Better than symptomatic treatments

Symponatic treatments lead to incurable diseases - though now cured

If you have a viral or bacterial infection, your Dr. wants to prescribe symptomatic infection treatments.  To allow you to have the infection at lower level for longer.  She you can continue to work.  Which tragically means continued to infect other people.

Here I am indebted to one on my medical professor friends.  Who told me all viral and bacterial infections require a foreign inflated cell nature.  Like all types or cancer!  For viruses and cancers this allows the cell to replicate.  For bacterial infections this induces the patient's immune system to copy out the bacterial structure.

Mistaking it for a helpful bacterial organism.  And till the stars causing cell damage to body cells.  By which time you may have are fatal bacterial payload in the boiler system.

The way he to cured infections issues the cancer cure medically published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre.  Since when doctors and drug company is have leant over backwards, not to adopt this life saving new medical science.

Which actually strikes off the Dr. and drug company - who both signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Pledging to use best medical science.  And personally validate new medical advances.

They are not bound to use biochemistry.  They are bound to use best medical science.

The Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a total viral and bacterial cure.

I wrote up the idea and freely published on the Internet 2008.  At which stage every registered Dr. and drug company was required to validate the Medical Paper.  And then adopt HIUS as a total cancer cure.

This totally destroyed and biochemistry industry.  Were four trillion a year in the U.S. alone and they it were not about to change!  Luckily I used to work in metallurgical ultrasound.

And due to my work at Sheffield University 2000, was engaged with am Moffitt work.  I first saw or use 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound, which are frantic cured breast lung and colon cancers.

I sent the idea to Dr. MatZinger at the NI H.  As I realized nobody was going to listen to A PC metallurgy student.  I had no medicines to a world leading in a largest at the national institute of health.  By biochemistry was a four trillion dollar a year industry in the U.S. alone.

She sent my dear to the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America.  Three medical professors published the use of 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, I applied externally as a one session total cure to prostate cancer: the leading male specific cancer.

The prostate gland he is located and that of a man's peniss.  Google it!  I use this idea three months ago to clear my water infection.  The precursor to prostate cancer.

My GP insisted on prescribing a course of fungal antibiotics, the usual regular medical cure to water infections.  Which I'd talk to keep my mother happy!

My GP is forever off into prescribing other medication, on the strength that I once had a water infection, totally cured for months ago.  Medics are not permitted to prescribe pointless medicines.  It is against the Hippocratic oath.  To do so strikes off the Dr. and drug company.

Tragically doctors are the most persuasive people on earth.  The or prescribe was never medicine may wish - not permitting any argument.  But at least I have no water infection!

There are persuading people this is a case is nearly impossible.  The individuals are I want to persuade are the people who gave me the left to the BUPA dentist, who gave me a drink of 'water;, after which I had developed the war to infection.

Proving this would be impossible.  I have no temperature and no incontinence: A regular side effect to a viral infection.

Infections propagate through the lungs.  Both viral and bacterial infections that transmits through the lungs.  So if we apply he ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, the consumer version of the Moffitt's HIUS, we cure all infections.

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With no side effects and no drug prescription or Dr. Interaction required.  I have cured 30 people all viral and bacterial infections 2010.  But again the medical industry in the National Health Service in the UK gets 190 billion a year from the UK government.

A large chunk or which it goes to the Bio chemically industry is in the UK.  His surgeon or to hear of the drug free E infection and bacterial cure.

People can buy their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet, five days delivery from China.  And cure all infections as individual feels infection coming on in the evening.

Fit and well in the morning!  This is especially important to school nurses.  They can apply ½ minute of HIUS to any chance of filling an infection coming on.  Children are the main disease vector is in the world.

Chance for any infection from the school to the home.  In fact seeing their parents and siblings.  If schools halt the infection as it comes on, the child is not yet infectious.  And by her own time off it and well.

And into sent this idea direct to Phil Britain, the Bolton school headmaster.  He was a teacher when I was at school.  Though he never taught me.  And a certain there is the school nurse.

Who was all one's when at the school.  Though I was an accident prone, and for ever the local hospital in the department: where my mother worked as a Secretary.

Curing childhood infections can be an massive improvement to public health.  People will use a 8 W one MHZ unit to clear all infections.  And be happy unwell the next morning for work.

Without any trip to see a GP, and get a prescription for potentially ineffective fungal antibiotics.  Which reacts by the were other medication they are on, nobody is allowed tik to HIUS.

Which is side effect free.  And 2012 my New York contact used 1 minute of HIUS to use chest to clear his AIDs infection.  He was medicating Dhris HIV, we have A eight treatment costing $5000 a year.

Killing the AIDs patient predictably within a decade.  1 minute of HIUS clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  So clearing the present outbreaks of hooping cough.  Which has a predictable outbreak every 3 to 5 years.

Now a totally cured like all bacterial infections, the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

I use this idea November 2019, to clear my seasonal flu: which was given the medical name of Covid19 later, to make it sound like a dangerous new viral outbreak.

A vaccination to Covid is automatically obsolete and counter productive within six months of starting A2 year drug testing regime.  So no Covid vaccination could ever be legal human medicine.

Any GP giving just one Covid vaccination struck off without legal appeal.  There was no pandemic.  As the regular flu kills tragically 3.5 per cent of infected people.  By definition pandemics kill in excess of five per cent of infected people.

Years just the usual spurious fiction from the self serving drug companies.  He are financially induced the quango of the world health organisation, to issue a pandemic alert which is so nonsensical and false.

This winter we are on Covid24 - the care of it number is last two digits of that year's upcoming winter.  Since the Moffitt Paper 2002, the medical world has realise that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, totally clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

A cured my Covid19 and 23 he 1 minute: the flu virus has a new distinct strain declared every 1st of October.  All Covid totally an utterly is cured and as all cancers.

But again we have the problem other biochemical industry been worth four trillion two the U.S. alone.  Karmela Harris is busy promoting the cancer biochemical treatments that have been illegal medicine since 2002.

When the Moffitt cancer centre cure to all cancers was published.  And people have been buying their own 8 W ultrasound unit.  And curing all our infections.

People will ignore Karmela, who is acting as a fatal stage to the biochemical industry: hopefully voluntarily.  Otherwise she is acting to cause U.S.  Citizen and death.  She is not a nice person.

The democratic industry for C.s Bio chemistry as is big vote winner.  So is massively alarmed 2002, as the medical professors at the Moffitt published the physical total cure to all cancers.

Involving no drug use, and no work for doctors or nurses and obviously no work for the murderous biochemical drug companies.

Vote democrat if you're happy with Karmela hurting the biochemical pills, that use to sentence 1/3 of the world to an expensive agonising death within two years.  HIUS cures all infections in 1 minute.

With staffing the formation of cancers and the other diseases of age.  All cancers are being cleared by 1 minute of local application of 8 W ultrasound anyway.  No Dr. or nurse involved.

Larmela would be the most murderous vice president in UK history.  If she was a miserly elected as U.S. president.  I would from out the biochemical killing are cancer patients.

Should be strongly against a 1 minute cure to all infectious disease, without drug use.


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