Covid cure not by medicine

Covid has been the seasonal flu that tracks the world after winter every year since 1934, starting with Covid34.  Medicine was desperately trying to build up the infection as a serious replacement for their lost income as cancers were cured 2002.

I had suggested the use of high power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth 2001: as I became aware that ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion in the pressurise cells common to all cancers.

From my PH D work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000-.  There Ph.D. which are suddenly ended with no explanation as a academics got very unhappy that there was four the sizing nuclear fusion on earth.

It was actually developed the ideas of Dr Z 2000.  Though in time I got the idea from his uncle at Columbia University - who published the work 1989 on cold fusion.  Which transpired not to be a very useful Energy System.

They assisted on using plasma as a catalyst in the electrolysis cell.  I knew 1984 the electrolysis cause the emission of X rays and free use a little helium gas.  So chemically engineers had been working on nuclear fusion for a long time.

When medics gave ultrasound scans two people within infective disease like Covid the inflated viral cells give off X rays.  Just as medics had published 2002 that high intensity ultrasound cause prostate cancer cells to boil and rupture.  As they did biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So a High Intensity UltraSound the Moffitt years was e.g. 8 W three MHZ.  I replicating their work using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  The Moffitt device costing $10,000, my commercially sourced unit costing under five UK pounds.

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Doctors extended the work on prostate cancers all 200 types or cancer.  And found the same 1 minute of HIUS externally clears all cancers.  So from 2002 the only legal ethical cancer medicine was the single application of HIUS.  Practically demonstrated to clear all cancers out there.

Registered doctors no longer allowed to prescribe the now defective and fatal cancer treatments.  Inducing the cancer patient's death within two, very came up to 10 years.  HIUS cleared all cancers in a single 1 minute session.

Medics did everything they could not to use best medical science!  Being wedded to the financially lucrative that defective cancer treatments.  From 2002 an estimated 200 million cancer patients were killed by the doctors cancer drug treatment prescriptions by 2020.

The total fine for such criminal medicine is an eye watering 2000 trillion.  And a every cancer drug prescribing Dr. Struck off and remove from medicine on their first cancer treatment prescription.

And fortunately the National Medical regulators are packed air with cancer drug prescribing medics, who chose not to enforce the doctors Hippocratic N oath we have regard to cancer,

.  Each Dr. Is a morally obliged to strike themselves off the first day they applied defective medicine.  They were also are compelled to validate and use best new medicine.  So 2002 or they are all acquired an 8 W three MHZ unit, and validated the Moffitt Paper on the clearance of all cancers in 1 minute.

For purely financial selfish reasons they continued to prescribe the knowingly defective cancer drugs.  The biggest mass criminal medical malpractice in history!  Health Services keep records, and every Dr. To prescribe the knowingly defective cancer drugs since 2002, struck off.

Losing medical wages since their first defective prescription.  Never receiving a medical pension.  Receiving a 25 year jail term for every cancer patient they so callously an cold heartedly delivery medicated to death.

Choosing to ignore the 100% firstly validated the cancer cure.  Each cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Without legal argument!  Or Health Services have get the prescription records of all cancer drug prescriptions.

So must get the defective doctors struck off.  Even he's such party logical individuals work within the national medical regulators.  There is no excuse for using defective and fatal medicine.

10 million UK pounds for every needless cancer death since 2002.  2020 and cancer stopped forming.  And remember HIUS cure to all devolved cancers in 1 minute.  They should have been no cancers on earth.

'Doctors'took great pleasure in medicating the last few surviving cancer patients to an needless medical death.  They're all should have been cured!  The family is receive a payout of 10 million for each cancer patient death since 2002.

It works by causing the foreign pressurise cell common to cancer and viruses, to form and rupture.  Totally clearing that dangerous cell type from the body.  All 200 cancers totally and utterly cured in 1 minute of external HIUS.

2008 I wrote the idea up about AIDs.  As thankfully non am I gay friends had HIV.  It talk threat from New York 2012, to read my paper and by his own 8 W 1 MHz device: I have written a paper about an equally effective 150 W 40 kHz unit.  The state of the art had moved on!

The 1 MHZ unit will is 30 times cheaper to apply.  Brett forties unit from China.  At the time for 45 UK pounds.  He used it as I recommended - ½ minute each side use chest.

His next GP appointment he is Dr. Discharged you from all AIDs medicine, as he was now HIV⁻.  Together we I cured a most pernicious viral infection in history.  There to cause five million human deaths, including Freddie Mercury.

So on the 2002 cancers were cures: though as already mentioned doctors have frantically prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs, until the patient died!  Needlessly a greater expense.

They are very antithesis of legal medicine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company: usually Astra Zeneca.  Dealing where the cancer homicide is years the RE minute of the human rights lawyers.  It is massively high level law!

2010 and I started applying ½ minute of HIUS to the chest of people a viral and bacterial infections.  And all got better in 2 hours!  Without drugs or Dr. Intervention.

Which resulted in void 2008 paper on AIDs, which brought along the total extinction of the AIDs virus.  There was no sudden biochemical advance.  Just the one session application of 1 minute of HIUS.

For which the drug companies have never thanked me!  As selling the defective aids treatments killed HIV patients within the decade, and her and the drug companies $638.00 million a year.

I it was just trying to save lives!  I contacted the New England Medical journal 2019.  And by their next year all cancers have stopped forming.  And doctors are frantically medicating the last few surviving cancer cases.

The medical treatments leading to the inevitable agonising and expensive deaths.  Ironically the doctors all have the validated HIUS unit unused in the nursing office.  And the legally compelled to use it to clear cancers and viruses.

They preferred to apply the defective and fatal biochemical treatments.  Totally illegal and criminal medicine.

So 2020 and cancers have stopped forming.  And all existing cancers should living cured!  There medics have ensured people still dying needlessly on the defective cancer drug treatments.  The least ethical medicine in history!

This is 2024, and they're still here items about needless cancer deaths.  There for all cancers have been cured firstly by every registered Dr. On earth 2002.  Ethically cancer drugs were defective and fatal medicine.

About illegal as it gets!  And now the drug companies are focused on cancer testing.  Charging feeble to apply a biochemical test the give a negative result.  There were no biochemical cancer tests before cancers cease to exist!

So what the suppose the terrace for and I have no idea!  Medics are not allowed to test for non existent diseases, and for cheekily not charge for negative results!

I have seen close nursing friend has medicated to death deliberately by the NI HS.  Insisting they had to use medicine!  Just like Logan's run, then the focus to the story had to commit suicide when he reached 30.

He was actually in charge of the people who chased down and killed run a strand to a void death.  My nursing friend knew he would die, and did.

My stepfather refuse so far is are my 8 W ultrasound, trusting in there defective doctors.  I wonder if he waved it dead in two years.  He lasted 18 months.

As did my old professor from and university, choir possibly the cleverest man I ever met.  He created me with curing cancer before he died needlessly!  He felt compelled to fall on his sword.  As medics helped to pay his wages!

Again through intervention from the New England medical journal, cancer testing has stopped.  That is doctors part on legal record 2020 and all cancers had stopped forming.

People with cancer were living raise serious pain.  And more aware they had cancer!  People not a paint do not have cancer.

The drug industry wants to inflict other cancer diagnostic tests on the general population: even though cancers have ceased to exist!

Any person with the seasonal flu, or any other a viral or bacterial infection, and he so by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  And totally clear the infection.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the standard cancer cure also clears the foreign inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.  We are on Covid23.  One of the three retire professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, who first published the total cancer cure 2002, E mailed me to tell the obsolete vaccinations actually work counter productive to the new infection strain.

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime: the a legal requirement before any drug became legal human medicine.

So the Covid19 vaccination licensing process was halted.  It was never a legal human medicine.  Any Dr. Giving an obsolete in counter productive medical intervention, requiregthe same day to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register for life.

This farm or it is common to all Covid vaccinations.  Always obsolete and never licensed!  Will be on Covid24 on the 1st of October, 2024.

But the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest cleared all Covid vaccinations from 2002.  The flow was totally physically cured.

But doctors were obsessed with prescribing biochemistry.  Even though resulted in the predictable deaths of the flu patients.  And giving the vaccination what use their patients experience a worse seasonal flu.

With a higher death rate than the usual 3.5%.  One session of HIUS cures the flu.  Most recently instantly!  Not even the 2 hour wait.  Just as AIDs vanish from the planet 2012.

Though suppose the registered doctors still prescribing the defective and fatal than a decade AIDs treatments until 2018.  Each Dr. Required to strike themselves off the first time they applied defective medicine.

Or medical practice then illegal.  There prescriptions invalid and criminal.  Even doctors working for the National Medical regulators, totally struck off!

Any academic medic not allowed to research defective medicine.  So no research into care of it vaccinations all cancer treatments possible.  And no civilising of medical PH D's ever again!

No cancer drug PH D legal since 2002.  He always PH D's revoked.  The high powered jobs are tamed as a result totally ended.

Covid24 will clear in the 1st of October, 2024.  Totally cured by the standard viral or cancer cure: ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

The Covid19 vaccination was as useless and fatal medicine in history.  Given to an estimated 3.5 billion global citizens.  Course in the world 450 billion.  Saving not one life!  But always obsolete in counter productive, intentionally executing 17 million people in February 2021 alone.

Total legal fine 170 billion for all is medically induced unnecessary killings.  10 million for each Covid vaccination death. 


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