No Covid pandemic

The world health organisation issued a pandemic alert for Corona virus.  It was financially susceptible to pressure from the drug companies.  Who were desperate for a new pandemic, as all cancers are cured 2002.

Cancers and viruses share the same foreign inflated cell nature with infective bacteria.  2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre to clear my suggestion of using high powered ultrasound to clear cancers.

They applied wallet termed High Intensity UltraSound, externally to prostate cancer.  And got a one 2nd total cure.  By by using e.g. an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit.

The Moffitt right charging $10,000 for an 8 W three MHZ unit, no more effective than 8 W one MHZ unit purchased over the Internet.

1 minute of external ultrasound to where it hurt, was found by registered doctors to clear all 200 types or cancer out there.  The drug companies went into spasm are testing for cancers!

Though the paper 2002 tour doctors had to cure all cancers physically.  The drug company is started 20 years biochemical cancer tests, only a to all cancers totally curable!  How to define cancers to try their biochemical test out on.  No idea!

Ultrasound scans have been years since the 1950s to detect cancers.  At 5 W 40 kHz.  At e.g. 8 W 1 MHz all cancers were destroyed.  2012 my contact in New York used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz to each side use chest, to clear his AIDs.

The most pernicious viral infection in history cured with 1 minute of the ultrasound from a medically licensed home ultrasound massage unit.

½ minute of this HIUS each side the chest totally clear the foreign inflated structure all viral and bacterial infections.  Medicine is seeking to accept that viral infections are cured.

Thus they are back to announce the Sunday evolution of a pandemic bacterial infection.  All bacterial infections already cured!  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

I use this idea November 2019, to clear my seasonal flu.  Medical name Covid!  Given a new two digit care of it number every 1 October, reflecting the forthcoming winter season.

This idea was used on Corona virus by Chinese medics from November 2019.  Extinct without ever penetrating the Wuhan quarantine February 2020.  Hence the massive her each of the world health organisation had withdrawn its pandemic alert.

No possible relationship the next year's seasonal flu.  He was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  So there was no Corona pandemic!

The infection never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Covid19 was the next year's unrelated seasonal flu.  So the drug company is key to have a big fuss about the pandemic, erroneously making it with Covid19.  It was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.

As my American contact told me, we're all got better from Covid18.  Only now we never 1 minute of external HIUS to the chest clears all viral and bacterial strains.  Type of infection irrelevant!

Fantastic science!  But the drug company is are not involved in.  They protest they still cannot clear the seasonal flu.  He cares!  Physics has already taught us how to clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Covid19 was the next year's seasonal flu and the pandemic alert was specific to the Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  Totally cured by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

Every health centre on earth bought an 8 W three MHZ unit, to validate the Moffitt cure of all cancers.  The same unit that will clear all opportunistic viral and bacterial infections.

The pandemic alert was specific to Corona virus.  Which embarrassingly never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.  From December 2019 Chinese medics applied the usual 1 minute of HIUS to the chest of Corona patients.

And life every 2020 the viral epidemic was extinct.  Without ever being a pandemic!  Only ever in Wuhan presence.

The seasonal flu kills tragically 3.5% of infected people.  Below the 5% to be classified medically as a pandemic.  So there has been no 21st century pandemic.  The last real pandemic was the 15th century black death.

To as a totally curable by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Would that we had a little time machine at hand!  But rest assured, all Covid strains totally cured.

The issue are a pandemic was so drug company attempt to circumvent the opinion courts of human rights.  And enforced a mass vaccination.

Tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 of the healthy people we vaccinate.  Key mere 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations, intentionally killed 17 million healthy an innocent individuals.

The total legal fine is 170 trillion.  In excess of the worth the planet.  Every vaccinating Dr. and assisting nurse struck off without argument.

Repeat: Covid with could never be a pandemic!  It is not fatal enough.


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