Alzheimer's cured no drugs
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Mental health totally cured |
I have been telling the world for 11 years how the drug three cure to all cancers, also cures all mental health problems.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of the head I confirmed 2012 to clear MS. Alzheimer's. Parkinson's and schizophrenia. The drug companies had already pencilled a an our Alzheimer's as the camera placement for all 200 types of human cancer, totally cured 2002.
You can buy the effective 8 W one MHZ unit over the Internet for under five UK pounds.
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Doctors bought and validated 8 W three MHZ unit clearing all cancers 2002. Cancer being caused by an inflated viral altered cell line. Inflated to induce cell replication! It transpires the mental health is caused by a similar viral rump structure.
Have boils and fragments on external application of High Intensity UltraSound. And medicine strictly prohibits alternative treatments for cured conditions. And I've published the total cure to Alzheimer's using HIUS 2011.
Since when no registered Dr. Has been allowed to research biochemistry and mental health. The first paper on biochemistry and mental health Orsall own removed totally from medicine for ever that very day.
So Alzheimer's cured physically: the drug companies protest they have no effective treatment! And never will have. As mental health is totally cured by a single application of HIUS.
Causing the over inflated viral also cells to boil and rupture. Every registered Dr. On earth was required to validate the physical cure to or mental health problems. And never allowed to research biochemistry and mental health.
And only doctors could have done our Alzheimer's drug research. Then no registered Dr. Claude legally and ethically have research Alzheimer's and biochemistry.
I am minute 2010 in my church health group, I was staggered he was at effective and simple, since when biochemistry has protested there are no effective treatment for Alzheimer's.
And the ethically it could never research any drug answer to these cured disease. Any drug company making biochemical treatments Alzheimer's, are struck off and removed totally from medicine the same day.
So feeble can buy and use their own 8 W ultrasound massage device, and totally fix all mental health. Just as 2002 was proven to clear all 200 types of human cancer.
Void 2024 and global Health Services are still focused on testing the global population for cancers. Even there every registered Dr. Has personally validated the total cancer cure 2002. And then use constrained from doing spurious an enforceable drug company finance tests.
Cancers I extent! My mother has just had a blood test, looking for three biochemical markers to press cancer. Which I have personally cleared for her nine years ago air using 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.
There are no press cancer is in the world! Just as the are no cancers. And registered doctors, strained from charging to do impossible tests for cured diseases. Just one test for cancers since 2002 when a person has proved cancers were extinct, and the Dr. remove from legal medicine for the rest are history!
For 2023 the drug company is were getting disappointed by the lack of cancers they were detecting. 0.0. The inevitable consequence of testing for a cured disease.
2013 doctors published a 30 patient double blind trial on HIUS to the top left to the chest and kidneys clearing coronary heart disease with: which 2023 worse and also to clear heart rhythm problems.
½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas totally clearing type two diabetes 2010. 2016 I confirmed type 1 requires the fall minute of HIUS,
Which does not stop at drug company is published in two articles on diabetes a week 2024. Are so doctors put on record March 2023 that diabetes had vanished from the world. So presumably also the universe.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. Totally clearing all strains of Covid and the common cold. Medical vaccinations obsolete only six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime.
So no Covid vaccination never licensed legal human medicine. Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination struck off for life. Along with the involved drug company.
So all viral and bacterial infections cured. Just as all cancers totally cured 2002: yet the MHS is still assiduously testing for man cancer patients for every surgeons are there is no cured condition.
Cancers are extinct! Testing for cancers criminal medicine.
This standard cure I also a published 2.5 years ago as a one session total cure to monkey pox. ½ minute of e.g. 8 W ultrasound each side of her patient's chest. Best done as home using your own 8 W ultrasound device - ball to clear all infections with no Dr. or drugs involvement.
Harvey found in the 18th century that vaccinating against cow pox protected people against the lethal small books: it care of fox producing just a mild flu like infection.
So if monkey pox had anything to do monkey's, he without too often free protection against another box viral all members. Monkey pox totally cured by the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of her patient's chest.
Again no Dr. or drugs involvement required.
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