Or they are struck off that day! Symbolise for the National Medical regulators, who are packed out with practicing doctors, so only sSir lies the biochemical prescription history of the doctors.
And HIUS provides a 1 minute single session total cure to all cancers and diabetes. ½ minute for type two diabetes. No diabetes in the world, no registered Dr. Allowed to research an extinct medical condition.
So since 2002 they should have been no cancers in the world. But there National Medical regulators permitted ones registered doctors, to still prescribe the knowingly defective and fatal within two years biochemical cancer treatments.
That have become intentionally defective and fatal medicine 2002. We have just lived through the long this period of global medical malpractice in history. The biochemical cancer treatments alone have resulted in the inevitable death of an estimated 200 million cancer patients.
A total legal fine of 2000 trillion. Though you might like to take up the case in the crown court, stand to get a parent of 20 trillion. For the open and shut legal action.
All I so no need ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of person's chest, clearing all viral and bacterial infections. Including the common cold and Covid flu. Those infections can in just 80 individuals around the planet every year.
The common cold and flu use to freeze 25,000,000 cancer and diabetic patients annually around the world. The most fatal infections ever! But 2024 who already have their own 8 W one MHZ unit, clear all viral infections in 1 minute. No Dr. or drugs involvement required.
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