Curing the Welsh disease outbreak

All winter bugs fixed

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  As explained below.

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2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published a single application of what the termed High Intensity UltraSound, to totally clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

Every registered Dr. On earth rushed to acquire the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the Moffitt cancer paper.  For earlier to have validated the article our earliest opportunity, would have struck a off the Dr. and involved drug company.

This exciting medical department will is carried by magazines around the world.

Cancer: Solving an age-old problem

Nature › outlook

by B Dunn · 2012 · Cited by 39 — Cancer has been around since before the first humans walked the Earth. Fossilized dinosaur bones show evidence of tumours, and archaeologists ...

So this article was 12 years old.  I have a copy of the Moffitt Paper in my desk drawer.  It was dated 2002.  An covered the clearance of cancers and viruses.  All 200 types of human cancer.

All medical schools validated the Moffitt Paper.  And then was, strained from teaching are examining the medical students on the no defective biochemical treatments.

HIUS works by causing the inflated cancer cells to boil and rupture.  The cancer cells must be inflated, to do viral type single cell replication.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Ultrasound NG cancers causes emission of X rays.  Of which there is no biochemical source.  As rupture the inducing biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Any high school physics department can have validate molecular nuclear fusion, using an ultrasound emitter to cause the fantastically rapid boiling of water,

A one metre flask of regular water boils in under a minute with 2 kW ultrasound.  This also have ultrasound applied to do non destructive testing examinations.  The emission of X rays can be verified by the physics department Geiger counter.  The regular water was not radioactive before the ultrasound,

Viruses use their own genome to induce viral infected cell replication, they divide in a viral fashion.  As employer by all cancers - as they move from the inactive precancerous cells, to four cancer as a acquire the viral RNA.

That bacterial infections also all foreign inflated cell nature.  To induce the B cells of the immune system to copy their genome and give it a minimal cell wall.  A processor stops after three days as the bacterial structure starts doing cell damage to regular body cells.

By then the individual may have are fatal bacterial load in the blood stream.  2010 I firstly validated that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side the chest cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends and family.

The ultrasound devices costing under five UK pounds over the Internet, and the hospital admission to regain the course of fungal antibiotics, is defective and potentially fatal medicine.

Who below allergies to antibiotics, and infections have found a way around these medicines.  There is no vision allergy to ultrasound and no infection has developed tolerance to the nuclear fusion set off by ultrasound initiating nuclear fusion in the inflated cell.

So for under five UK pounds, people in Wales can cure themselves using ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the chest.  The NHS is still depend on the defective biochemical treatments, that will rendered obsolete an defective 2002.

As the Moffitt Paper was published, they covered in the all there National Medical magazines.  The National Medical regulators so only got packed out with practicing doctors funded by the drug industry, who was the brake on the adoption of HIUS to totally clear all cancers.

It is not restricted to a narrow range of cancers.  All cancers share the same non native inflated cell structure.  1 minute of 8 W ultrasound clearing all cancers,

For all viral and bacterial infections, people are choir prepared to use the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, in every nursing office in every health centre in the world.  Or of medicine their own unit over the Internet.

Totally clear all viral and bacterial infections for a group of family members or friends, no Dr. or drugs interaction required,

And in any high school physics department can verify that the ultrasound NG of regular water, sets off nuclear fusion.  Causing rapid boiling, and the emission of X ray radiation.

The drug company is desperately using the residual funds, to try and buy off the adoption of HIUS.

Walsh NHS house declare a critical emergency today.  For the predictable winter outbreak of infections.  There happens every year!

But this year we know that ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest, causes all infections to boil and rupture.  The patient's own immune system then secreting an actioning the human antibody to clear whatever infection you have.

And there is no two year wait for a foreign antibody to be medically licensed.  Which are probably as he is going to be obsolete only six months in two the drug testing regime.

So all infections cured as home.  Which stops the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and mental health problems.

The cancer cure was medically published by world leading cancer hospital chain, 2002.  Firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth: or the Dr. was struck off.

A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every medicated cancer death since 2002.  The Dr. receiving 25 year jail term in high security prison, for every medicated cancer patient death.

Doctors published a 30 patient double blind trial into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys as a total one session cure to coronary heart disease.  Which vanished from the world 2013.  The same idea will also clear heart rhythm problems.

No Dr. Is allowed to develop drugs for non existent diseases.  As the disease no longer exists, no research work he is even possible.  Globally prohibited by the doctors Hippocratic oath.

So rather than cured or in your car or outside the NHS accident and emergency departments, by your own 8 W one MHZ unit.  ½ minute each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

Stopping the development of cancer and the diseases of age.  So fantastically cheap to use, it is almost free once you have the device.

Health Centres have the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, Dr. Validated to clear all cancers.  The same device will clear all infections - ½ minute or less to each side of the chest.

No Dr. or drugs intervention required.  So all the Welsh people already have a an infection outbreak, then clear them cells as home in 1 minute.  Faster than the drive to the nearest hospital.


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