Covid19 vaccination always out of date

Covid vaccination not wanted or legal

I was just watching the BBC News and he declared that 70 healthy and innocent individuals had died as a direct result of the Covid19 vaccination.  We have been screaming at Astra Zeneca since 20190 no care of it vaccination was legal or ethical.

It takes six months to produce a vaccination.  We turn us into a two year legally required drug licensing regime.  So any care of it vaccination is automatically obsolete only six months in two the drug licensing program.  And tragically doctors had recorded obsolete infections actually worsen next year's seasonal flu.  Increasing the patient's death rate!

Care of it has a new version number declared every 1st of October.  So when they began and the care of it 19 vaccination trials, were already within the year of Covid20.

So not one he human life can be saved by the obsolete in counter productive care of it vaccination.  And the meaning for us as happens automatically every year!

We are now on the year of Covid23.  Becoming Covid24 and the 1st of October, 2024.  So all the care of it vaccinations given the medically useless!

Tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 of healthy an innocent people vaccinated, so 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given.  The expected medical death rate was 17 million.

A total legal fine of 170 trillion!  On the planet only worth 138 trillion.  Which is why Astra Zeneca is backing away furiously!  As is care of it vaccination was always medically useless the intentionally fatal.

The law firms seeking legal redress have an open and shut case: there is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  The Tories preventing a vaccination to covet flu all the common cold!

Seem as useless in counterproductive since 1934.  Astra Zeneca declared he could do what the hell he wanted!  As a result 17 million healthy an innocent individuals have died.

My mother again so my advice had two Covid vaccinations.  Which made the hair infections like Covid21 and Covid22 the worst infections years never experienced.

What son has ever been are to tell his mother anything!  She trusted the and the Dr., Who earned 150 UK pounds for each Covid vaccination.  Smiling as one in 200 of the patients died as a direct result.

Each vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  The Dr. plus assisting nurses and pharmacists, and the manufacturing biochemical drug company all struck off!  And toes remove from legal medicine for ever.

And they are due to play a legal fine of 10 million for each deliberate medical murder.  Dr. Execution of a hypodermic!  For their own naked profit, and the patient's needless death of no consequence to the Dr.!

The care of it vaccination is as the most lethal and murderous medicine in human history.  And the newspapers must carry this murderers story!  To stop the other needless are void or medical killings.

The Covid vaccination murder by hypodermic.  Astra Zeneca only a non contested legal fine of 170 trillion.

The standard medical viral cure, are ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clearing all viruses.  As published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  Every registered Dr. Has an 8 W three MHZ unit, which will clear all viruses.

1 minute of this external high intensity ultrasound the medically proven to clear all cancers in 1 session 2002.  Though mysteriously it talk until 2020 for cancers to vanish from the earth!

The prescription of cancer treatments illegal and deliberately fatal medicine from 2002.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company!  Interestingly enough usually Astra Zeneca.   Who have now withdrawn from the Covid vaccination market - after 17 million+ deaths.  Not 1 life saved.


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