Clear varicose veins and cancers

all sorted at home

But 2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound applied externally, as a total cure to inflated cell structures, such as cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  These structures the cause petrol and it is like cancer, but the viral rumps are the causative factor in America's vains.

The latest statistics are 112 people in the U.S. developed cancers.  This is almost a joke.

As of mid-2024, the population of the United States is estimated to be 345,426,571 people, which is 4.23% of the world's population. This makes the U.S. the third most populated country in the world. The population density is 38 people per square kilometer (98 people per square mile), and 82.4% of the population is urban. The median age in the U.S. is 38.3 years. 

The Moffitt cancer centre used an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, I discover practically there is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears breast, lung and colon cancers: registered doctors have confirmed that HIUS clears all cancers.

So you can buying the 8 W one MHZ unit over the Internet for under $10.00.  They cure all cancers!  To freeze in the U.S. have access own 8 W three MHZ unit, buzzing away all cancers in 1 minute!

Not to do sir is criminal medical malpractice.  Fuel burn of the unit over the Internet delivery for under five days.  I applied for 1 minute to where it hurts, will clear all cancers without Dr. or drugs interaction.

Here in the UK 20 term for cancer rates have fallen to zero.  But suppose the registered medics still want to test the population for non existing cancers.  Which is medical malpractice!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

So all cancers cured in 1 minute using a Watts ultrasound.  Really what is the problem?  No Dr. or drugs involved.  All cancers cured.  There are caused drug companies are not going to admit this.

Drug company income tied up by the application of biochemical cancer treatments.  Which became defective medicine 2002, with the publication of HIUS, high intensity ultrasound clearing all cancers totally.

This explains why the drug company is have been frantically testing the global population since cancers medics had extinct 2020: cancers no longer formed.

The drug companies waited for cancers to acquire genetic modifications.  And return as the big global pandemic.

The drug companies did not understand HIUS.  It cause inflated foreign cell types to boil and rupture.  The patient's own immune system then secreted in actioned the active specific antibody to clear that foreign cell type from the body.

The process is adaptive.  Genetic alteration has no effect.  It is alters the specific human antibodies the immune system produces.  All 112 and make a new cancer cases, just leave the standard 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound externally, to clear any new cancer.

There is no requirement for any Bio chemistry.  Which will be obsolete and useless when a licensed.

If we apply ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, externally to the swollen Varicous vains the causative viral rump experiences sole content boiling and fragments.

The local immune system then secrete and actions the specific human antibody to clear that foreign cell type throughout the body.  The blackest vains all vanished in five days!  And the process is adaptive.

In 20002200 types of human cancer would cured using HIUS.  1 minute of 8 W ultrasound at the base of the rib cage over the liver, clear hepatitis C...E.

The 2012 my contact in New York use the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear his AIDs.  And HIV vanished from the universe in two weeks!  The absolutely no comment from the drug companies.

Psychopathic doctors were still prescribing the use of the intentionally fatal AIDs treatments until 2018.  When doctors family gave up on AIDs. a face to return or all medical fees for the useless but intentionally fatal AIDs the treatments for six years after the virus had vanished.

It is up to the American Medical association and etc, if there doctors are struck off.  As the Hippocratic oath demands.  10 million UK pounds for every patient murdered intensity of other doctors defective prescriptions.

Each Dr. Prescribing biochemical cancer cures since 2002 struck off.  Which is why I was so pleased to read 2020 cancers have stopped forming.  But it was a matter of 2024 the UK he cancer rate fell to zero.

Surely worthy of cell so a Brochure and Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting.  The latter being the UK labour health minister.  This means that the NHS has 2 to 80% of its annual budget to the UK treasury.

150 billion.  Which presumably is why a Keir Starmer has never acknowledged the biggest health boon two humanity ever.  Though Corona 80% fewer doctors and nurses.

But any Dr. or nurse the stem of biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off and toes remove from global Health Systems for ever anywhere.

½ minute of HIUS externally to each side of her patient's chest, clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Totally eliminating the are coming at 2024 winter or infection search.

Feeble can buy their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, clear all cancers in 1 minute, which I have done and all infective diseases in the same time.  Irrespective of infection strain and type.

The process is adaptive.  All cancers cured for ever!  There really are shaking few cancers globally, so global cancer evolution world not happen.  Cancers are all cured.  Now and for ever.

The cancer cure was validated by every registered Dr. 2002, or the Dr. automatically struck off and removed totally from legal medicine for ever.  The same individuals who are now or any income from testing the population for non existing cancers.

Which should all be cured automatically by 1 minute of external HIUS, from the 8 W ultrasound device owned by every registered Dr. On earth.  Biochemical cancer treatments are 25 years out of date.

And always cure the cancer patient in two agonising, expensive years.  Defective medicine 2002.  Which could never be research by any registered Dr. Ever.  So no updated biochemical cancer treatments could ever be manufactured and sold by the drug companies.

Who like the nurses voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.  So the higher up nurses can inform the lower down nurses, what is best legal medicine they should apply.

So since 2002 HIUS has been the only legal global cancer medicine and any nurse or Dr. Involved biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off without legal argument.

Mysterious he an estimated 200 million cancer patients have been medicated to death by their psychopathic former Dr., IA total legal fine of 2000 trillion and each involved psychopathic individual removed from medicine and the country the death fancy part to death.


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