Sepsis cured

otally fixed no drugs or Dr

In 2002 three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of one session of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.  Also clearing all bacterial infections.

Sepsis occurs when an infection triggers a harmful response from your body's immune system. This response can cause your organs to stop working properly, which can be life threatening. 

The drug industry is desperately looked around for other infections not cured.  But 2010 and I firstly confirmed that 8 W 1 MHz from an ultrasound massage device, cleared breast, lung and colon cancers: lung cancer making up 80% other cancers out there 2000!

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Without a shadow of doubt the most important health development in history.  Though I also have firstly confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections, within 2 minutes, if not instantly.

Signing the door on the formation of Sepsis.  You cure all viral and bacterial infections on demand.  So there is no channels of her patient's immune system setting off a Sepsis over reaction.  And families can earn their own 8 W one MHZ unit, and clear all infections as they occur.

A key blocking about this medical science.  And the drug industry moves on to a new infection!  2012 my personal contact in New York use the standard ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side use chest to totally clear his AIDs.

We do not are applying potentially defective biochemistry.  The stimulates the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active specific human antibody.  Clearing all infections.

2020 I wrote this idea up about clearing hepatitis C - then an incurable viral infection affecting the liver.  The medical world reacted by announcing the development of hepatitis D and E.

I pointing out the immune system would adapt to clear what ever hepatitis strain was present, but doctors and drug company is lost interest!  The was incurable viral condition cured without drugs in 1 minute.

We apply 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to just at the base of the rib cage over the liver.

I have used this idea and the last two months to clear my water infection.  Which turns out to very persistent infection!  Which often used solely on to prostate cancer.

1 minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally above the prostate gland and she took three applications to totally clear the infection.  My GP will not be happy!  As he had a lifetimes medical prescriptions already lined up for me.

When use all the water infection had passed, his reaction was to prescribe medication to lower my blood pressure.  I never had any blood problems!

And the Hippocratic oath prohibits doctors from prescribing spurious and pointless medication.  As I am also declared he had cancer patients!  2024 there are no cancers anymore in the UK.

1 minute of external HIUS to where it hurts will clear all cancers that ever exist.  Adapting to any new cancer type.  The clearing all viral and bacterial infections stops cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

And use realise clearing all infections also stops Sepsis, the the totally fatal medical condition of today.  2024.  Cured by the medical science published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002. 


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