Curing any new UK infections

No new diseases possible

All infections require a foreign pressurise cell structure, to get infective structure replication.  This applies for all infections from the common cold to the black death and even cancers.

a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. shortness of breath. feeling tired or exhausted.

DISEASE X - What it is, and what it is not

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17 Jan 2024 — What is Disease X? ... Disease X is the name given by scientists and the World Health Organization to an unknown pathogen that could emerge in ...

So medics are not even devised in name for it yet!  A disease which makes you cough.  To me it sounds like any disease!

Enthusiasm two the Moffitt centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancer and viruses.  It wiped 200 varieties of cancer off the mark - or even cancers had vanished.

2010 I validated ½ minute of the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections.  It will clear all disease!  And Orsall diseases have to divide away from the stem cells.

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Which requires the foreign cell type has no foreign pressurise cell nature.  Science I found out 14 years ago, ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends and family.

1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 types of cancer.  Which Health Services around the world have are real problem with!  As it is basically free and does not require any drugs or Dr. Interaction.  Just your own 8 W ultrasound device used as home.

I use a medically licensed 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  A medically licensed home beauty device, which clears all limb damage and scarring, and now we find it clears all infections.

As infections sprays through the lungs.  Physical transformation of infections and is comparatively rare.  And the infection wishes to spread through the victim is chest.

So or 1 minute of HIUS and clears all infections.  The registered doctors all validated the 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally cleared all cancers.

And it was realized 2002 also cleared all infective diseases.  Since when the drug companies have sought assisted by repeating the testing patients for the extinct cancers.  No Dr. Is allowed to charge for testing for an extinct infection.

Or they are automatically struck off and toes remove from legal medical practice for ever.  Now medicine has RE focused on viral infections.  As AIDs killed five million people over 25 years.

And till my friend in New York validated that the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side use chest will turned him HIV⁻.  The most pernicious viral infection history totally cured using a five UK pound medically licensed beauty device.

Medicine turn their attention to Covid.  Which he is a new version every 1st of October.  So any vaccination is obsolete only six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime.

Any Dr. who gave a Covid vaccination automatically struck off the same day.  According to the doctors own Hippocratic oath.  Freely signed by drug companies and high up nurses.

So no drug company ever allowed to legally manufacture and sell any Covid vaccination.  Or require the same day to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register and cease medical practice for life.  No lawyer required!  The Dr. strikes themselves off.

I cured my own Covid19 using the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of my chest November 2019.  Only one month after he took over from the year of Covid18.  The Covid19 vaccination had a counter productive effect on the next year's Covid20.  We were already in January 2021.

Most psychopathic individuals are started giving the unlicensed an counter productive Covid19 vaccine.  3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given.  The medically expected death rate for any licensed vaccination is one patient in 200 will die, so 17 million patients died from the unregistered and useless Covid19 vaccination.

Which showed no effect on the next year's Covid20 virus.  The most lethal and useless medical intervention in history.  Total legal fine 170 trillion.  Every involved Dr. and drug company struck off their respective registers, and for ever excluded from legal medicine.

Which includes Astra Zeneca.  Stripped of all other biochemical drug patents it once possessed, and excluded from legal medicine 2002.  Hellishly persuasive, still supposedly in business today.  In actual fact struck off 2002.

To clear all strains of Covid totally we require the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest.  Or persons own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, or the doctors are validated 8 W three MHZ unit - that also clears all cancers.

We are not talking about 80 effective treatment.  We are talking about the one session total cure.  Done at home over the breakfast table!  Fit and well and after work or school the same day.

Dr. and drugs intervention and he illegal and choir possibly fatal!  Monkey pox was cured 2011 using the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of a person's chest.

Which totally personally validated then use by every registered Dr. On earth.  Yet 2024, and the drug industry is scratching around for dangerous infections.  Having given up on Covid totally.

So look back through the medical history books, at monkey pox.  A disease medicine never cure for just vanished totally.  As people would just using their own 8 W ultrasound device.

The monkey pox has not changed!  I am fairly sure he does not even existed for over a decade.  The drug industry is building up for a vaccination to a nonexistent disease.  Though, be legally a medically worked on by any registered Dr..

No ****omg point.  It does not exist.  Which he is it is totally outside legal Dr. Research.  We need a new disease that does exist!  Disease X.

Which sensory light drug companies had just run out of diseases.  Already cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

Any Dr. Who has prescribed biochemical cancer treatments since cancers are cured 2002, the struck off at their own hand without legal argument.  Remove from legal medicine for ever!

They must return or subsequent medical fees charged to their unfortunate patients.  With an additional 10 million for every resulting medicated death.  The the saddest most psychopathic mass murdering bastards in history.


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