Total cancer cure

flu now cured

The drug companies do not want to admit it.1 as cancers were at their big cash cow!  But in 2002 three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre in America, published the external application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a one session total cancer cure.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 or 3 MHz ultrasound applied externally to where it hurt, the total cure to all cancers.  Surely this year's something annoucing in prime minister's question time!

As it is such important years so every UK citizen deserves to be told.  The cure was published 2002.  And every registered Dr. On earth verify the paper with an 8 W three MHZ unit.  Costing $10,000 from the Moffitt!

I have verified the Moffitt work using an 8 W one MHZ unit, costing under five UK pounds today.

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A home total cure!  Involving no Dr. or drugs.  In their drug company is and doctors lost 80% other income!  The having desperately scratching around for methods to raise money from extinct diseases.

There is no point in testing for cancers!  As 2002 every registered Dr. Was aware the one session total cancer cure.  Yet they still continue prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments.

Warranting the agonising, expensive deaths of 47,000 UK citizens.  A total fine of 470 billion.  The most expensive medical malpractice in history!

Striking off every involved Dr., Nurse and pharmacist.  The doctors, strained by their Hippocratic oath.  Taken freely by high up nurses and drug companies.

The drug company is charges ceasing production of cancer biochemical treatments 2002.  As they were now defective medicine!  And the high up nurses legally charged with ensuring lower down nurses only applied HIUS as cancer medicine.  No cancer drug distribution was legal!

The three medical professors tried for eight years to get the medical world so listen.  Then took early retirement in discussed!  I took up the mantle.  I have RE interested in health issues due to my stepfather Don Clark, labour Mayor of Bolton.

Carried the interests throughout all my life!  And it took 18 years for he was a Bio their own 8 W one MHZ unit and cure their own cancers at home: or are applying the health centre 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.

For me by 2020 cancers had ceased forming around the world.  The 1 minute of external HIUS clearing all divide cancers without any medicines required.  So they are in a cancer free world!

And medicine has gone insolvent.  No industry has ever survived losing 80% of its core income.  ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Irrespective of strain of type!  Medical vaccinations are hellishly specific.  In the case of the common cold and Covid they are obsolete in counter productive only six months in 2A2 year legally required drug licensing scheme.

So the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed legal human medicine.  Any Dr. It giving a Covid vaccination doing criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice.  Totally struck off!  All the assisting nurses and pharmacists.

HIUS will also clear all bacterial infections, fungal antibiotic tolerance irrelevant!


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