cure your own flu

Flu all gone

2002 am Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published the use a one session of high intensity ultrasound to clear inflated cell structures such as cancer and viruses.  And freely published the results!

The drug companies rushed around and 2010 and three medical professors talk early retirement.  In discussed as other medics around the world wooden adopt the life saving medicine.

They found that e.g. one application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, I applied externally to where it hurt, would cause the inflated cells of cancer to boil and rupture.  They it could not explain why.

2000 and I was doing PH D work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  And we realise that the ultrasound scans of cancer cells, at 5 W 40 kHz causes just the cancer cells to emit X rays.  We thrashed out the equations.

The pressurise cells common to all cancers were doing nuclear fusion and and the application of ultrasound.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS=8W 1 or 3 MHz

Every registered Dr. On earth was legally, strained by their Hippocratic oath.  They had to acquire their 8 W three MHZ unit from the Moffitt for $10,000, and confirm the cancer cure.

The Moffitt Paper cancer and prostate cancer, year the doctors confirmed he works for all 200 types of human cancer out there 2000.  So every cancer that is ever existed or potentially would ever exist totally cured.  By 1 minute of external HIUS.

This made biochemical cancer treatments defective medicine.  Intentionally causing the patient death in two agonising, expensive years.  One application of HIUS and the cancer gone in 1 minute.

I acquired an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit for 45 UK pounds.  No costing below five UK pounds.  And after my PH D work was abruptly and inexplicably ended, I cured fever my church health group of breast, lung and colon cancers.

2010 I found that ½ minute of my 8 W one MHZ unit, would clear all viral and bacterial infections.  The people would be yank away as experience warming.  The infection structure boil had and ruptured - as 1,

And it works for both viral and bacterial structures.  Which have a foreign inflated cell nature: I use bacterial infections are require a cell wall as the immune system mistakenly coffee as they genome, I thinking it was their health four structure.

Which is why infections are void doing cell damage for three days.  As it is a big way System to immune system, to secrete and action the active antibody to the new cell type locally.

What the Moffitt had done was actually genius!  As Dr. MatZinger postulated by now or cancer in danger model 1998, the immune system sore the news cell type, but did not launch an immune assault until he did cell damage.

Here of plasma 8 W ultrasound, and the cancer cell boils and ruptures.  And the these systems secrete the active antibody to the novel helium pathogen genome.  They tell of its a viral or bacterial cells for destruction by the T cells the macrophages.

Apply he ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest causes local viral or bacterial structures to boil in the same way as I of cancers did.  Body cells are more flaccid, so only experience ultrasound burns at higher power levels.  As you may guess I used to work in non destructive testing using ultrasound.

And was familiar will vary the rubber suit to guard against ultrasound burns.  Deep tissue burns are not nice!

So we are square the circle.  We have made the fast growing cancer cells look dangerous to the immune system.  Who then launch an immune assault to clear that dangerous cell type from the body.

I wrote this idea up about AIDs 2008, as the Moffitt Paper the referenced the clearance of viruses.  Non am I gay acquaintances had HIV fortunately.  Brett in New York 2012 was HIV⁺.  HIV and AIDs also virus.

Medicine just like source for names for the same infection, making it seem either R mortal causes for enormous.  They are the same viral structure.

And broken for ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cause the boiling of AIDs cells in the bedroom.  Or anywhere in the house - he did not tell me.

He did tell me that the choice of five days to arrive from China.  And 1 minute to use.  His next GP appointment he was fully discharged from all AIDs medicine.  Which share the idea with the world, and HIV vanished in two weeks.

The psychopathic former doctors were still illegally prescribing AIDs treatments and till 2018.  There first prescription of the treatments after I work 2012, was there last day as a registered legal Dr..

Why the cancer doctors who prescribed biochemical cancer treatments after 2002, the struck off all the future prescriptions invalid and illegal.  No registered pharmacist should have filled the drug orders.

To cure the regular flu all strains, it is only necessary to apply a an 8 W one MHZ unit over the Internet.  This year we're on Covid24.  Which the drug companies have renamed as SARS-Co2 omicron.  The 10th variant of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) viruse.

It is usual is just the drug company is trying to complicate staff.  This is the regular influenza bug.  Which is to is caused ice usual by Covid24: the 28 digits being that year's winter.  A new version declared every 1st of October.

I use the standard 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound ½ minute each side my chest to clear my Covid19, November 2019.  One month after its superseded the previous year's Covid18.

So all Kevin strains cleared by the usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of a person's chest as they fill an infection coming on.  Doesn't specifically need to be the flu.  He can be any viral or bacterial infection.

But the infection are concerned today for cheekily in Wales and Scotland, is the seasonal flu.  Those has outbreaks every winter in the northern hemisphere!

Patients go into hospital can be given 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to the chest, than nurse using the Dr. validated 8 W ultrasound unit, planned to clear all types of cancer.

½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys was medically published 2013, as a cure to coronary heart disease.  2025 he will also clear heart rhythm problems.

I found out 2010 and that ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest of pancreas, clear type two diabetes.  Like for my church friend, mother and stepfather.  My friends wrongly attributed the miraculous cure to the Christie cancer hospital.

There were just prescribing metformin.  Medically proven to treat type two diabetes defector leave for a decade before the patient died.  Never curing diabetes!  In the same ANC and is defective medicine also fatal within a decade for type one diabetes.

So now the practice nurse can cure all flu in 1 minute.  There is no patient intolerance or allergy to ultrasound.  It does not interact with any other Bio chemistry the patient is being prescribed.

Who will come by their own 8 W one MHZ unit, and cure all infections as home.  Which is so obviously best!  Prescribing metformin insulin cause of diabetic death within a decade.

Now all diabetes is cured, no registered Dr. Can prescribe metformin or EC and anymore.  No Dr. Is either allowed to research biochemical treatments to the regular flu.

As medicine prohibits alternative cures all treatments to already cured diseases.  And don't the drug companies hate it.  They have a lined up the seasonal flu as outbreak economic replacement as all cancers would cured from 2002.

Registered Dr. Nurse struck off if they failed to use HIUS to cure cancers..Is reported 2020 that all cancers had stopped forming.  And the psychopathic cancer drug prescribing doctors have all taken early retirement.

The struck off doctors are are entitled to no medical wages of pension!  And so now all flu curable in 1 minute as home.  Without Dr. Intervention or drug use.

The same 8 W ultrasound device I applied ½ minute each side the chest also clears all strains of the common cold.  With Covid and the common cold changing too quickly for vaccinations to keep up with.

Any Covid vaccination automatically obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime legally required.  So never a licensed human medicine.  Any Dr. Giving unlicensed medicines, with the usual fatality rate of one in 200 killed by vaccination, the struck off.

This trait immaterial to HIUS.  Which cures all types and strains of viral and bacterial infections as home.  No drug company involvement required.


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