common cold cured
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Common cold cured 2002 - for nearly fee |
And the cure medically published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain. He found that 1 minute of what they termed high intensity ultrasound will cause all foreign inflated cell types within a multi cellular body,, like the human body,to boil and rupture.
1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device has been firstly validated to clear all 200 types of human cancer, scalling for body mass it will cure all my mailing cancers. Simple undergraduate level physics!

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1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS= 1 minute of external 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound. Explains the disciplines of physics and biology. Was he is amazingly simple! Burn to cure all 200 types of human cancer 2002.
As it was medically published he had to firstly verified an issue are then have been used by every registered Dr. On earth. Just one prescription of the no defective an intentionally fatal within two years, biochemical cancer treatments struck off the Dr. Plus the drug company. Also the assisting nurses and pharmacists - remove from legal medicine for ever.
The doctors' prescriptions then illegal and invalid. The common cold changes genome too quickly for medical vaccinations to keep up with. So the vaccination obsolete within six months of commencing a 2 year legally required drug testing regime.
The same problem encountered by a vaccination to the common flu - medical name Covid. A new version declared every 1st of October, the Covid being last two digits of that year's upcoming winter.
I use the idea firstly with an 8 W one MHZ unit, ½ minute of ultrasound each side my chest totally clearing Covid19. I freely published my work on the Internet, which had to personally verified and use by every registered Dr. On earth.
Mean that the Covid vaccination was both obsolete and unlicensed. And medics had discovered the obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the patient experience from the new infection strain.
Making Covid20... Worst with a higher fatality rate! From the usual 3.5% of infected people - below by medical definition for a new pandemic. Which requires 5% fatality.
So the medically negotiated exceptions to human rights laws never applied. Particlay no forced vaccination of healthy people was ever legal. As a vaccination would intentionally kill one in 200 people.
Needlessly! As 1 minute of HIUS to the chest was discovered 2012 to clear even AIDs. The previously incurable through biochemistry viral infection. Which killed five million people around the earth.
The world 2012 it vanished totally in two weeks! As people bought their own 8 W one MHZ unit, ½ minute each side the chest - all viral infections cured.
This works even for fast changing viral lines like the common cold all Covid. The specific endogenous human antibody, is to that day's viral strain.
Is it targets the foreign inflated cell nature common to all viral and bacterial infections, and cancers. The changes too low for a for all viral DNA is immaterial.
The viral structure boils and fragments, stimulating secretion of the specific human antibody - technically the antiviral to the common cold.
And all viral infections and cancers divide in the same viral fashion. Precancerous cluster is and they become four cancer as a acquire some viral RNA to induce viral cell type replication.
So families can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit over the Internet for under two UK pounds today. ½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Just as 1 minute externally clears all types or cancer.
As medically published 2002. Every registered Dr. Promised by aware of and apply best medicine. Yet it talk until 2020, for cancers to vanish from the earth. Every biochemical cancer treatment Dr. Struck off, along with their hospital or health centre and drug company.
So two UK pounds to clear all the coals the other viral infections, for a group of friends of family members. Who then go one not to divide cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
Local application of HIUS will clear all these divide conditions. It is simpler and better just to stop those infections are ever occuring. No expensive an agonising decline to a two year Bio chemically assisted death involved.
As we have stopped all cancers! That this is her or goes to Dr. MatZinger previously at the NI H, for her or insightful medical import.
A must also mention professor Z, who as Dr. Z noted that ultrasound scans and he gave off X rays as they did nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray
So X rays only emitted as you're doing nuclear fusion from hydrogen bound up in water molecules. The ultrasound agitating adjacent hydrogen ions, causing them to fuse into helium.
In the laboratory ultrasound scans of surgically removed cancer biopsies, caused the emission of X rays an production micro bubbles of helium and oxygen gases. There being no fossil biochemical source of helium. Also obvious really.
But medicine prohibited engineers and physicists doing any work on cancer, which is just a medical problem. It should be remembered that the engineers worked on HIVV and joint replacements. In conjunction with medics. He could not have done the work alone!
So families can earn an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, and clear all infections including the common cold and seasonal flu. Remember HIUS even cured AIDs.
It will cure the common cold for all individuals around the world, strain immaterial! I use this idea 2019 to clear my seasonal flu, which is then renamed by medicine as Covid19.
The world is now on Covid24: I cleared my own infection in two weeks ago. And when they catch the common cold this year, 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound in my bathroom will cure it.
The cure working for all people around the world. Common cold strain and the body's peculiarities immaterial. All totally cured 1 minute. So no cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia in the new year.
And remember every individuals death under medication, once a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. The prescribing Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. The Dr., Nurse and pharmacist, and drug company all struck off without legal argument.
All versions of the common cold totally clears, by the standard medical cure published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.
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