All cancers still extinct

Cancers ceased 2002 for ever!

Oath as discussed at length below, 2002 am Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all inflated cell structures.  Which includes all 200 types of cancer that existed.

It also clears the inflated cells all viral and bacterial infections.  So ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound as all infections at home with no Dr. or drugs interaction.  Just as 1 minute of the same HIUS totally clear all cancers that have ever or will ever exist.


2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial into High Intensity UltraSound clearing all types of cancer.  They initial paper doll to the JIUS prostate cancer and viruses, by every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W three MHZ unit, and confirmed that HIUS cleared all 200 types or cancer.

The Hippocratic oath, formed by all doctors plus higher up nurses and drug companies, require every registered medic to personally confirm the curative power of HIUS.  So by 2003 every global medic has confirmed the 100 per cent cancer cure.

Doctors started taking early retirement as medicine had just lost 80% of its income stream.  2013 ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys was found to totally clear coronary heart disease.  Which he can develop 15% of medical income.

The drug company is were practically frantic that 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound cleared all cancers.  That the usual approach will seduce minutes cancer cures as very limited.

Here however we tap into nuclear fusion.  Where the ultrasound interaction the pressurise cell types common to all viral and bacterial infections plus cancers, to form making the infected cell rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The Moffitt professors very frustrating that of the doctors would not adopt this 100% one session total cancer cure.  Which rendered biochemical cancer treatments as defective an intentionally fatal medicine within two years.

The reverse is were induced to take early retirement 2010.  By which time every registered Dr. On earth was fully aware that HIUS cured all cancers.

The drug company is played together papers taken off the Moffitt Internet site.  Which in itself is contrary to the Hippocratic oath.  Any cancer organisation deleting medically important documents of the Internet, remove them cells from legal medicine for ever.

A laugh he had reverted to prescribing the defective biochemical treatments.  Now the cat was air to the bag!  And doctors are using 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound externally to clear all cancers.

The most lethal and in my church health group 2010, there ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest and the pancreas, cleared type two diabetes instantly in one session.

My American diabetic contacts reported that type one diabetes only remitted in three days.  2016 I firstly validated the full minute of HIUS even cleared type one diabetes in 1 minute.

Medics part on record March 2023 that all diabetes has ceased around the world.  This is not stop the Christie cancer hospital in Manchester England, still testing my mother annually for type two diabetes.

Which I cleared for my mother and stepfather 2010 using ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of age chest just omce.  The Christie used a similar annually nine years after I cleared her diabetes.

Remember under diabetic medication she would have been dead predictably within a decade.  That was diabetes is gone, the immune system removes them memory of the danger of the diabetic cell type, and it is for ever remove from the body never each happens again.

The diabetes is gone from the world for ever.  As is heart disease and cancer.  The drug companies are physically and knowledge about cancer - which accounted for 80% of the income.  Like the doctors.

So still frantically testing the global population for cancers.  Although after enduring active period of 22 years obsolete and will be totally spurious.

For both viral and bacterial infections have a foreign inflated cell structure.  To induce infective structure replication.  Viruses divide in a single cell fashion - as use for all cancers when they existed.

Infective bacteria borrower the over helpful by cells of the immune system, to give what they perceive to be an empathic bacterial structure genome replication and a minimal cell wall.

But the Moffitt tour sir is 2002 had to clear the foreign inflated cell structure.  ½ minute of 8 W oath ultrasound either side the chest was so the person he to clear 30 different viral and bacterial infections in a single session.

Family is can produce their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound unit over the Internet for under two UK pounds today and as family members or friends fill an infection coming on, the standard ½ minute of this HIUS will clear all infections.

Which I have year since 2010 and to clear all viral and bacterial infections I encountered.  Clearing even the seasonal flu November 2019, which is later her address her voice medical name of Covid19 by the medical community.

The common cold and Covid changes genome too rapidly for medical vaccinations to keep up with.  They vaccination be obsolete and counterproductive only six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime.

Astra Zeneca at two total medical recklessness by promoting a Covid19 vaccination.  This trait contravention of medical.  Which is prohibited a care of it vaccination since 1934.  Where we have the year of Covid34.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS was used firstly two months ago air to clear my latest flu strain - the Covid24.  Medicine prohibits any research into alternative treatment for a cured disease,

And all Covid strains are cured.  There you care of it number every 1st of October automatically.  Representing leave genome and changes in the previous year.

103 professors from the Moffitt emailed me, for it and are obsolete vaccination to a previous strain of that infection, have a cancer productive effect.  Increasing the severity of the infection, and the resulting patient death rate.

Care of it use to a patient death rate of 3.5%.  Crucially below the 5% required to reclassify of the medics as a pandemic.  The pandemic declared by the world health organisation, was embarrassingly enough country to medical law.

Now medics are trying to whip up a storm, over three viral epidemic so recent history, returning an collaboratively causing a quademic.

Infections do not interact.  Each and every viral infection already cured using HIUS.  And then the individuals immune system remembering the danger flag for 40 years.

Those cured infections are gone for the rest are history.  Today he the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  First of minister had by the hospital nurse.

Using the Dr. validated HIUS device proved to totally clear all cancer strains 2002, there retired at the Moffitt professors is irrelevant.  Each registered Dr. Firstly required to validate the effectiveness of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound within a week and the Moffitt Paper.

All struck off and excluded from legal medicine for ever.  The drug company is burn and no cancers JIUS by the massively extensive testing programme.  For which they could not actually bill the patient's!

Doctors are not allowed to charge for negative tests.  And all the cancer test came back predictably negative.  Which or Dr. Charged 150 UK pounds.  All that money must be returned to the doctors patients.

The discipline it sanction a matter for the National Medical regulators.  You are not allowed the extensive negative testing regime.  Just commentary to standard medical law.

This is winter 2024.  And biochemistry industry still can't cure viral and bacterial infections.  Though the practice nurse can use 1 minute for the Dr. validated HIUS unit to clear the foreign inflated cells common to all viral and bacterial infections.

The biochemical industry had never contemplated that the total cancer cure also cured all infections.  There is an infection outbreak in Wales.  The Welsh of five used to use their 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit at home.

And cure them cells in 1 minute.  The hospital and NHS to have the 8 W three MHZ unit, but would prefer the patient died in agony rather than use it.  As contrary to the doctors Hippocratic oath as is possible.

So every hospital in the world has the ultrasound unit which will cure all infective disease in 1 minute.  Each medicated infection death warranting the usual legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.

The involved doctors and nurses struck off without legal appeal.  The most psychopathic, deliberate medical killers in history.

So kill me in tears are more RNA 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit today.  Though a lot of people will already have it, to clear cancers, heart disease and diabetes.


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