AIDs cured 2012
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HIV = hoistpory |
1988 I suffered 30% brain damage in a car accident. The doctors doubted the the totally beyond two weeks. Thanks to the massive physically Physio and medical therapy, after 18 months I was discharged go home. Finding myself married to a great friend.
Two years a man only have been surgically removed by my car crash. Including the start of my marriage. We have a great love affair, and she stuck around for three years.
Till she saw her walking around surviving. And she cut loose. Published her mother's instigation. No man to go on again, devoting a crippled husband who survived a near fatal car accident, is not usually seen as a good thing to do.
The saw her 10 months ago, and she learns that my second wife died as a resource for multiple sclerosis. Not a good story for either of us. No 60 neither always have produced children.
2000 and I was back at Sheffield University at the suggestion of my all professor. He remembered that I have been a very bright student. The accident had slowed me down! But after six months I was back on track.
Myself and my PH D supervisor were interested that ultrasound scans of cancers give off X rays. To which there is no chemical source! We were doing nuclear fusion on earth.
At 31° C are four atmospheres pressure. I was in touch with Dr. MatZinger from the national institute of health. And I had quite a learning curve to learn about cancer and warm traumatic injuries are my brain accident.
The centre of the idea that higher power ultrasound might be useful cancer treatment. The idea reverberated far Harvard to the Moffitt cancer centre.
Who 2002 published the use of High Intensity UltraSound as a total one session cure to the hardened cell structures like cancer and viruses.
Cancer and viruses have to have a foreign inflated cell structure, to induce viral type cell replication all the cancer all viral cells. Which he interestingly enough the divide in a viral fashion.
The cancer there are only because fall cancer, as the precancerous cluster the acquire some viral RNA from all four viral infection to be cure for cancers.
After the Moffitt Paper every registered Dr. On earth had to verified and then use the new medical science. The Moffitt published the use of 1 minute of 8 W 3 MHz ultrasound externally, as a one session total cure to cancers.
I verified the work using an 8 W 1 MHz unit. Costing under five UK pounds today. 2000 costing 45 UK pounds.
. The Moffitt wanted $10,000 for three MHZ unit. Due to my frequent blocking about the total cancer cure, the Moffitt cancer hospital chain shut down. The library is at Berkeley University. And they were awarded the 1915 noble prize for ultrasound curing all cancers.
Every registered Dr. Had to validate and using medicine. Or be struck off and totally remove them cells from legal medicine for ever. My PH D supervisor Dr Z, had a double first from Columbia.
His uncle had published the idea of using the turbulent flow of high pressure water to the room temperature nuclear fusion. He are have published the work on an ultrasound cell giving off X rays as they did nuclear fusion 1976.
Choir possibly the most important scientific idea I had ever heard! I learned in the form years that cancers and viruses have a foreign inflated cell structure. To induce viral type replication.
So of course High Intensity UltraSound cured cancers. The Moffitt did the initial work on prostate cancer.
To 1002 and a every registered Dr. On earth acquire the 8 W 3 MHZ unit, and verify the 1 minute of external HIUS clear all cancers. But they were financially dependent on the drug company is based drug royalties, or gift to university medical schools to research cancer Bio chemistry.
There is stopping doctors prescribing the no defective cancer biochemical treatments, proved to be nearly impossible. Even after intervention from the New England Medical journal.
And I mentioned above that I had had input from Harvard and also Cambridge Universities. So Hippocratic N oath swearing medics, will quite prepared to apply the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical treatments.
Intentionally killing the patient in two years. Even after they had personally validated the 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound cleared all cancers in 1 minute.
A total cure involving no repeat medication. So no money for the doctors! The money from cancer Bio chemistry constituted 80% of the economic income of doctors and drug companies.
That he is worth remembering that every registered Dr. Had a storming promised, to strike themselves off the same day there first knowingly applied defective medicine. The first of biochemical prescription after they verified the Moffitt work 2002, constitutes intentional prescription of defective an intentionally fatal medicine for profit.
And the National Medical regulators keep the prescription records are doctors on record for a century. Each and every one's registered Dr. Who prescribed cancer biochemical drugs after 2002, the struck off without legal argument.
Tragically doctors are the most persuasive people on earth. Talking away around him the high level lawyers like at the European Court of human rights, who had to have legal supremacy to National Medical regulators.
So every Dr. Has prescribed cancer biochemical drugs from 2002, C so same day to be a registered Dr.. Losing Health Insurance all subsequent medical practice was illegal and an insured.
And of course the Dr. lawyers at the National Medical regulators, have the legal imperative to strike off every biochemical cancer drug prescribing Dr.. Which they did not do! Presumably due to a financial payment made by the drug companies.
To circumvent the Hippocratic oath. But it is professional oath on the planet.
My PH D had a ended abruptly with no explanation. But they carried on my interest in nuclear fusion and medical matters. And the Moffitt Paper invoked the cure of viruses using HIUS.
2008 I wrote up the use of ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest to clear HIV/AIDs. But thankfully non am I gay friends had HIV. 2012 I heard from Brett in New York, who was HIV positive.
Remember here the Dr Z has a double first from Columbia University New York. Which was the world centre for AIDs infections.
He was his own 8 W 1 MHz device and applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest in the manner I described. I had four of the idea. Invoking Albert Einstein 'imagination is more important than knowledge'.
I have been a little disappointed that I was not a Dr. Practically proved my ideas firstly. Though very relieved this meant that non am I gay friends had AIDs.
It took five days to get the 8 W ultrasound massage unit over the Internet from China. An interesting five days! I was very nervous. Brett was also nervous but excited.
The device arrived, and you apply the fall strength ultrasound as I had recommended, each side use chest. He did not tell me if he felt a little warming. That would have been the expected result.
But he lived in New York, so would not even really have noticed. He saw his GP within the week. Who gave him a HIV test. For which he will have charged 25 UK pounds.
He was HIV⁻. And became the first person in the world to be cured deliberately of HIV. There had been the or spontaneous chatare cure a of HIV. Where a child forward infection produce a danger signal, that invoked the immune system to target foreign cell types in the body.
And very occasionally cure AIDs. Brett was different. No infection involved. He use the 8 W ultrasound device with the intent of curing his HIV. And it had worked.
I got the involve the same day and was absolutely delighted! Though obviously we do not get to share a bottle of champagne. The 5000 mile difference prevented that!
So I had taken the Moffitt idea and applied it to AIDs. They are focused on cancers, though also mentioned the cure of viruses. Both foreign inflated cell types.
The medical world never celebrated more of Peter will cure of AIDs. We shared our work with the world and HIV died out within two weeks.
Though mysteriously suppose the registered medics were still prescribing the medically inoperative, but fatal within 10 years AIDs treatments until 2018. That the cost of $5000 a year. For medicine which had no rational purpose!
I always give some the greater the New England Medical journal. Though obviously Harvard and the Moffitt, plus the an age where involved.
The first of all the ideas of Dr. Z from Sheffield University. Who is E. Morley personally ask into year no credit for the cancer cure. As universities of beholden to the finance is medicine give to their medical school, to research the now unethical and illegal biochemical cancer drugs.
Without money university is are probably all insolvent. Side to this work from the office at salford quays. If I have still been at Sheffield University it will all have been wrapped up by 2004.
Every medicated AIDs death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. The prescribing Dr. Getting a 25 year jail term in high security prison. For each medicated cancer and aids death.
The legal and financial penalty for a ignoring the total cancer and even HIV cures, is a matter for the lawyers. The quarter century jail term for each unnecessary medicated death, the inevitable consequence of signing the Hippocratic oath.
But Sheffield never did give me a PH D for my work on nuclear fusion. Which leads inevitably to the cure of cancers and HIV. After 30% brain damage! I should not even have been alive.
And the personal minute I use my 8 W 1 MHz device ½ minute each side my chest, to clear my seasonal flu November 2019. Later referred to by the medics by its medical name of Covid19.
This high us application to the chest bring the total cure of all viral and bacterial infections. Hence the issue Roddick at Corona are ours from the world 2018. And then was personally confirmed to clear all strains of the seasonal flu 2019.
Any Dr. Prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, are struck off without legal argument. Even there doctors cannot argue with their Hippocratic oath. Absolute more beyond legal contention.
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