Fixing head injuries
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I suffered 30% brain damage in a car accident 1988. Which did not stop me return Asia or the University of Sheffield university, embarking on a PH D into nuclear fusion. Which got ended as I wrote my first paper on my PH D supervisor's idea.
That the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion. And the application of wallet termed high intensity ultrasound, clears the inflated defective cells of infections, but also cells damaged by the trauma like mine.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Yesterday as us to join the Salford Care Commissioning Group -
So we can use 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound may be 20 times externally to the area of eight traumatic head injury like mind to fix traumatic head and spinal injuries.

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The use of ultrasound to set off nuclear fusion in inflated cell types, like cancers all viral and bacterial infections, or the compact it cells of damaged cells locally, while actually suggested by the no professor Z.
Who are held his hands up and admitted that he is not a medic. I went on to fix my own 30% brain damage. Improving my voice enough to go singing at the Lowry theatre 2001.
Since when have been rather two alcester my book writing, and holidaying around the world actually to do need to work.
But I have personally validated the helium provinces of high intensity ultrasound. Which will fix both head and spinal injuries.
2010 I also validated that ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound would cure all viral and bacterial infections my friends. Totally clearing all strains of care of it flu and the common cold.
The seasonal flu, medical name Covid, has been outside legal vaccination medicine since 1934. When medics realise it would take two years to freeze a vaccination, obsolete and counter productive within six months of entering drug testing.
By ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all bacterial an viral infections. So clearing the common cold totally. Strain irrelevant! As it targets the foreign inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.
Which allows cell replication in cancers all viral and bacterial infections. So we are talking about a one session total cure of all strains of flu and the common cold.
Which will stop the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia. I have staff to tell the Salford CCG. Immediately and we can have a nurse is set up in an office in salford royal hospital, and applying the ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side of patients developing a cold.
And totally cure the common cold. We apply ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest. ½ minute to the gloom of commons under them earth. And the same ½ minute externally to the nose.
This totally stopping the development of the diseases of age next spring. 30 people a year die from the common cold around the world, 50 from the flu. We can immediately it save all those lies.v
And doctors fought on medical record 2020 that all cancers have stopped forming globally: the drug companies rushed around frantically and got all those papers deleted! We have seen the cessation of the 20,000,000 cancer deaths a year.
Just five curing all viral infections. The biggest health improvement in history.
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