Cancer Research pointless and unethical

Cancer treatments illegal 2002

On taking up medical practice every graduating medical student so as the Hippocratic oath: promising to personally validate and then use best new medical advances.

So we can be 100% sure every registered Dr. On earth personally validated the 100% effectiveness of High Intensity UltraSound.  Drug company is and doctors also are taking the Hippocratic oath.

The Moffitt cancer centre validated that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound clear prostate cancer and all viruses.  Is it works by causing a foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The Moffitt wanted $10,000 for their own ultrasound unit.  I have personally validated that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears breast.  Lung and colon cancer.  Or the medics have found it clears all 200 types of cancer out there.

So 2002 and all cancers were totally cured.  Biochemical research into cancer treatments then became defective and prohibited medicine.

Striking off the researching Dr., Along with the biochemical drug company and assisting nurses.  And nurses, strained by their nightingale pledge, only to implement the best medicine as I have eyes by the high up nurses.

The higher up nurses under the legal imperative to inform lower nurses on best medicine - or they were struck off and toes remove them cells from legal medicine 2002.

The drug company is no longer allowed to manufacture and sell cancer treatments from 2002.  Or they are also are struck off.  And all other biochemical drug patents then valueless and invalid!

The drug company is are bankrupt, and can no longer borrow from the banks every month to make payroll.  Cancer drugs are used to represent 80% of drug company income.  So in the UK he the drug company is suddenly started losing money at a fantastic rate.

And obviously all stripped of the biochemical drug licence.  The higher up nurses required to remove the cancer drugs from the daily drug ground, and replace it with the hospital 8 W three MHZ unit.

Clearing all 200 types or cancer in 1 minute.  ½ minute each side the chest clears the inflated foreign cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.

The prescription of fungal antibiotics are thus became criminal and defective medicine 22 years the ago.  All infections totally cured in 1 minute!  The exploding infection cells do it is secretion an action of the active human antibody to clear that dangerous foreign cell type from the body.

So all cancers cured 2002!  They cancer drug prescriptions since the eagle or ethical medicine.  Striking off the Dr..  Assisting nurses and manufacturing biochemical drug company.

The continued prescription of the no defective and fatal cancer drugs, the most heinous defective medicine in recorded history.  Every prescribing Dr. Struck off without legal appeal!

Astra Zeneca air lost 90% of its income.  So promoted the idea of a Covid vaccination, to clear the annual seasonal flu.  But any Covid vaccination.  I have been talking since 2020, about Covid being the regular seasonal flu.  A new version declared every 1st of October.

So Covid was the regular seasonal flu for the 1st of October 2019, until the 31st of September 2020.  Tragically financially motivated psychopathic doctors started giving the unlicensed an obsolete, but counterproductive Covid19 vaccination from January 2021.

There after 31st of September, 2020, the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete.  And medicine has found that an obsolete vaccination actually worsens the severity and death rate from the new infection strain.

The regular flu kills 3.5% of the medicated individuals.  Below the 5% to be classified as a pandemic!  Yesterday the drug company PR firms started talking about flu being the new pandemic.

We're on the year of Covid23, becommng Covid 24 and the 1st of October 2024.  Oh minute and above the Covid19 has a counter productive effect on later flu strains.

Each additional flu death warranting the usual fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The vaccinating Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term for each vaccination death.  The vaccination intentionally killing one in 200 of healthy innocent people we vaccinate.

3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given, the expected medical death rate being 17 million.  Total legal fine 170 billion!  Striking off every involved drug company - like Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, and Santer.  So all legal medicine for ever!

Astra Zeneca backed away from the care of it vaccination market is have created, not before it had killed 15,000,000 people!  Total legal fine 150 billion.  For ever totally excluded from all medical activity!

Suddenly the PR firms to the drug industry, started talking about the regular flu.  As a realise it care of it was now totally cured!  ½ minute of HIUS.  Each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

Just as ir cured AIDs for a personal contact in New York 2012.  The cure is very around the world in two weeks and there disease totally extinguished from the world!  Medics briefly talked about HIV₂, and so the realise is already totally cured!

So I talked about Corona virus - a modified form of Covid18 always contained within the mass of the speedily quarantine set up around Wuhan Province China.  The virus never even travelled other Chinese Provinces.

The drug company is suddenly declared the Covid19 was a type of Corona virus.  Though Covid have been causing him and death since 1934!  Corona emerged 2018, extinct by February 2020.

Wuhan Province had the regular Covid19 outbreak, you affective people have got better from Corona virus.  Definitely no link between Corona & Covid19.

I cured my own seasonal flu November 2019.  Within the year of Covid19.  Using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of my chest.

The total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.  Including amazingly enough AIDs.  The drug companies renamed the African saw them disease as AIDs 1986.  Within my master's degree.

So now all viral and bacterial infections are totally cured.  And the medical world now accepts as all Covid totally and utterly cured without drugs or Dr. Involvement.

Just as all cancers totally cured 2002: though it talk until 2020 there doctors have put on record that all cancers have ceased, making cancer treatments defective and fatal but partners medicine!

Which means that the common cold is finally totally cured!  This summer ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clearing all flu strains.  Exact strain in time immaterial!

The common cold changes too quickly for a vaccination medicine ever to work!  He is globally prohibited.

Any Dr. It giving any care of it vaccination struck off without legal argument.  Toes remove from medical practice at their own hand!  I would return all subsequent medical wages, and receiving no medical pension.  


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