medics cured all cancers 2002

RIP Cancers 2002

That year three medical professors from the world renown Moffitt cancer hospital chain, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 or 3 MHZ ultrasound I applied to where it hurt, but totally clearing all 200 cancers out there.

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The ultrasound it sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion in the pressurise cells common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray my thanks to Dr Z for his thoughts on nuclear fusion - the term and interaction of water molecules physically under pressure does our molecular nuclear fusion.

This is why ultrasound scans cause cancers plus viral and bacterial infected cells, to give off X rays.  As they do a little nuclear fusion, just not enough to make a cell boil and rupture!  5 W 40 kHz is not sufficient ultrasound.

At e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, the cancer cells stop boiling in under 1 minute!  Which toward he sees as dangerous.  So secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type totally from the body and brain.

We have made cancer is look dangerous!  So from 2002 every registered Dr. On earth utilised an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound device, to verify the total cancer cure was published by the Moffitt.

2010 I firstly verified that ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound applied each side of the chest, was a total non drug cure to all viral and bacterial infections.  2012 it cleared AIDs for a personal contact in New York.

We shared our work with the world and HIV vanished within two weeks.  Though suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal AIDs treatments until 2018.

Intentionally causing an AIDs patients needless and avoidable death within a decade.  1 minute of HIUS clearing all viral infections.  Including AIDs, all strains of care of it and the common cold.

Medical vaccination so Kevin are automatically obsolete and counter productive only six months into a two year legally required drug testing regime.  So the Covid vaccination saved not one life.

As in January 2021 we were already within the year of the genetically distinct Covid20.  As realise by every first year medical student on earth!  In the first year of a medical degrees.

So every registered Dr. realizing the Covid was useless, without a counter productive effect - making that year's seasonal flu worse and more fatal!

Any Dr. giving any Covid vaccination struck off without legal appeal.  The inevitable effect of the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Absolute medical law all.  If your GP gave you a care of it vaccination, he must return or all medical charges.  Paid punitive damages and strike himself and the assisting nurses of from medicine for life.

The Dr. already only 8 W ultrasound unit, clear all cancers in 1 minute.  Making the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments from 2002, the defective an intentionally fatal medicine within two years.

½ minute clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any Dr. Intervention or drugs!  The prescription of fungal antibiotics defective and potentially fatal medical malpractice.

Today he the major medical prescription is for fungal antibiotics.  Which became defective and prohibited medicine 2002.  So by 2010 when I've published my work on curing viral and bacterial infections, the antibiotics became defective and globally prohibited medicines.

One nice little effect on me applying the nuclear fusion is suggested by Dr Z, utilising ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, totally clear the previously incurable AIDs in 1 minute.

And know there was no noble prize for curing HIV.  They had to exist today only in the historical medical books.

All Covid flu cured by the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound, each side to the chest.  Always killing at below pandemic levels!  Now a totally annihilated from the earth.

You might have expected medicine to celebrate the cure of cancers 2002.  Drug companies have done everything in our power to all stroked the spread of this best medicine.

Which were relegated biochemical cancer treatments to the trash 1,000,000,000 of defective medicines, 2002.  Subsequent prescription defective, fatal within two years, medical malpractice.

In my innocence, I would expect Sir Kier Starmer to announce the cancer cure in the house of commons.  Was he is more focused on jobs for nurses!  Any nurse who is assisted by cancer biochemical treatments since 2002, the struck off without legal appeal.


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