Curing all viruses

½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device purchased over the Internet, practically proven 2010 and to clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Portable Home Use Ultrasound Massager Pain Therapy Skin Care 1Mhz Ultrasonic

I will no explain why.  Just buy the device over the Internet for under five UK pounds, and be ready to cure all viral and bacterial infections as they arise.


This works for the seasonal flu, Covid and the common cold.  Brett in New York use the idea 2012 to clear his AIDs.  So all the medicated HIV patients went HIV⁻ within two weeks.  Which is self serving drug industry has never told the world!  AIDs totally cured without drugs.

The idea came from Dr. MatZinger at the national institute of health.  Combine it with the the ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water, a quick buzz of ultrasound and the foreign cancer all viral cell type boils and ruptures.

I agreed with Dr. Z 20 when years ago, that ultrasounding liquid water sets off what was later termed molecular nuclear fusion.  The idea originally came from the professor at Columbia University, that the turbulent interaction of water molecules did nuclear fusion.  He held published the work 1976 on cold fusion.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+L+X-ray+E US= e.g. 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound.

Tragically uranium nuclear power bought the professor a chair in chemical and process engineering.  The plasma which was the and the had to lose all interest in safe and clean molecular nuclear fusion.

My idea on higher power ultrasound restricting cancer growth went from the national institute of health to the Moffitt cancer centre.  Who had received a seed capital always decades ago and the money cure to all cancers.

I realise the ultrasound above 160 Watts, was dangerous to body cells - causing ultrasound burns.  Like cancers and viruses had a pressurise foreign cell nature, which to body tolerated as the cancer cell did not damage body cells.

The cancerous growth just starving the body to death!  So in salford I first use 150 W 40 kHz to cure my friends of breast, colon and lung cancers.  I cured my medical contacts up to date.

But they were to financially dependent on the no defective biochemical cancer drugs.  2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, publisher hundred patient double blind trial, demonstrating a 100% cure rate of high intensity ultrasound clearing prostate cancer and viruses.

I firstly confirmed that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device purchased over the Internet, I applied to each side an individual's chest clears the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

So the 8 W ultrasound sets off Dr. MatZinger 's sold damage in pressurise cell structures like cancer and viruses.  Or passing benignly through body cells.

The cancer all viral cells boil had and ruptured, it use in the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body and brain.

B8 Watts ultrasound applied externally to where it hurts, caused the foreign cell type to boil and rupture.  And make itself dangerous to the embody.

The body only it secretes safe targeted antibodies.  Which a cancers and viruses is the antiviral.  There as cancers are constrained to divide in a viral fashion, as like viruses are our for ever locked out of the body stem cells.

Where the rest of your body cells are built.  So 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound totally clearing all 200 types of human cancer that existed 2000.  And into the future any involving cancer cell type will be constrained to divide in a viral fashion.  Having the foreign inflated cell structure that makes the cells boil and explode under HIUS.  Light the 8 W ultrasound.

But viral and bacterial infections also have to have an inflated cell nature to induce infective structure replication, the viral cells to look after their own cell replication- using the viral how the case borrowed by cancers to induce infected cell replication.

So I have practically confirmed 2010 and that my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Totally clearing the easonal flu and the common cold - fast changing but not very good viruses.

I mentioned above the air so the idea about 8W ultrasound clearing HIV/AIDs in 2008.  At which stage every registered Dr. On earth has pledged to validate and use the new medicine.

Their first prescription of the defective but fatal within a decade, AIDs treatments sore the Dr. and drug company is struck off and for ever remove from legal medicine.  Thus it talk Brett in New York, 2012 with to approve a 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cleared his HIV.

He was medicated HIV⁺.  His doctors faced must have been a picture, as his next GP a appointment he was HIV⁻.  Medics do my them Oswald names for the same condition.  Intended to confuse the news of the cure.

Basically 2012 the whole world went HIV⁻.  Which left the drug company is desperately scratching around for surviving AIDs patients, who might still need the defective and fatal AIDs treatments.

After about five years they gave up!  They could find no AIDs₂.  Searching for the disease so they knew was globally cured, probably transgress is the doctors Hippocratic N oath.

But we can also have that cancers would cured 2002.  But it talk until 2020 four the cure two by person in applied by everybody on earth.  Maybe even some good doctors using the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.

The drug company is frantically still searching for surviving cancer patients.  The disease that use to kill 1/3 of humanity, totally eradicated from were are by 2020.  Cancers have stopped forming!

Doctors took the opportunity to continue with the defective biochemical cancer treatments, and till the cancer patients were dead.  My ideas own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit at home.  The 1 minute external total cure to all cancers.

Costing 0.0004 cents.  Which is why medicine and did not embrace the cancer cure when published by the national institute of health.  Though every registered Dr. Promised to validate and use best new medical science.

But we're cancers so psychopathic individuals have continued in the illegal medical practice, and so they were retired or dead.  Struck off doctors stripped instantly of all medical wages and pension.

Getting 25 years in high security prison for every medicated cancer death they have so callously an needlessly produced.  Having validated by 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit cleared all cancers.

Drug company is were incredulous!  Surely can cure all cancers.  After all the work 200 different types.  All forced to divide in the foreign single cell fashion, waiting to acquire some viral RNA to transform the precancerous cluster into full growing cancer.

The rest or the genome irrelevant.  So all cancers as have ever existed, or ever cord totally cured.  But if doctors using 8 W ultrasound ½ minute each side the chest, they stop the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

2010 I had validated that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied externally each side of the head, totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

Freely published on the Internet: again having to V practically confirmed by and use by every registered Dr. On earth theoretically.  They preferred describing B fatal and mightily irrelevant biochemical treatments.

Smiling as her patient's died needlessly from mental health diseases.  Are you detecting a common theme here?

To cure the flow of common cold which so ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of her patient's chest.  The 1 minute total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.  Which share the same foreign inflated cell structure with all the cancers the where eradicated by 2020.

Which is very puzzling!  That Health Services around the world still employed high paid doctors and consultants.  To still a fine AB biochemical cancer treatments which have been defective and fatal medicine from 2002.

Intentionally killing the cancer patients within two years.  Academic medics are registered doctors, and prohibited globally from researching defective medicine like cancer Bio chemistry.

The major cost of the MHS and the 20th century use to be cancer medicine.  2024 and the energy is still employs cancer medics.  Though as doctors have fought on rich and record, cancer stopped forming globally 2020.

Totally extinct within the UK from 2024.  And the major cost of running the MHS is the irrelevant and spurious cancer medicine.  And drug company is and doctors have lost 80% other income.

Which explains why doctors have suddenly retired.  If a prescribe the defective biochemical cancer treatment drugs just omce since 2002 or they were struck off.

Stripped of all medical wages subsequently and any future pension entitlement.  Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each medicated cancer patient death they so callously produced using a Bio chemistry.

Having the proven 8 W ultrasound device unused in the nursing office.  That was a cured all cancers and viruses.

So this is winter 2024, and now we can cure all winter viral and bacterial infections including Covid24 and the common cold using one session of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.

The medical name for the regular seasonal flu is Covidxx.  Where xx are the last two digits of the upcoming winter season.  So the Covids19 vaccinations predictably obsolete only six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime.

So never a licensed human medicine.  Shockingly having a counter productive effect on later flu strains.  As personally experience for my mother, who will insist on letting her GP vaccinated with the obsolete only legal Covid19 vaccination.

And the stopping the counter productive vaccination cycle, 2022.  Astra Zeneca it intentionally manufacture and sell all the while you to be defective and illegal Covid19 vaccination right until 2024.

As there is a 3.5 billion global citizens were illegally vaccinated with the unlicensed medication.  The expected medical death rate from the even unlicensed vaccination is one in 200.

So the Covid19 vaccination intentionally killed in excess of 17 million global citizens.  The drug company is trying to develop a vaccination to cancers.  Which of the specific to one cancer!

But no registered Dr. Allowed to research alternative treatments for already cured diseases.  And as there are no global cancer patients anymore, impossible to research a vaccination to a nonexistent disease.

And drug company is are only do medical research using registered doctors.  Prohibited since 2002 in doing any biochemical cancer work.  Or the Dr. and drug company struck off without argument.


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