vaccinations kill
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1 in 200 vaccinated to death |
Medics realise from the 1950s the wind 20Covid0 people die from a vaccination. An infection must be worse than that, to be legal.
Just 3.5% are people die every year from the seasonal flu and. Which affects one in 7 of the population. A vaccination kills 0.5% of the vaccinated. So the flow kills may be 0.4% of people.
And your name to vaccinate 100% of the population. Making a vaccination to the seasonal flu worse than the disease. So the medically prohibited since a 1930s.
In 2002 the world's leading Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.
America was no salts to all fuel the fact, by calling the seasonal flu priced medical name of Covid. Though number being last two digits of that year's upcoming winter.
So Covid19 was just the regular seasonal flu for 2019. For whatever reason Astra Zeneca defied medical law and produce a vaccination so Boselli to Covid.
So so measles mumps and rubella scandal of the 1980s, medics had realized that vaccinations were intentionally fatal medicine. And they learned that the MMR vaccination had a higher fatality rate than the disease is he was meant to protect against.
How to set a 40 argent who vaccinated, them or die do the MMR vaccine there were no die from measles mumps and rubella.
2002 and the world renown Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to prostate cancer and viruses. But could not explain how it worked!
As researching nuclear fusion at Sheffield University, I realise that the emission of X rays where we apply ultrasound to cancer is could only mean we are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray
Tragically physics and medicine do not talk. Then use their got two it was engineers working the joint replacements: and I used to work in titanium forging. So a joint replacements was something I might have got involved in.
The Moffitt used 8 W three MHZ ultrasound and family clears the inflated cell structure common to all cancers. To induce viral type cell replication all the cancer infected body cells.
This explains why are applying ultrasound to all viral structures in the body, also causes the emission of X rays. I can sue to my friend or the national institute of health, that High Power UltraSound might be used to restrict cancer growth.
2002 and the world renown Moffitt cancer centre published 100% cancer cure. Which is confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth to clear all 200 types or cancer, plus viral infections.
So retrospectively HIUS cures all cancers and viruses. It also clears the inflated bacterial structure common to all bacterial infections. They like viruses can only divide and grow if they have an inflated cell structure.
Medicine is fantastically reluctant to consider all 200 types of human cancer were cures 2000. Physically as it was found that HIUS applied externally also cures all viruses.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound. The external application will cure all infections.
½ minute each side the chest is a convenient way to clear the viral and bacterial infections. Which turn to spread through the lungs. 1 minute to a viral infection organ will clear the virus. In the same way that 1 minute clears all cancers.
So a non invasive way to cure all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. Which requires no Dr. Intervention or drugs. And doctors and drug company is hate that! As a removes 80% other income. All the patients get better from cancers or infections.
Doctors idea, 'screw the patients, I won the income from cancer or infection medication'. Which only they could prescribe. Only registered pharmacist and nurses dispense and apply.
So 2002 every registered Dr. On earth confirmed the 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally clear all cancers. Which mysteriously has never been conceded by drug companies!
The doctors are constrained to only use best medicine, so 1 minute of HIUS was found to clear all 200 types or cancer 2000. And void 2020 doctors so part on rich and record all cancers have ceased forming around the world.
Drug companies went into overdrive, trying to suppose that knowledge escaping to the general population. Who was sudden were not die from cancers!
2024 and the drug company is have RE focused all viral and bacterial infections. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
So people can cure all infections as home using their own 8 W one MHZ unit. Not bothering to see a Dr. or cancer drug prescription! They pharmacists are not allowed in more to prescribe cancer or infection medication.
They are getting doctors to stop prescribing the knowingly defective medicine has proved almost impossible. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears all infections.
Just as it cures all cancers that ever existed. And curing viral infections. The development of new cancer cell types.
2024 and doctors have pretended the 600 Americans die from new forms of cancer. No they didn't do! All cancers cured by the usual 1 minute of external HIUS.
The daughters protest those of been a medically validated double blind trial of HIUS: he was for ever doctors deliver the exclude them cells from medicine. This the everybody just got better from cancers, and our viral and bacterial infections.
The world has changed. And doctors and drug company is are no longer involved in the health business. Utilisation of an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound device curing all cancers and infections in 1 minute.
The world medics are obsessed with giving of all vaccinations. That with a medicate the whole of population, even if they never experience the infection.
There were 200 of them will die deliberately from the vaccination. Good doctors must use cells and virus! Vaccinations are the least for ever medical intervention.
As they kill one in 200 of the healthy innocent individuals vaccinated. Were naked profits of the Dr. and drug companies.
Embarrassingly enough it was covered in '1984' by George Orwell. Who in 1948 version there Winston Smith, trying to a void the regular vaccinations promoted by the drug companies. For their own naked profit!
To be honest I have a intrigued. That the required reading from O level English, unless you tell people that vaccinations were intentionally fatal medicine. The people who read the book were not tuned in, to note is the warning about avoiding regular vaccinations.
The medical world has cease calling the seasonal flu Covid. As the general population have eyes total fact the flu strain has a new version every 1st of October.
They are now calling it SARS -Susan more acute respiratory syndrome. Like AIDs was acquired immune deficiency syndrome. My very New York cleared his HIV, using the standard ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side use chest.
The most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in human history, cures by 1 minute of HIUS. The total cure to all viruses including Covid and the common cold. Covid the in just the regular seasonal flu.
Also are totally cured by ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side the chest. No Dr. Intervention or drugs required. Remember the Covid vaccination, automatically obsolete in counter productive only six months into a two year legally required drug testing regime.
Immediate Dr. giving just one Covid vaccination required to strike the cells off that afternoon. Ceasing draw a medical wage of future pension.
Registered doctors are not be allowed to research a vaccination to a cured infection. Any vaccination they produce, will be obsolete and counter productive during drug testing.
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