striking junior doctors struck off

Dr.s can't strike

And graduation all medical student is around the world pledge never to strike for financial reasons.  To do so would invalidate their Health Insurance.  And also require that they strike themselves off the doctors' medical register for life.

In the UK at the GMC should inform the junior doctors that strike action invalidates their Health Insurance.  And also removes the Dr. Medical registration.  Making continued medical practice doubly illegal.

The junior doctors there remove themselves from legal medicine around the world for life!  The greatest actor political suicide imaginable.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

Instantly all 200 types of human cancer were cures.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all cancers: stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming!


£3.33 - 4.39/ Piece

Reducing the ultrasound time according to animal biomass, this idea will clear all animal and pet cancers as well.

So 2002 and medics totally cured all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  And each Dr. Had to personally validate the new medical science, and they it use it.  All be struck off and again losing Health Insurance!

So from 2002 the prescription of cancer or infection medication including vaccinations, became defective medical malpractice.

In 2019 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 emerged in Wuhan Province China.  Known to world her as Corona virus.

The vaccination to this seasonal flu that tracks winter around the world, has always been medically prohibited.  That is all Covid is!  It would take six months to produce a vaccination but then enter a two year drug licensing regime.  Legally required more than medicine can become licensed an legal human medication.

So any flu vaccination obsolete within six months of entering testing.  Then hellishly counter productive!  And totally ineffective against a new flu strain.  And there is a new strain declared every 1st of October.

Financially motivated former medics started giving the Covid19 vaccination from January 2021.  Already within the year of Covid20.  The care of it number is last two digits of that year's winter.

So when given the Covid19 vaccination was unlicensed and counterproductive.  Tragically killing one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals given the lethal vaccination.  The medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination.

And no care of it vaccination could ever be licensed!  So doctors smiled as they vaccinated their patients, for the weather one in 200 will be dead within four days!  The most lethal medical intervention of all time.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will totally clear all viral and bacterial infections - which is share the same foreign inflated cell nature as cancers, to induce infective structure replication.

Doctors were very reluctant to give up the financially lucrative cancer drugs.  Even though they were obsolete an defective medication - killing the patient horribly within two expensive years.

Every Dr. It giving a care of it drugs intervention since 2002 struck off without legal appeal.  Deliberate medical murders!  As Astra Zeneca realise cancer drugs were illegal medication, they invented the idea of a vaccination to the seasonal flu.  A care of it vaccination.

Which is automatically obsolete only six months into drug testing.  Never a licensed human drug.  Any Dr. Giving a care of it vaccination required the same day to strike themselves off, and cease pseudo medical practice.  There were no longer registered insured medics.

And the National Medical regulator carriers and Health Insurance, so have a massive best interests in ejected them from medicine: the standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds applies for every hypodermic killing.

And the doctors receive a 25 year term in high security jail.  The appropriate flying in jail time for the a assisting nurses and pharmacists, a matter for the lawyers.

The biochemical drug company also struck off and stripped of its of the chest and the biochemical drug licences.  Then an illegal medical company for ever.  So Astra Zeneca totally struck off for ever 2002.  All its drugs illegal and invalid.

Beyond legal medical prescription.  Any Dr. Prescribing any Astra Zeneca drugs since 2002, the struck off from all medical practice for ever the same day!

Pandemic so by definition kills in excess of five per cent of infected people.  The regular flu tragically kills 3.5%.  So never a pandemic!  And totally curable by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The same fancy applies for any strikin Dr..  They are struck off for ever - no jail sentence unless

Adaptive, so as the flu strain changes, there human antibody secreted by the immune system tracks the genome and changes of the infection.  So all flu strains totally and utterly cured.

As are all viral and bacterial strains.  Including measles and the common cold.

And all doctors were taught on the medical studies that a vaccination to the seasonal flu it was illegal and prohibited since 1934.  Giving just one Covid vaccination struck off the Dr. and remove a totally from medical practice for ever.

Doctors boast of their medical ethics!  No Covid vaccination ever legal medicine.  Any care of it vaccination striking off the Dr. Nurse, pharmacist and drug company.  Without legal challenge! they have illegally given a Covid vaccination.  Doctors can't strike for higher wages.

It was judged they have the leverage to achieve higher wages without strike action: which should automatically result in patient deaths!  Each death warranting the standard legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  And the absence of turning Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.

The insurance in the UK is get my the GMC.  Who should inform the junior doctors that they cannot strike.  Or they are removed from medical practice for ever automatically. 


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