Astra Zeneca struck off 2002

pi;;s kill

The drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  2002 every registered Dr. and drug company on earth had to validate the Medical Paper published by 3 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America.

That a single application of High Intensity UltraSound externally to where it hurt, clears all 200 cancers out there.  All drug company is employed roomfuls of highly paid lawyers, for patient protection reasons.

But drug company is are constrained only to free use a cell best medicine.  One day's manufacture defective drugs and their sale, strikes off the drug company totally.  Who send structural all other biochemical patents it once possessed.

The drug company share price is set be linked to the athletics sum of all the outstanding biochemical patents.

One application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, has been firstly verified to clear all cancers.  The Moffitt use the more expensive 8 W three MHZ ultrasound.  No more effective!  An 8 W one MHZ unit can be bought for under 5 UK pounds.

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So after the Moffitt Paper 2002 the manufacture and sale the cancer treatments was defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  Every prescribing Dr. Struck off without legal argument.

A legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every medicated cancer patient death: the fine shed by the Dr. and drug company.  So Astra Zeneca Air lost 90% of its economic income.

It did the usual drug company thing, are testing the world for cancer variants that might respond to cancer treatments!  Every cancer must have and overinflated foreign cell nature to induce cancer cell replication,

So every time the cancer that is ever existed would have responded to HIUS.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So even ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, cause cancer cells to do low levels of nuclear fusion.  Heating up to below 60° C.  At which stage the cell be biologically dead!

An 8 W three MHZ applied externally to where it hurt, the Moffitt found this cleared all 200 types of human cancer.  Practically confirmed by every Dr. and drug company on earth.

The doctors then constrained from the prescription of the intentionally fatal defective cancer treatments.  The drug company is required to cease manufacture of cancer treatments after the Moffitt Paper 2002.

Otherwise the drug company is structural all other biochemical patents it once possessed.  Ceasing to have a share price they could no longer a borrower legally from the banks to make payroll: the most bankrupt corporation in economic history!

Instead they continued with the illegal manufacture of the defective cancer treatments.  The resulting in the inevitable deaths or maybe 150 million cancer patients around the world.  So so it would appear that 200 million cancer patients died from cancer treatments, the majority from Astra Zeneca.

The total legal fine is 10 million for every cancer patient death.  A total fine of 150 trillion for Astra Zeneca alone.  I would have expected sudden X and sell them lawyers as they began operating illegally.

And all their patents were are void and worthless!  They reacted 2019 by publicising the illegal manufacture of a vaccination to Covid flu & the common cold and Covid.  Medical is strictly prohibited any research or application of the care of it vaccinations since the 


When it was realized that the vaccination be obsolete only six months into a two year drug licensing regime: a legal requirement before any medicine have become a legal human drug.

So no care of it vaccination could ever be illegal!  In any case vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 of the healthy an innocent people we vaccinate.

3.5 unlicensed an illegal vaccination to Covid19, we would expect 17 million human deaths.  Though most psychopathic defective medicine ever.  The vaccination so Covid20...23 so any unlicensed and illegal!

No registered Dr. allowed to apply counterproductive and illegal medicine such as the unlicensed Covid vaccinations.  Without strok the cells off the doctors' medical register the same day.

Losing Health Insurance there prescriptions then illegal and invalid.  There medical practice criminal.  Just as all Astra Zeneca drugs became illegal and so the Moffitt cancer centre paper 2002.

The Moffitt Paper actually covers the clearance of viruses.  ½ minute of HIUS has been firstly confirmed to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which share the same overinflated foreign cell nature with cancers.

Application of HIUS to the chest for ½ minute each side, clears all infections.  Making the manufacture and sale of infection medication and he is prescription, criminal medical activity!

2010 I confirmed that the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems.

Mental health use to cancer warm 0.9% of medical deaths.  Every Dr. Was legally required to validate my tutor paper on clearing mental our problems 2010.  Making subsequent manufacture or prescription of mental health medication defective an intentionally fatal medical malpractice.

The ½ minute of HIUS was personally validated 2010 and to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  I wrote this idea up about AIDs 2008.

And in 2012 a personal contact who was HIV⁺ in New York, was his own 8 W one MHZ unit, and wait arrived in five days totally cleared his HIV.  For the discharge from all AIDs medicine at his next GP a appointment.

Every registered Dr. Validated the Moffitt Paper 2002: or they were struck off and ejected from legal medical practice that year!  So every registered Dr. had the AIDs cure in every nursing office in every health centre in the world.

So could have cured all AIDs in 1 minute.  I've published my work with Brett 2012, and AIDs vanish from the world within two weeks.  The drug company is fuming at the sudden new effective biochemical treatment - which did not exist.

All viruses totally cured by application of HIUS to the chest.  Just as full minute totally cleared all 200 types or cancer from 2002.

I use the standard viral cure, ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side my chest, November 2019 to clear my Covid19.  I might make good medical research I was, freely published my work on the Internet.

Which are legally had to be confirmed and then use by every registered medic on earth.  Instead they were intent on prescribing the intentionally defective and fatal but unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Leading inevitably to in excess of 17 million human unnecessary deaths.  The total legal fine being an eye watering 170 billion.  The court actions uncontested!  Striking off the prescribing Dr. Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.  And the drug company in all probability already struck off 2002.

Including Astra Zeneca!  That is gone to cause 150 million needless cancer patient deaths.  Legal fine of eye watering 150 trillion.  In excess of the worth of the planet!

Each medicated cancer death warranting a legal fine of 10 million.  Striking off the Dr., Nurses and manufacturing biochemical drug company.  Incontrovertible medical law.

There is no legal challenge allowed to the Hippocratic oath.  Now Astra Zeneca he is looking around for other reasons to manufacture biochemical pills.

All cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia plus viral and bacterial infections already cured physically using HIUS.  All biochemical pills defective and potentially fatal medicine. 


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