RSV already cured

Drugs don;t work - use best medicine

Using a non drug total medical cure published 2002.  It does not involve the introduction of a foreign antibody - that medics have found that a thickly kill at least one person in 200.

And the total viral and cancer cure was published 2002.  I was found to clear all bacterial infections!  RSV is just a virus!

Respiratory syncytial virus

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov) › rsv

Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms.

‎Symptoms & Care · ‎RSV-NET · ‎RSV-NET Interactive Dashboard · ‎Older Adults

So the virus is present in the lungs.  Which is ideal!  If we apply 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound to either side the chest we clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

The cheapest commercially sourced HIUS easy ultrasound from e.g. an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

Applying to each side the chest this will clear all viral infections.  Just as it cleared AIDs from the world 2012.  Totally clearing Corona virus from December 2019, Corona globally extinct 2020.

Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.  No direct relationship with Covid19.  Which explains why Wuhan have no regular seasonal flu caused by Covid19, even those people are pretty got better from Corona virus.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest was used to totally clear B SARS viral outbreak, caused by Covid3.  The regular seasonal flu for 2003!

The drug companies are desperate for another drug specific disease cure.  RSV is already cured.  An asset is outside the biochemical medical research.  Medicine prohibits research into treatments for already cured infection.

And the standard cancer cure kills all flu strains!  Just as it will clear Covid23 this year.  Covid19 having been extinct for the universe for almost four years.

Medics have found that an obsolete vaccination actually worsens the disease experience for patients from the new infection strain.  The Covid19 a virus is extinct only six months in two the drug testing for the Covid19 vaccination.  Which was halted!  So no registered Dr. ever allowed to give a Covid19 vaccination.  Without being struck off and for ever remove from legal medical activity.

So medics can apply their 8 W three MHZ unit, firstly validated to clear all types of human cancer in 1 minute of external ultrasound application.  Yet the ones registered doctors refuse to use best cancer medicine, continued to prescribe the defective and fatal in two years cancer drugs.

Such fatal medical malpractice!  Striking off the doctors', assisting nurses plus pharmacists, and biochemical drug company.

So the validated HIUS unit is in every nursing office in the world.  1 minute or less will clear all winter infections without drug prescription.  The personally for you recover had within 2 hours!

Prescribing defective drug treatments or result in the patient experiencing the flu for three weeks.  Going on to develop cancers, diabetes or dementia.  Which is a real tragedy!

As a total cancer cure was published 2002.  Four star for the inflated until 2020: then there are no cancers on earth!  You a cancer charities carried on irregardless!  As if cancers were still account disease.

Totally curable by 1 minute of HIUS from the ultrasound device validated in kept in every nursing office in the world.  The same device will clear all bacterial and viral infections - ½ minute of ultrasound to either side of a person's chest.

Making infection drugs defective medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company, plus size usual assisting nurses and pharmacists.

So all Kevid flu cured in 1 minute.  If only doctors would use best medicine!  The doctors and drug company is have such a financial interest in drug prescriptions, party logical medics are still prescribing the unethical yet fatal cancer drugs.

What chances are of using HIUS to cure all infections?  Including all strains of Covid.  So the drug companies are trying to move on to RSV, that is also cleared by the same published medical science!

½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.  Researching biochemical treatments for ISV is medically unethical and illegal!  No research into treatments for already cured diseases medically legal.

So RSV responds to the Covid cure.  Which medics have never conceded was medically published 2002.

Even though the doctors Hippocratic oath demanded they used HIUS to cure all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections from 2002.  Prescribing drugs such defective medicine!


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