Cure the common cold and Covid

Common cold and cancers cured 2002

2002 and three medical professors from the renown Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.

Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers

I spent two and 1/2 years ITA 28 1000 word book on this radical new medical science.  Which led to the total elimination all 200 types of human cancer from the world.

Ultrasound - cancer cure

Ultrasound - cancer cure

ByJonathan M Thomason

Published Nov 21, 2012


26.82 GBP

Every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ unit, which could clear all cancers from 2002.  The prescription of biochemical cancer treatments became defective medical malpractice that year.

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Biochemical treatments intentionally killing the cancer patient in two agonising expensive years.  Each medicated cancer death striking off the Dr. and involved nurses, plus pharmacists and involved drug companies, in carrying a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.

Each psychopathic Dr. or getting 1/4 century are jail time, for each deliver medicated cancer death.

I have watched in pleasure, seeing 20 million human lives saved every year since 2002.  With the growing human population of eight billion today, that number would have increased to 40 million.  But all cancer deaths now a totally avoidable!

I had to wait five years to be given a four publishing deal on my ultrasound NG cancer book.  Which should yield may advance for orders of a over 200 million copies.

Making me an  unexpected billionaire.  I will be looking at investing some of that money into PhD is researching my ideas at salford university.

The Moffitt Paper invoked the cure of viruses.  As all viral and bacterial infections share the same foreign inflated cell nature with all there no cured cancers.

I wrote up the idea about AIDs 2008.  Verified by Brett in New York 2012 - who have been HIV⁺.   AIDs and to the list of human diseases 1986.  Actually every named African slim disease.

Killing five million people around the world, and till Brett utilised ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, it side use chest to totally clear his HIV.  Discharge fully by his GP the next appointment: as he was then HIV⁻.  And medics are not allowed to medicate the well!

The world will agree instantly that the AIDs virus was the most pernicious viral infection 1986 - 2012.  Then cured within two weeks after threats confirmation of my ideas.  Developed at Sheffield University 2001 (sic).  But the medical world was insistent on HIVV a uniquely dangerous incurable virus.

And Tony was unexpectedly totally cured 2012.  The drug company is concluding there was no sudden new effective AIDs cure.  Now there wasn't!  The application of the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest cause the inflated foreign cell nature common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Professor Z acemi as he release me from my PH D work 2001, to continue my work on nuclear fusion on earth.  Which 1 does!

The cancer all viral cell boiling and inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody to clear the cancer or virus.  And it is adaptive!  Clearing was aolo cancer or virus is present.

2012 even clearing AIDs - the pernicious human virus it killed five million people around the world.  Including Freddie Mercury.  I was staggered, and spreads use the ultrasound idea to clear his AIDs.

I was waiting for a problem!  As this is real life.  By Brett was cured in 1 minute.

November 2019 I applied the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound, to each side chest to clear that year's seasonal flu.  Which is later given the medical name of Covid19.  The flu virus given a new number every 1st of October.  The last two digits of the upcoming winter.

And show this idea with the world, and Covid vanished from the world.  Which was the seasonal flu.  Having a medically established death rate of 3.5% of infected people.  Crucially below the 5% required to be classified as a pandemic.

So medically negotiated exceptions to human rights walls around the world, never applied!  And this year we're on Covid24.  Which I contracted a month ago.  Cured with the standards ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of my chest.

The medical world as with AIDs just stopped talking about Covid.  All versions of the Covid virus cleared by the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound, each side of the chest.

Care of it was not another AIDs - which is totally eliminated from the earth in two weeks 2012.  Without any great biochemical advance.  Just the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

Which means society in my house in salford quays, making aware the total cure to most pernicious viral infection in history - AIDs.  Surely worth A PH D from Sheffield University.  Who are not required to understand my medical ideas.  Just acknowledge that they worked.

The common cold is a fast changing viral family.  Massively helpful forms medical vaccine production.  Which would take two years to medically licence.  They are obsolete vaccine then being counterproductive and medically useless.  Just lie there vaccination to care of it flu.

C or purchase an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet.  Five days delivery from China.  Which would have cleared all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute of external ultrasound application.

Void 2002 and all cancers were totally curable.  Since when there prescription of biochemical treatments has been intentionally defective and fatal medicine.  Killing the cancer patient of voidable he in two years.

Invoking the legal fine of 10 million UK pounds for every medicated cancer death since 2002.  The Dr. and nurse struck off.  The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison for each medicated cancer death: the callous medical murder!  20 million medicate he cancer deaths in 2002 alone.  The killing continuing until 2020: though the drug companies have rushed around deleting all papers on the total cancer cure.

But all registered doctors or ready for the are aware of high intensity ultrasound curing all cancers.  And it transpires curing all viral and bacterial infections.

Causing the inflated viral or bacterial structure to boil and rupture.  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the endogenous human antibody to that specific infection.

Innate human antibodies requiring no drug licensing regime.  The immune system generating the specific infection or cancer antibody.  And the immune system only produces safe and effective antibodies.

HIV technically different from SIV by making three human chemokines.  Lower level immune signals.  Producing a ineffective and compromise human immune response.  One human chemokine is typical viral or bacterial accommodation with the hoast.

Producing three smacks of biochemical genome alteration of SIV.  It would appear that AIDs was the result of genetic modification in a biochemical laboratory.  There being released into the wild, causing five million human deaths.

A total fine of 50 billion.  Trace seeing the infection bacteria laboratory probably impossible.  But now a HIV globally extinct.  Though the drug company is still manufacturing and selling the medically useless but fatal within a decade, AIDs treatments until 2018.

Each resulting human death undert AIDs treatments, invoking a standard legal fine of 10 million.  Striking off every HIV Dr. On earth.  Remove from legal medicine for ever!

Paying a fine of an uncontested 10 million for each medicated AIDs death.

The cold virus killing 30 people globally 2000.  But since the Moffitt Paper 2002, ½ minute of 8 W 1 or 3 MHZ ultrasound clearing all viruses including the flu and the common cold.

So families can buy a the 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit from Amazon or Ebay.  But totally clearing all viral and bacterial infections, our family members feel the infection coming on.

All viral and bacterial infections cured in 1 minute.  With any trips to the doctors or pharmacist.  An almost free E total infection cure.

And the secreted in human antibody, tracks the genome alteration of the infection.  So we free use the effective antibody to that day he is cold virus.  Medicine will never cure the common cold.

For cheekily as no registered Dr. Is allowed to research cured infections.  And the flu and the common cold totally cured using 8 W ultrasound.  Beachams Powders these on to the development of the diseases of age.  Like cancers, heart disease and diabetes.

The only branches of medicine that make money!  All totally an utterly cured without drugs or Dr. Involvement.  From the unit cost under five UK pounds.

Curing all infections for a group of family members or friends.  For three years!  No $50.00 trips to see a Dr., To get a prescription of intentionally defective and potentially fatal fungal antibiotics.

HIUS curing all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any side effects!  No interaction with any other medicine the individual is using.

So the common cold totally an utterly cured from medicine published 2002.  Firstly validated to clear all viral and bacterial infections, with 30 friends in salford 2010.

No registered Dr. Allowed to research biochemical treatments to the common cold.  Just like all cancers, the infections totally an utterly cured in 1 minute. 


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