cost of contaminated blood products

The manufacture of the contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, or was eventually taken over by Bayer.  The largest German biochemical drug company.

It was found to have been contaminated with HIV and hepatitis C, and when given Matinger 1970s or 1990s, resulting in the deaths of 5000 innocent patients.  Mostly haemophiliacs but also some ladies after childbirth.

This is the greatest failure are the drug manufacturing industry, since its continued production of the defective and fatal cancer treatments after high intensity ultrasound was medically validated as a 100% cure of all cancers and viruses.

200 million people died and the total legal fine is an eye watering 2000 trillion.  On the planet only worth 138 trillion.  Every Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002 struck off without legal challenge.  Stripped of medical wages and any future pension!

B a high ministrations of the contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, resulted in 500 patient deaths.  The fine is a more manageable 50 billion!

The finer by November 1 and the prescribing doctors private Health Insurance.  Who are underwritten by the world bank and IMF.

Every involved NHS Dr. and nurse struck off without legal challenge!  The fine does not go on to the NHS, it them into the private insurance and other biochemical drug companies and doctors.


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