NHS doctors all struck off

Cancers cured no drugs 2002

2002 and the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses at one session.  It causes cells with a foreign inflated cell nature to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

In the laboratory tissue surgically removed from a cancerous organ, course the cancer cells when exposed to HIUS to boil and rupture.  The cell fragments having micro bubbles of helium.  And cure for X rays as they rupture!

2002 the Moffitt cancer centre used 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to cause the cancer primary cells in the prostate gland to boil and rupture.  Inducing an immune action to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.  Prostate cancer totally cured.

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In my personal experience three months ago, application of HIUS to the top of my penis so antil down so the ltrasound heat the prostate cleared my water infection totally.

I lowered my GP to prescribe a use as course of fungal antibiotics.  To keep my mother happy!  No medical need.

I am I have a massive problems with my contacts locally, whose sense I should wear a pad, and seek medical help at Bupa.  They will not be swayed by the fact that I no longer have a water infection.

So I am no longer incontinent.  Though all off had wearing makes my legs sweat like mad!  I have no temperature and I am otherwise well.  Absolutely no need to see any Dr..

Their first interest is are in a long medicated water or infection, prostate cancer can form.  And 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the total cure using HIUS, and I have personally confirmed that an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, is a 100 per cent effective HIUS unit clearing all cancers.

With the publication of a paper on HIUS by the Moffitt 2002, every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the total cancer and viral cure.

Or they were automatically struck off and remove from legal medicine for life.  Yet doctors were addicted to prescribing the financially lucrative, the no defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.

It took massive medical intervention by the New England Medical journal, and the British Medical journal for doctors so part on written record that all global cancers have stopped forming.

I also got the European Court of human rights interested in the illegality an intentionally fatality, of the prescription of cancer drugs from 2002.  Doctors are more persuasive than lawyers tragically.

People should have noticed that from 2002 doctors family is and close friends, magically got better from all cancers.  1 minute of external HIUS clearing all 200 types of human cancer.  It will clear any cancer cells like that might evolve in the future, which is, strained over overinflated cell nature to divide in a viral fashion.

Application of 1 minute of HIUS to strike this dangerous foreign cell type.  The setting up the immune action to clear the cell type throughout the body.  You Cancers' will not form, those doctors who should be using ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest, which I firstly confirmed 2010 to clear all viral and bacterial infections for my friends.

But they experience the cancer cure taking 18 years so percolated into G P's surgeries, does not bode well for the infection cure.  The application of high us clearing all bacterial infections.  Including those resistant to fungal antibiotics.

The publication of HIUS 2002 forwarded the way to cure all viral and bacterial infections.  Prescribing fungal antibiotics defective and potentially fatal medicine.

So 2020 and doctors recorded global cancers have ceased forming.  The drug companies were livid!  There responded by saying Chris why he had developed prostate cancer.

22 years after the total cure was published, using 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound externally to the top of a man's penis.

½ minute each side an individual's chest will clear chest infections, asthma and lung cancers.  Lung cancer making up 80% other cancers 2000.  Totally cured 2002.

But still the drug company is and doctors twist and turn.  The trying to make out that biochemical cancer treatments were legal medicine.  Only conceding 2020 where the total home cancer cure using HIUS, they cancer biochemistry was defective an intentionally fatal medicine within two years.

Totally outside legal Dr. Prescription.  So they have retrenched around radio therapy: the medicine became defective with the development of chemotherapy.  Which itself became defective 2002 with the publication of HIUS.

Making radio therapy doubly criminal.  Kill the cancer patient within 2 to 4 years.  Chemotherapy killing fish in two in 10 years.  HIUS curing all cancers in 1 minute.

You can order the device over the Internet, delivery in five days.  Application of ½ minute each side the chest, clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other diseases of age.  It may he is a ligament and simple medicine.  The patents for which were owned by physics, and expired before 20 a century started.

Radio therapy was developed by medics from 1880.  Cancer research did not exist until 1945.  He played no part in the development of radiotherapy.  There might argue they developed the defective technology.

But doctors are not allowed to research or prescribe defective technology.  There should be no radio therapy since the 1980s.  Any medic prescribing radio therapy since the 1980s, the struck off the same day.

Excluded from legal medicine for life.  The patient requires 1 minute of HIUS externally to clear any cancer.  And for god's sake so any chemo or pills or sessions of radiotherapy away.

They I intentionally defective and fatal medicine.  Outside legal medical prescription.

NHS doctors who have happily continued prescribing biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off without legal argument.  Defective an intentionally fatal medicine ever scenes.

The very epitome are defective and globally barred medicine.  The prescribing medics under the legal imperative to strike themselves off.  Losing all medical wages, and entitled to no medical pension ever.

The Hippocratic oath prohibits the use of defective medicine.  And does not allow legal argument.  It is absolute law.

Just one prescription for chemo or radio therapy since 2002, strikes off the Dr. without argument.  There receive no final salary pension.  They cannot even prescribe Aspin anymore.  The most serious mass murderers in history.  Hippocrates would be horrified.

All cancers respond into 1 minute of external HIUS.  Which he every Dr. Was under the legal imperative to prescribe since 2002.  So there should be no cancers on earth!  As doctors reported there was the case 2020.

And they are frontline medics.  Cancers 80% other income.  Clearing heart disease requires ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys.  Which will clear coronary heart disease and heart rhythm problems.

2010 and I found that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest totally cleared type two diabetes.  Turn seconds cause the diabetes to remit for three days!

My American friends reported that type one diabetes only remitted with a 4 minute of HIUS.  Which I got to confirm 2016.  Though somebody you contract ID diabetes in America.  Which are mostly turns me type one diabetes.

A shown has a mixture of type one and two diabetes.  Are applying HIUS for the appropriate time given above, clears diabetes from most populous continent on earth.

The diabetes is not remit temporarily.  It is cured for ever.  Without any Dr. or drugs intervention required.

Doctors have watched as Cancers have vanished from the air from 2002.  Became globally extinct by 2020.

Where did I devise ultrasound ultrasound causing the pressurise cells common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, from?  He was a suggestion of Dr Z 2001.

The agreed to me that ultrasound or pressurise cell types did nuclear fusion in the human body.  Hence causing the inflated cells to boil and rupture.  Which is physics.  And medics do not talk to other university disciplines.

There were quite upset when engineers show them how to join replacements.  Application of HIUS to an arthritic joint will clear the inflated bacterial structure causing operators.

Eliminating the need for joint replacements.  So this is 2024, four years after cancers were eliminated from the Earth.  But drug company is are for ever publicising a RNA cells of cancers.

Doctors curing viral infections using HIUS stops any possible development of cancers.  Just as 1 minute of HIUS will clear any divide cancers.  Without Dr. or drugs interaction!

People could clear any infection or cancer as home using their own 8 W 1 MHz device.  Which will clear all viruses.  In 2012 it cured the AIDs by my personal contact in New York.  The most pernicious viral infection in history, which he killed five million people including Freddie mercury, cured in 1 minute using a commercially sourced 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit.

Medics talk darkly all emergence of AIDs₂, just not possible.  Cured totally by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  In the minor genetic per patient having no effect on the means of cell replication of all viruses.

2020 and the world are concerned about the seasonal flu.  Covid19.  The regular flu being given a new care of it number every 1st of October.  So we are now on Covid24.  Really not a problem.

The southern ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Vaccinating year's care of it all is obsolete and counter productive, as a vaccination licensing regime, takes two years.  The vaccination obsolete and counter productive within six months.  They take six months to produce.

Always obsolete and never licensed.  Any Dr. It giving a care of it vaccination require the same day to strike themselves off.  The vaccination never medically licensed, as the worsening the seasonal flu from the next year's Covid strain.

My mother had two vaccinations against Covid19 we are already within the year of Covid21 and Covid22.  Shakespeare so was seasonal flu all her life.  The obsolete vaccinations actually worsening the usual flu death rate from 3.5%.  Below pandemic levels!

Her GP and the legal imperative to strike himself off, the first time he gave the defective an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

That's the General Medical council is staffed with practicing doctors.  Who operate as a boys club.  Not prosecuting other medics for the application of defective medicine there they themselves use!

It means that be medical radiators and the GMC, struck off as a practicing Dr.!  All Covid strains cured by the standard half a day 8 W ultrasound either side the chest.  The medicine they cure to all cancers and even HIV.

It will also clear all strains of the common cold.  Am waiting for the drug company is to announce A sudden outbreak of the new boat and common cold strain, any week .

The common cold is caused by more than 200 different respiratory viruses, so there is no single strain that is currently present. Colds are usually minor infections that affect the nose and throat. Symptoms include a cough, runny nose, and sometimes a fever. 

All viral and bacterial infections cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  A total 1 minute infection cure.  Without Dr. or drugs intervention.

AIDs was renamed from the African slim disease during my master's degree in 1986.  Totally cured by my New York contact 2012.  He shared our work of the Internet, and HIV vanished from the world.  Much to the consternation of doctors and drug companies.

Who continue prescribing the defective and fatal a decade, AIDs treatments and till 2018.  The prescribing Dr. and assisting nurse, plus the drug company - usually Astra Zeneca, the struck off and totally excluded from legal medicine for ever.

Any GP prescribing AIDs treatments since they had to validate that 8 W ultrasound totally cleared HIV in 1 minute, are struck off without legal argument.  IA fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every medicated AIDs death.  Such psychopathic murderers totally unsuited to a career in medicine.

Remove from the medical register or doctors there first AIDs prescription.  Then entitled to no medical wages of future pension.


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