Medics cured all viral and bacterial infections without drugs

No drug cold cure

2002 and doctors at the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, I applied wallet termed high intensity ultrasound, to the base so man's torso over the prostate gland.  And clear prostate cancer and viruses.

Without argument the most important medicine ever!  Published by world renown cancer clearhospital.  They utilised 8 W three MHZ ultrasound for 1 minute.  I have firstly validated the far cheaper 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound is as effective.

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They wanted $10,000 for three MHZ unit, the one MHZ unit can be purchased for under five UK pounds today.  In fact such units are costing about two UK pounds.

This all came about as myself and Dr. Z were intrigued that ultrasound of cancers give off X rays.  And free use miniscule bubbles of helium and oxygen gases.  Medics who actually found her to do molecular nuclear fusion, in the 1880!

1 H₂O+P+US→He↑+O↑+E+X-ray

So nuclear fusion from molecular hydrogen, at room temperature and only moderate pressure pressure: cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, require a site the pressurised cell nature, to induce infected cell replication.

So all cancers have a foreign pressurise cell nature!  2002 every registered Dr. On earth confirmed the Moffitt Paper on prostate cancer.  And then went on to find it works for all 200 types or cancer out there.

I had firstly use 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound, and to totally cleared breast, lung and colon cancers in 1 minute.  The Moffitt used 8 W three MHZ.  I replicate are worthy of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.

The patents for ultrasound were owned by physics.  But expired 125 years ago.  By using ultrasound, then makes it utilises published public domain physics.

The Moffitt swear that important, as over the world renown cancer hospital chain.  And they had just published the total cure to all cancers.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied externally.

Verified by every registered Dr. On earth 2002.  Who is then required to stop utilising their defective the intentionally fatal, a biochemical treatments.  Which kill the cancer patient in two agonising, expensive years.

Which there the Dr. and drug company so much money!  But now or every Dr. On earth have personally validated the one session total cancer cure using HIUS.

It made the foreign pressurise cell structure common to all cancers, that dangerous to the body.  I am indebted here to Dr. MatZinger for her ideas on cancer and the danger model.

Cancer growth and control Lee for that high in your body cells does not look dangerous to the human body.  Which sees the foreign cell type, but does nothing.

One external application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to where it hurts, causes some other primary foreign cancer cells, to boil and rupture.  The immune system sees that distinct cell type as dangerous.

It secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the foreign cell type totally from the body.  Plus 2002 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound makes immune system C the exploding cell type as dangerous.  And now much easier action to clear from the body and brain.

I was intrigued of at the Moffitt Paper the referenced viruses, which share the same pressurise cell structure to induce viral type single cell replication.  So 2008 I wrote up the idea about high and and 50 W 40 kHz ultrasound applied ½ minute each side the chest totally clearing AIDs.

2012 my contact in New York state of and bared my paper.  And got in touch.  On

I advised him to use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  He bought the unit over the Internet from China.  It arrived in five days.  ½ minute of fall strength of 8 W ultrasound either side the chest clears HIV AIDs.  I do not know if you also give ½ minute each side of the head.  Not strictly necessary - the immune system clears the distinct AIDs cell type throughout the body.

We know cures the most pernicious viral infection history in 1 minute.  Sharing the idea with the world, AIDs vanished in two weeks: the than the drug company is proclaimed as a suddenly a new effective biochemical cure.

There was a one session physical cure to all viruses.

The seasonal flu and the common cold have new strains every six months.  It would take six months to produce a vaccination.  Which are then into a two year legally required drug testing regime.  Before he was a legal human medicine.

Obsolete in counter productive within six months.  So never licensed!  Any Dr. Giving just one defective vaccination struck off and totally remove from legal medicine.

I use the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound, to each side of my chest to clear my seasonal flu November 2019: which is subsequently referred to have eyes medical name of Covid19.  Covid has been causing the seasonal flu since 1934.

A new version every year.  So medics are prohibited research or application of a Covid vaccination since 1934.  As cancers are cured 2002, Astra Zeneca was desperate for a new source of income.

So persuade the world that he could produce an effective vaccination against Covid.  Just not possible a legal!  Not even necessary.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W ultrasound each side the chest clearing all strains of the care of it and the common cold: the common cold just being the regular virus!  Winter 2024 every global newspaper should be our prize in every day is to purchase an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit,

I apply for ½ minute each side of a person's chest, this will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  No obsolete and counterproductive vaccination even legal.

50 individuals the year die from the seasonal flu.  Now nobody need die!  ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest, totally curing all infections.

There is no tolerance to HIUS.  It targets the inflated nature of viral and bacterial infections.  Which require an inflated nature to induce infective structure replication.

There is no application with any Bio chemistry the individual may be using.  And there is no allergy to ultrasound.  It is the perfect medicine!  And let us not forget the units cost under five UK pounds today.

And will cure all viral and bacterial infections for a group of friends of family members.  Health Centres have the 8 W three MHZ unit, Dr. Validated to clear all 200 types or cancer in 1 minute.

Curing all viruses stops the development of cancers.  So ½ minute of HIUS to the chest cures all infections.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia and other diseases of age.

I discovered 2010 and that ½ minute of my 8 W ultrasound, each side ahead totally cured MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other mental health issues.

Doctors had December mental health was incurable, and was their big income stream into the future; now they cancers, heart disease and diabetes were all cured.

I discovered that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the pancreas cleared type two diabetes, for my mother and stepfather.  Plus a diabetic friend in my church health group.

I also postulated 2010 and that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest should clear all heart problems.  Medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease.

I did not know about secondary coronary heart disease.  Cause five bacterial or pressurise structure around the kidneys.  In the same whether diabetes is caused by pressurised viral altered structure in the pancreas.

The same idea will cure all heart rhythm problems.  Which medics are especially irritated at!  As no registered Dr. Is any more allowed to research cancers, heart disease, diabetes or dementia.

From the dates of those diseases are cured.  So no biochemical cancer research since 2002.  The there every registered Dr. On earth validated that HIUS cured all cancers in one session.

Making the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments intentionally defective and fatal medicine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company without argument.  So every cancer death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  The prescribing Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.

The same fancy as as for cancer of biochemical drug prescriptions since 2002.  Which probably affects every registered Dr. On earth!  His Hippocratic N dictates that they are removed instantly and for ever from legal medicine.

The only diseases that generator and economic income are cancer, heart disease and diabetes.  The rest or money runs at a loss.  Keir Starmer's big election pledge was to return or medical world so the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments.

Which were rendered defective an intentionally fatal medicine 2002.  Locally Keir Starmer does not get to prescribe prescription medication.  And no registered Dr. should ever have prescribed knowingly defective and fatal medicine.

Legally a medically required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register, the first time they deliberately prescribed knowingly defective medicine.  And every Dr. Confirmed the 100% cancer cure offered by HIUS 2002.

And only prescribe biochemical treatments there was a financially lucrative.  Though the resulted in the inevitable death of the cancer patient within two years.  The most criminal medicine in recorded history.

The ultimate health headline the newspapers around the world.  Who have been very reluctant to carry stories on the total cancer cure.  Allowing doctors to medicate their readers to early, agonising and expensive death.

The worst medical malpractice in recorded history.  In carrying a fine of 10 million UK pounds for every inevitable cancer patient death within two years.

My doctors' pens would have been horrified to any individual!  Yet as they enter medical practice they mysteriously left their ethics and humanity behind.  And joined to the rest or medicine in intentionally medicating cancer patients to the same two year inevitable death.

The worst medicine in recorded history.  My cure of AIDs went by 2012 without medical acknowledgement.  Even Dr Z says nothing.  As she reasoned he was a Dr. Of chemical and process engineering.

Winter 2024 and people can buy a an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet.  The memory the 150 W 40 kHz also works.  And cure all viral and bacterial infections as individuals fill the honors coming on.

No Dr. or defective drugs involved.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and mental health problems in the new year.  IA total revolution in human health.

Doctors and the NHS not involved.  And certainly not the defective drug companies.


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