clearing infections no drugs

Cancer & infections cured @ home

2002 am Moffitt cancer centre confirmed my idea about High Intensity UltraSound will clear the foreign inflated cells common to all cancers plus viral bacterial infections and even parasites.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally clearing all 200 types of cancer out there: my thanks here to the cell ideas of Dr. MatZinger, and even Dr. Z he gave me the idea from his uncle at Columbia University.

That the turbulent flow of regular water did nuclear fusion.  Hence ultrasound causing the foreign inflated cells of cancer and viral infections, to emit X rays.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray

Hence the emission of X rays from every working boiler or steam engine in the world.  We can actually Nicle plate the boilerplate an engine interior, and half the amount of fuels we need to burn.

I red with interest that lightening releases heat, visible light and X rays.  Without any combustion.  There being no chemical source of visible light and X rays.  So the no professor Z gave the with physical molecular nuclear fusion 2001.  Massively important idea!

If we fire up a non pressurise steam plasma in a glass cylinder, we do nuclear fusion.  Personally validated by my American contact, who is a way of being a multi millionaire!

2 H₂Os+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) who plasma burns off the helium and oxygen gases, into just more heat light and X rays.

You can fill up a steam cylinder the steam from a boiling pan or a steam line.  He still the end of the glass cylinder with an electrical contact.  And you fire up the plasma user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.

This explains the fantastic science I saw at Sheffield University 1984.  Where a 30x1.5cm steam plasma freeze a carbon 0 1 megawatt of heat: no carbon dioxide production.  Hence their interest from the climate change lobby.

Who are funded by nuclear power to talk scientific rubbish about carbon dioxide.  Though nuclear power itself is mankind's fourth biggest carbon emitter.

Uses a fossil fuel burn use to turn minus turn into the cement for their reinforced concrete.

3 CaCO₃ + Δ → CaO + CO₂ Δ is a heat released viral fossil fuel burn.  That in itself does fuel into carbon dioxide and steam.  Where the worth of helium and oxygen gases and production of X rays.  Physical molecular nuclear fusion again.

4 Cₘ(H₂O)+(n+r)ₓO₂+P+spark→m((CO₂+O₂)-E)+r(He+O+L+E²+X-ray)

Hence non pressurised fuel oil will not take a spark.  No fuel oxygen mixture knees to be pressurised.  Where the source of ignition.  Oxidising the carbon radical actually takes in energy.

That is inevitably linked to the conversion of some steam molecules into helium and oxygen gases, we have a massive energy light and even xray production.  So a Bunsen burner does nuclear fusion!  Cool.  Were actually quite hot!

If we fire up my steam plasmas we get hot gases and ay 800° C.  And a little steam turbine would generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.  Even the less efficient 15cm thermoelectric generator, will produce 65 kW of three phase AC electrical supply.

So the 2000 UK pounds, they can set up A15 CM steam plasma power units in the garden shed or cellar.  And produce a constant 6 to 5 kW of three phase mains AC electricity.

On Christmas day power users require 8 kW of electrical power per house.  So we are generating the electrical power for between eight and 40 houses.  All totally carbon zero, burn no fossil fuel burn - which only stimulates plant growth, and no use or production of radioactive isotopes.

Around the temperate land and sea green plants suck in all that lovely carbon dioxide, to do photosynthesis.  In the Jurassic down to limit of four parts per million carbon dioxide.

A generally warm period of prehistory, with three natural ice ages.  One lasting a record 1000 years.  The carbon dioxide at eight PPM.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.

Today above the arctic winters photosynthesis shuts down in the arctic winter.  As snow and sea ice covers the land and seas.  And there is no natural light.  So twice the carbon dioxide, back to a Jurassic four PPM, and the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack.

Every year today!  Getting our to be gas something equipment and confirm.  The thermometer to register the mass of the lower temperatures.

Above the temperate earth photosynthesis converts additional carbon dioxide into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.

5 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)

In the daylight hours, green plants emits a faint blue light and X rays.  Plus heat, and free radical oxygen and even helium.  Or which no biochemical source.  As you're doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Actually producing the carbohydrates there is a into oxygen excretion and takes in heat.  Surely biology should be doing work on this life support system.

Noting our free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth at just two PPM during the day.  Mankind's HIUS carbon dioxide production, this is just 0.0002% of the carbon dioxide released five by animals.

Taken in by green plants within 5 minutes, to turn back into plant biomass.  And so the story of life on earth continues.

Life in the or can make acidic pools is filed by bacteria are using thermal energy to turn hydrogen sulfide, into sulphuric acid with the usual production of helium, oxygen heat and X rays.

This sulphur cycle is far too acidic, for regular biologically utilisation.  Which uses the conversion of carbon dioxide into carbohydrates body mass.  Excrete NG the surplus helium and free radical oxygen gases, along with the X rays and faint blue light.

So biology does nuclear fusion every Milli second of the day during daylight hours.  But the physics will not talk to university biology departments.  So green plants during the day busy doing nuclear fusion.  Totally an started by physics or biology.

A working steam engine fitters the turbulent interaction of steam molecules under pressure, and does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

6 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+L+X-ray hence the light flashes from a working steam engine.  This in case he muscle so not recorded!  We can measure the xray production - which engineers and geography have both done.

Mankind's steam engines hose to the industrial revolution, as mankind first started doing nuclear fusion on earth.  This is a source of important to know.

Our 15x1.5 steam plasma cylinder, fired up user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, releases a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.

Which a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator will convert into a 65 kW of three phase mains linked AC electricity.  An annual income for the house owner of 180,000 UK pounds.

Use that money wisely!  Charities are always crying out for charitable donations.  Or use the money to donate steam plasma power plants to our pensioners and OAPs.  Who no care that lovely check for 180,000 UK pounds.

From the national grid.  Who now stands to gain so much carbon zero electricity.  Without any fossil fuel burn.  No nuclear processes involved.

Week in utilised an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, I applied to where it hurts to clear all 200 types or cancer - as medically published 2002.  Since when there prescription of chemo and radio therapy have been defective an intentionally fatal medical malpractice.

Striking off with the Dr. and drug company.  First of the involved hospitals and Health Centres.  Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists.  All remove from legal medicine for ever.

All the medics facing repay all income back to 2002.  And getting no medical pension ever.  A 25 year jail term for each medicated cancer patient death.

So your family GP the most horrendous the murderous individual in history.  Killing for amusement and pleasure.  Having accumulated millennial jail sentences in high security prison.

So people can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit, I applied each side the chest will any infection is coming on, totally clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  With no trip to see the Dr. or pharmacist.  No Health Service intervention even legal.

Then the individual fell sayn of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, asthma and the diseases of age.  100% of medical conditions either cures of prevented as home.

No excuse to prescribe the intentionally defective and fatal biochemical pills.  And as the burners farmers King get the their 65 kilowatts of mains linked electricity.  With no fossil fuel burn.

So getting all their heat and generating electricity at home.  They make up 80 annual income by selling our excess current to the national grid.  Totally carbon zero three phase electricity, mains linked voltage and phase, the no fossil fuel burn or utilisation of production of hyper toxic radioactive materials.

So basically our 15cm steam plasma will generate all home heat and electricity.  With a massive excess of the electricity production.  And the resulting massive income annually from the national grid.

The UK only needs 44 GW of electrical power.  From 68 1,000,000 inhabitants.  Who can generate the carbon zero 6 TW of electricity.  That is a terawatt!

Learn more

In 2023, the world's total electricity consumption reached a record high of 29,925 terawatt-hours (TWh). This is more than three times the amount consumed in 1981. 

Globally plasma power was supply 200 TW of electrical power.

The world there is just about to produce a massive excess of carbon zero AC electricity.  Converted into there national voltage and phase.  Producing three phase electrical supply: massively slashing of power distribution masses and costs.

I am a expecting my local MP, Reb long Bailey to raise a question in the house of commons during her G questions to Ed miliband.  We are talking about carbon zero non nuclear electrical supply, which generates a massive income with no fossil fuel burn.

And no utilisation of production of radioactive isotopes.  Cleaner and green!  Not even releasing the carbon dioxide which stimulates plant growth on land and in the seas of the world.

Whoever made up and propagated the fictitious manmade global warming, was ignorant of high school biology.  To the green plants limited free carbon dioxide in the afternoon air, to just a static two parts per million, for the last 11.2 thousand years.

The natural climate is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles.  So back to natural global warming 2023.  Which slight fire with no comment from the climate change idiots!

Who are regrouping around manmade global warming.  The earth expenses 28 year periods or warming and cooling.  Cooling since 1995.  Backed to warming 2023.  And does not make the weather.

He they are so we have water over the sand gives him!  There the carbon dioxide levels double every year in the arctic winter.  QED.  Looking it up in a good Latin dictionary.

½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied to a person's chest, will cure all viral and bacterial infections.  Does or an drugs intervention is counterproductive and illegal!  Since 2002.  The year of the global cancer cure.

When there prescription of chemo or radio therapy became equally defective and fatal medical malpractice. 


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