All viruses cured

Cancer and viruses cured

It was known in the 1920s that ultrasound scans of the body at 5 W 40 kHz cause the emission of X rays from cancers and viruses.  This was incredible science.

Diagnostic Imaging Dataset Statistical Release

https://wwwNHS England › sites › 2023/05


18 May 2023 — The medianfor Ultrasounexample period for the report to be issued after the test in January 2023 ranged from the same day , d, for to 3 days ...

This arose as the inflated structure common to all cancers and viruses, caused biological molecular nuclear fusion in the inflated foreign cell type.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray

So in 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scans they get the production macroscopic bubbles of helium and oxygen gases: is surgically removed cancer biopsies - or invisibly within the body.

And we get the emission of those troublesome and X rays.  Tragically medicine physics don't talk.  Otherwise physics would have realise am investigating the nuclear fusion going on with ultrasound.

2001 I was doing a PH D at Sheffield University, into nuclear fusion.  Myself for and Dr. Z realise the ultrasound scans were doing nuclear fusion on earth.  And 31.7° C and the only moderate pressure is-four atmospheres at a guess.

And sent my work ever to Dr. MatZinger than the national institute of health.  Still working within an institution analogies and immune diseases.

Medics don't have Geiger counters at hand, so it is inconceivable that nobody had noticed the emission of X rays.

2002 three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancers and viruses at one session.  Utilising 8 W three MHZ ultrasound.  I confirmed the work using 8 W 1 MHz.

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The cancer all viral cells have some all foreign inflated nature, just like infective bacterial structures, to induce viral type replication of cancers and viruses.  Bacteria trick the immune system into copying the inflated genome.

Medics have realised that both cancers and viruses give off X rays in ultrasound scans.  As all viral cells are static!  And there is no biochemical source X rays.

The Moffitt found that prostate cancer cells boil had and ruptured.  Giving the immune system the danger signal - or Dr. MatZinger had or validated 1998 the cancer is do not normally produce.

A danger signal be in the wake up signal to the immune system.  To clear the distinct dangerous cell type from the body.

Every registered Dr. On earth had to verify the Moffitt Paper 2002.  Enough and that the idea works for all 200 types of cancer out there.

Leading to the one session total cure of all cancers.  Using just 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound.  The medical industry went into a panic!

80% of drug company and Dr. Income was derived from biochemical treatments to cancers: which predictably induce a two year death of the unfortunate cancer patient.  But made the doctors so much money!

Just 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound proven to clear all cancers that have ever, or will ever exist.

2019 so all the drug industry concentrate their invective on Covid - the medical name for the seasonal flu.  Later termed SARS, as medicine realised in horror that all viruses cured by High Intensity UltraSound, just like cancers.

I mentioned above that infected bacterial structures share the same foreign inflated cell nature.  To induce infective structure replication.

2010 I confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest clear the 30 viral and bacterial infections my friends experienced.

We have a total infection cure!  Which utilises no drugs.  Vaccinations today takes six months to produce.  Since 1934 medicine has prohibited a vaccination but Covid flu all the common cold.

Who is viral family member is change too quickly.  So any vaccination automatically obsolete in counter productive part way through drug testing.

The care of it vaccination obsolete in counter productive only six months in two the two year legally required drug testing regime.  I do not understand why Astra Zeneca defied medical or and four so could vaccinate against Covid.

The Covid19 vaccination obsolete in counter productive only six months into their drug testing regime.  Astra Zeneca only stopped making the illegal unlicensed Covid19 vaccination March 2024.

Always unlicensed and obsolete!  Increasing the severity of the seasonal flu, and making more fatal.  5% fatality rate as opposed to 3.5% of an medicated flu.

Strong idiots have argued that the Covid pandemic alert issued by the world health organisation was valid.  It might have had a Trans Continental spread, due to infected people using air travel.  But it never was sufficiently fatal!

An medicated care of it has a 3.5% fatality rate.  Below the 5% to be a pandemic.  As the world health organisation must have known as the issue to the spurious pandemic alert.  Never a valid for the seasonal flu.

The medical world reacted to the cure of flu, by referring to the virus has Covidx.  Where the x is last two digits of the upcoming winter.  But like all viruses, totally cures by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

As I confirmed November 2019.  One month after its superseded Xovid19.  Am a totally cured my own seasonal flu using the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side my chest.

The standard medicine that will cure all cancers as have ever, or will ever exist.  Some the cancer primary cells boil and rupture.  Inducing the body wide immune action to clear that foreign distinct cell type from the body.

2024 and the self serving drug companies have declare 600 Americans had died last year from a new type of cancer.  No they are so obviously didn't!

As medics have utilised the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, ½ minute each side the chest to clear all viruses, no cancer can ever form.

And I have been blocking about this science for five years.  And all cancers shelf and that ultrasound scans.  Giving off power X rays.  So under 1 minute of external HIUS some other viral cells boil and rupture.

Again inducing a body wide immune action to clear that distinct cell type totally from the body.  Hooping cough has outbreaks every 3 to 5 years.  But as mentioned above it share is an inflated cell nature.

And transmits through the lungs.  Viral infections that transmits through the lungs, totally cleared by ½ minute of our 8 Watts ultrasound to the chest.  In truth, the articles on Hooping cough vanished into the ether.  As I have published the 1 minute cure to all bacterial infections freely on the Internet.

Medics have a real problem conceding cancers are cured, though the cure was published by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain 2002.  And doctors recorded that all cancers have stopped forming 2020.

The drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath, so are well aware of the total cancer cure.  Which they do not defect to acknowledge.

There the global population has his over 8.2 billion.  As 1/3 Duval world has ceased had died within two years and a biochemical cancer treatments.

And the Moffitt Paper the referenced the cure of viruses 2002.  Which I have personally confirmed 2010 with my friends.  Medicine has changed its focus to viruses as a future source of income.

So utterly disgusted that HIUS off as a one session total infection cure.  The carbon strain of the infective virus or bacteria immaterial.  All viruses totally cured without drugs.  Or Dr. Intervention.

And the cancer hospitals have shut down all diverted to other medicine.  As no registered Dr. Allowed to prescribe biochemical cancer treatments since 2002: or the Dr. and drug company struck off without legal argument.

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys is a one session total cure of all heart disease.  As published a 30 patient double blind trial by medics 2013.

2023 he will cure all heart rhythm problems.  I waited four years from medicine to invent another heart disease!  Heart rhythm problems have been killing since a 1930s.  A compromise and the world five pressure actually decreased is struck risks.

I also confirmed 2010 there ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, cleared type two diabetes.  Which I cure for my mother, stepfather and church friend.

My American diabetic contacts reported a three day delay in type one remitting.  2016 I validated that there 1 minute of HIUS to the chest totally cleared type one diabetes instantly.

Much 2023 doctors reported there all diabetes has stopped forming around the world.  Drug companies declare the intention to freeze better diabetic treatments: as in so metformin resulting the diabetic patients death within a decade.

As are no diabetics anymore on the earth, no registered Dr. Could two diabetes research.  It is medically impossible.  Resulting in the striking off of any Dr. and involved drug company.

We are now on Covid24 - which medics no coal by the medical name of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron.  Which remember is just the regular seasonal flu.  Cured by ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side of the chest.

Best done at home using an 8 W one MHZ unit.  No Dr. or drugs involved.


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