No cancer drugs legal since 2002

Drugs deffective medicine 2002

That year the Moffitt cancer centre chain in America, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers.  Doctors found that ½ minute of this HIUS to each side the chest also clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Making the prescription of fungal 

antibiotics criminal medicine!

Through practical experience I have found that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears breast, lung, colon and prostate cancers.


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Medics firm that it cured all 200 types of human cancer.  So since 2002 no cancer drug prescription has been legal medicine.  The noble prize in medicine was planning awarded for this new medical science 2015.

The cancer drugs made up 80% of Dr. and drug company income.  So they were desperate to continue are there any money from cancer.

Them since 2002 no prescription of cancer drugs has been legal and ethical medicine.  The prescribing doctors struck off the same day and A fine of 10 million UK pounds for every cancer patient fatality, 20,000 UK pounds for each cancer drug prescription.

Fine shed by the Dr. and drug company!  Since 2002 an estimated 200 million global cancer patients, having needlessly drugs two defective biochemical expensive an agonising death.

Doctors believed that they are the ultimate authorities!  So can do what they want.  No they can't!  The are confined to prescribing best infective medicine.  And they do not understand nuclear fusion anyway!

When you apply in 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scan to tissues, the cancers use to emit X rays.  As the ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Basic first year undergraduate physics!

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E when the ultrasound cancer biopsies in the laboratory, the cancer cells boil and rupture.  And cell fragments fill up with microbubbles of helium and oxygen gases.  There being no biochemical source of helium.  So ultrasound scans do nuclear fusion.  At body temperature, and only slightly elevated pressures.

Cancers and infections has ever slightly elevated pressure to induce infected cell replication.  This works for all viral and bacterial infections.  ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

As covered in the 2002 Moffitt Paper.  So any Dr. Prescribing fungal antibiotics for infective diseases since 2002 struck off without legal appeal.  They loose instantly all subsequent medical wages, and never get a medical pension.

As to the assisting pharmacist and drug companies.  The biochemical drug company also struck off and barred of its other biochemical drug patents.  Ceasing to have a valid share price they could no longer live reduce borrowing from the banks, to make payroll.

The most bankrupt corporations in economic history.  Yet 22 years later the drug companies are still acting as if they were legally registered biochemical drug companies.  The first no cancer drug production since the Moffitt Paper and the struck off without legal appeal.

2024 and the drug companies are desperate to continue the cancer crisis, the biggest cash cow in medical history.  Yet every registered Dr. Totally aware that all cancers ceased 2002.

But they were doctors.  So continue prescribing the no defective and obsolete by counter productive, a biochemical cancer drugs until 2020.  Then were intervention from the medical magazines, for the the New England Medical journal primarily, cancer drug prescription stopped 2020.

The cancer drug prescribing doctors have had 18 years of illegal income, from their delivery murderous activity.  Each cancer patient death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  The Dr. nurse struck off.  The doctors receive a 25 year jail term for each medical murder.

There is no legal appeal to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Taken by every drug company and high up nurse.

So nurses could inform the lower down nurses, what was best cancer medicine they could apply.  Since 1988 nurses are constrained in the UK by the nightingale pledge.  Only to apply best medicine!

Which the high up nurses told there was one session of HIUS.  In the nurse's office in every health centre in the world.  No Dr. or drug company involvement even legal.

And only the Lead doctors get to prescribe the financially lucrative cancer drugs.  Yet since 2002 and no cancer drugs have been legal prescriptions.  The doctors all struck off on their first cancer drug prescription.

The junior doctors do not get to prescribe cancer drugs.  They supervise the daily drug rounds in hospital.  And was legally required to remove or cancer drugs from the drug trolley.

The assisting the nurses carry around a HIUS device, and 1 minute of ultrasound to where it hurts, I cleared all 200 cancers out there.

Which then medicine started haemorrhaging money 2002.  Hence the lead doctors continue prescribing the defective and criminal for fatal cancer drugs until 2020.

C or doctors also constrained from the prescription of the defective cancer drugs.  So all drug company is lost 80% of the income.  Astra Zeneca 90%.

Who prescribes cancer drugs?

Cancer specialists called medical oncologists often prescribe chemotherapy drugs, in addition to other cancer treatments — like surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy or t

So the junior doctors do not get to prescribe the counterproductive and fatal cancer drugs.  All the doctors who could have taken early retirement!  Seeking to a void legal punishment for their application of defective medicine.

Employment status has no effect on the mall!  First degree medical murder has no regard for employment status.  Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002 was deliberate medical murder.

Each cancer patient death warranting the usual legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  The prescribing Dr., assisting nurse and pharmacists and manufacturing biochemical drug company all struck off without legal appeal.

Mean Astra Zeneca Air is a MS struck off drug company in legal history!  Ceasing to illegal drug company 2002.  They development of a vaccination against Covid19 was unlicensed were already within the year of Covid20.

This is why standard medical law was always prohibited a vaccination years Covid, the seasonal flu that tracks winter around the globe and the common cold.

Last October 1, 2020 the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination became obsolete and counter productive.  There is fantastically illegal drugs in medical history.

Around the world given to 3.5 billion people.  At least 17 million of them died as a direct result.  The medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination.  And the care of it vaccination could never be licensed!

Given by smiling G P's from January 2021, the worst medical intervention in history.  Causing the they had medically induced deaths of 17 million people.  1/4 fatalities from World War II, with no lives saved!  As the flu was then Covid20, which was indifferent to the unlicensed vaccination.

The usual legal Francis apply.  A fine of 10 million for every vaccination death.  The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison for every hypodermic murder.

B assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off without legal appeal.  The murderous biochemical drug company struck off instantly.  Initially Astra Zeneca, who has acquired habit of ignoring being medically struck off.

Always drug patents then all void and its drugs worthless.  It's medical activity was criminal.  But there doctors have killed an estimated 200 million cancer patients, 17 million code vaccination deaths irrelevant to them.

Each and every care of it vaccination Dr. Struck off without appeal.  A fine of 20,000 UK pounds for each Covid vaccination.  As to the full 10 million for each code vaccination death.

And receiving the usual quarter of a century in high security jail for each death.  Within the UK the care of it vaccinations and 32.5 million people.  Causing 45,000 and necessary patient deaths!

A fine again the NHS of 450 billion.  And each GP struck off, the NHS only has 40,000 registered doctors.  And the junior doctors are not allowed to prescribe prescription medication!

So every lead and seeing a Dr. Struck off.  Or hospital locum to import into give the illegal Covid vaccinations, also struck off without legal appeal.  Bring in a hospital locum might have protected the doctors in the Health Service from being struck off immediately.

But it means that every health centre in the country was struck off.  So doctors now I could not working any centre anywhere.  There is basically NHS had been totally struck off.

But remember every cancer drug application since 2002, was intentionally defective and murderous medication.  Killing the cancer patients within two years.

Again striking off the prescribing doctors, they also there hospitals and Health Centres.  Doctors are the most persuasive people on earth!  Even more persuasive than lawyers.

They cannot argue themselves around the Hippocratic oath, made to the European Court of human rights remind them is absolute law, above legal challenge.

So every cancer drug prescribing data out of medicine 2002.  Since 2020 there have been no cancers on earth.  Every biochemical cancer test has been spurious medicine!

A biochemical cancer test were only developed when ultrasound scans shows the total cure of all cancers.  So were developed by the Hippocratic oath swearing medics, who were constrained from any biochemical cancer work since 2002.

They could not develop biochemical cancer tests.  And neither can anybody else, as cancers no longer existed.  They should all have been totally cured 2002.  Cancer drug prescriptions since the Moffitt Paper, criminal fatal medical malpractice.

In 2020 the medical world moved on to a continuous stream of spurious cancer tests.  Using the illegal cancer drugs!  Which could never have been developed.  And certainly could never give a positive cancer result - as cancers did not exist.

Registered doctors are constrained from giving spurious and illegal medical interventions.  So all cancer tests since 2002 illegal medicine.

Striking off the prescribing Dr.!  And that escaped A predictable negative result, for 150 UK pounds.  But now the doctors are legally required to return or all the cancer test money, to their unfortunate patients.

The doctors prayed that somewhere there would be cancers on earth.  So they could prescribe the defective and fatal cancer drugs for fantastic money.

Yet each nursing office in the world has an 8 W three MHZ unit, to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

So since 2002 all viral medication including vaccinations, has been defective and criminal medicine.  2012 my personal contact in New York used the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz each side of his chest, to clear his AIDs.

The most pernicious viral infection in history.  Which never had a biochemical cure!  But it vanished from the world 2012, as patients all applied 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.

And the drug company is were left scratching their heads, as to why their $648,000,000 business a year, selling AIDs treatments had vanished.  Or there patients had got better.

Just as all viral patients since 2002 all totally cleared by the usual 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.  They can the prescription of fungal antibiotics defective or murderous medicine.

The usual fine of 10 million for each infection patient callously medicated to an needless death.  The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term for each patient murder!  And fungal antibiotics are the major prescription of doctors today.

Each won defective and potentially fatal medicine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company again.


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