Clear all diabetes

Doctors put out February 2023, that all diabetes, type one and two and vanished from world!  The drug companies reacted by testing the world for blood sugar levels!

I have without their experiences 2013 that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears type two diabetes totally!  This is especially important in Asia, where he had type two diabetes is a big problem.

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So were under five UK pounds you can totally clear type two diabetes in ½ minute.  The ultrasound unit to deal over from China in five days.

My American diabetic contacts reported that this cure did not work for type one diabetes!  So I went off scratching my head and drinking coffee for three days.

Then the Americans got back to me that type one diabetes had remitted - were three day delay.  Quite how much of a rash are you in.

Medics are then legally constrained from prescribing diabetic medication to feeble without diabetes.

2016 I met somebody who had contract ID diabetes in America!  I have the ultrasound unit with me, and applied it for 1 minute to the lower right of his chest over the pancreas.

At 53 sections and I was beginning to panic!  At 1 minute he where the ultrasound away - his diabetes is totally cured!  As a viral altered cells boil had and ruptured - just as the Moffitt and found they cancers 2002.

That level of ultrasound, high intensity ultrasound, clearing all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute - I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.

½ minute each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections - which share the same foreign inflated cell structure.  Body cells not affected, and till we reach much longer ultrasound expected times, or use 20 W ultrasound.

So people can clear their own type one diabetes in 1 minute as home, using a five UK pound medically licensed beauty device.  No decade long decline to an biochemical death.

The diabetes I1 cleared in 1 minute.  So the 5% of medical deaths around the world!  Curing cancers removed 80% of medical deatjs.

½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing all heart disease.  Another 15% of medical tests cured!  The rest or medicine loses money!  We have cured all the reasons for medical deaths.

Totally removing the need for a biochemical drug prescription.  Which to make a 100 per cent of the income of registered doctors.  Hence the doctors have taken early retirement!

As they realised in horror they cancer treatments produce a two year inevitable death for cancer patients.  All totally cured by 1 minute of HIUS - first and only legal cancer cure.

According to doctors so they should have been no diabetes on earth since February 2023.  Somewhere doctors who are still the frantically prescribing diabetic drugs, watching their diabetic patients needlessly die. 


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