2002 cancer treatments unethical and illegal
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Charles never had any cancer |
2002 and and the renown Moffitt cancer centre in America, published a single session use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear prostate cancer and all viruses.
Medics found that 1 minute 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally cleared all 200 types of cancer. Without repeat biochemical prescriptions! Suddenly the industry the representing 40% of global economic activity, was medically illegal and prohibited.
1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all 200 types of human cancer at home without Dr. or drugs involvement.
Cancer drugs became criminal medical malpractice! Striking off every prescribing Dr. and involved drug company. Also striking off every involved nurse and pharmacist.
2024 and King Charles III is so Boselli under cancer treatment for an unspecified cancer. The year prostate surgery, which was somebody a harvest a Adam sage is potentially fatal medicine. And found no cancer!
The drug company is for no reason given a biochemical test for by the cancer: which I have personally cleared 2010! Along with lung, breast and colon cancer. 1 minute of my 8 W ultrasound to where it hurt! No more cancers.
So the prescription of biochemical cancer treatments became criminal medical malpractice 2002. Every one's registered Dr. Has prescribed cancer drugs ever since struck off without legal argument. Along with the involved drug company, nurses and pharmacists.
Out of legal medicine for the rest of recorded time! Yet doctors continued illegally prescribing cancer drugs until 2018. Only staffing due to intervention I think he the New England Medical journal.
Each medicated cancer death since 2002 warrants a 10 million UK pound fine. The prescribing Dr., along with the nurses, pharmacists and drug company all struck off. The Dr. receives a 25 year jail term for each cancer patient medicated death.
The appropriate jail time and fine for the a assisting nurses etc., Is a matter for the lawyers. I would suggest a decade for each medicated cancer patient death. And a fine of one million UK pounds.
For 20,000 patients 2002. This is 2024, and the drug company PR firms are still producing copy of or cancer. They're all cancers deftly died out by 2020. As medics fought on rich and record.
Each health centre has the 8 W ultrasound device, required to clear all cancers in 1 minute. As I mentioned above, cancer treatments became a illegal and prohibited medicine 2002.
King Charles is not having cancer treatment inflated on him. As there are no active cancers in the world.
½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections without Dr. or drugs interaction. Every family can clear their own cancers and infections at home, using a five UK pound medically licensed home beauty device. An ultrasound massage unit.
The drug company is lost 80% other income as cancer treatments ceased: it should have been instantaneous, but it took 18 years. Every cancer treatment prescribing Dr. Struck off without legal argument.
The National Medical regulators are not the supreme legal authority in the world. There are subservient to the human rights lawyers, a house owner, and by the UK the law lords and the U.S. senate.
Were ironically medics had taken great pleasure in intentionally medicating cancer patients to an needless agonising expensive death! When the senators of lords and show legal supremacy over the National Medical regulators.
So at 22 years after cancer drugs became defective, the drug companies have mysteriously given King Charles cancer. Though all cancers have ceased 2020, and 1 minute of the 8 W ultrasound unit in every nursing office in the world, but totally clearing all cancers and infections.
Clearing viral infections stops the development of cancers, diabetes and dementia. ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems.
So the specialist cancer units whole shut down. Just as the diabetic towards have closed in every hospital in the world.
The or hospitals open of the and as mental health facilities. And till doctors and drug company is realise that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all mental health diseases at one session.
No registered Dr. Has been allowed to research mental health biochemistry, since the cure was freely published on the Internet by myself 2013.
That year I have published ½ minute application 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest to clear type two diabetes. 2016 I firstly confirmed that 1 minute was required for type one diabetes. Totally carbon without Dr. or drugs interaction!
By February 2023 mental health diseases had vanished from the world according to doctors. And certainly no mental health biochemical research legal or ethical since 2013.
Every researching medic struck off without argument! Every medicated mental health death warranting the usual fine of 10 million, and 25 years custodial jail sentence for the involved prescribing doctors.
So a 40% of world economic activity suddenly vanished 2002. Though the drug company PR firms have carried on irregardless! Producing medical garbage.
As there is no and no disease which requires constant biochemical prescription. ½ minute of HIUS the so the chest clears all bacterial infections. Stopping the development of heart disease.
Device heart disease is cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys. A single session total heart disease cure. Which explains why coronary heart disease vanished from world 2013.
Heart arhythmia totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest, over the coronary arteries.
Hearts rhythm problems produce a compromise lower blood pressure. Coronary heart disease used to produce a inappropriate raised blood pressure. There is, heart disease increased the stroke risk.
Heart rhythm problems automatically cleared by ½ minute of 8W local health centre. I would not have increased the stroke risk! Actually decreasing it,
Chinese medics cured Corona virus from the world by the usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side of all 44,000 Corona viral patients in Wuhan. The infection never penetrated the speedily erected quarantine, erected by the world health organisation.
Covid19 was the regular seasonal flu for 2019. The care of it number is last two digits of that year's winter! I cleared my own Covid19 using the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side of my chest.
The cure almost instantaneous! This year we're on Covid23, and to the 1st of October when will be on Covid23 - an automatic internationally agreed medical renaming session.
Each year's care of it strain genetically distinct from the previous year's. So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime.
So the Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicine. Resulting me every Dr. Who gave a Covid19 vaccination was required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register the same day.
Totally excluded from legal medicine for ever! All subsequent medical practice illegal and criminal medical malpractice. Doctors must return all medical fees charged illegally to her patient's after they were struck off.
Never legal doctors ever again! There Health Insurance revoked and void.
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