Curing respiratory viruses
- 1Review
Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) can cause upper and lower respiratory disease in people of all ages, especially among young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Discovered in 2001, HMPV is in the Pneumoviridae family along with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Drug companies are desperate for a new source of viruses! Since they realised in horror that the high intensity ultrasound, I cured all cancers also cures all viral and bacterial infections.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied externally 2002, was medically proven to clear all 200 types of human cancer. Making subsequent prescription of cancer drugs fatal an defective medical malpractice. Striking off the prescribing Dr., Manufacturing drug company, plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists without legal challenge! All out of medicine for ever.
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Infections all cured |
RSV,H And respiratory syncytial virus shows the foreign inflated cell nature with all infective disease. In 2001 Dr Z told me that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in water. A process later named molecular nuclear fusion by the late Professor Bernard Argent.
1 H₂O+US→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+X-ray
An ideal thought up by his uncle, who published the work on cold fusion 45 years ago. Uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering, the price for which was to lose all interest in the clean, safe and nontoxic molecular nuclear fusion.
80 times as dynamic as uranium nuclear fission. Going off from regular water! Producing just the inert helium and single atomic oxygen. A process that skills exponential he there cell pressure.
And foreign cell types like cancers, plus viral and bacterial cells all require a foreign inflated cell nature. So 1 minute of ultrasound at e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all cancers and viruses.
Infections in people tend to spreads through the lungs. So can apply ½ minute of ultrasound to each side the chest. Another viral and bacterial infections require external application of HIUS for 1 minute to the affected organ.
The foreign inflated cells boil and rupture! Secreting an action NG the active human antibody to totally clear the infection.
Infections in the chest of very simple to get at! There apply ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. The medical science it clears lung cancer in 1 minute. Which represent 80% of the human cancers out there.
The cure totally confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth 2002: 30 confirm and use the new science struck off the Dr. and drug company without legal challenge.
So RSV totally cleared in 1 minute: which is just the wrong answer for drug companies! Who believed RSV would be the new Covid. Which is just the regular seasonal flu!
Since 1934 medicine has prohibited any work by application of a Covid vaccination. As a vaccination would take six months to produce, but then be obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.
The resulting Covid vaccination would have a counter productive effect on the seasonal flu. Worsening the flu and at the death rate! Last year of my mother had A Kevid vaccination against my advice.
It was the standard Covid19 vaccination. To the flu strain which is ceased to exist in the universe for three years. She was very sick for three weeks! And C explained 'then gardai have the Covid vaccination, or I would have been really sick!'
I cleared Covid19 in 1 minute using the standard ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side chest. Which also works for Covid20. Then two weeks are also Covid23. Cured in 1 minute!
My mother has been indoctrinated into believing the GP is always right. The GP has the HIUS unit in the nursing office. An use why the prescribe is an early defective infection medication.
And remember any registered Dr. who prescribed knowingly defective medicine, the struck off the same day he without legal argument.
So the practice nurse can call in at my mother's with their 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and totally cure them or mother in 1 minute! A free E total cure.
This works for all Covid flu strains. But he also work for other respiratory viruses. So the published medical science will also clear RSV. Without any Dr. or drugs interaction!
And people around the world have bought their own HIUS unit. So every registered Dr. On earth should have used the health centre HIUS device to clear all human cancers.
Year from 2002 doctors took great pleasure intentionally medicating 200 million cancer patients to an needless death, using cancer drugs. A total legal fine of 2000 trillion.
Striking off every involved Dr. Nurse, and again the drug companies! So void 2020 family all cancers have stopped forming!
Using your own HIUS device will stop the formation of all cancers, diabetes and dementia. Also stopping all heart disease, there doctors publisher ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys as a total heart disease cure. Which vanished from the earth 2013!
So farmers can cure all infections as home. Stopping the development of cancers and the other diseases of age. The drug company is are promoting RSV and HMPV as the new Covid.
Which responds to the standard cancer cure of ½ minute of HIUS each side of an individual's chest. The totally drug less cure to all infections! So feeble can use their own HIUS union as home to clear all viral infections.
And 2012 my personal contact in New York use the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to totally clear his AIDs - he was HIV⁺. The cure reverberated around the world and the most pernicious viral infection in history vanished from the universe!
The and the drug company is desperately scratching around for new suddenly effective biochemical treatment. As biochemical treatments were developed never to cure anything!
HIV responded to the standard physical cure to all viral infections. Which was used from December 2019, within the Wuhan quarantine in China, to totally eradicate Corona virus.
The drug company is promoted the regular seasonal flu, by now Covid19 as a type of Corona virus. To extend the pandemic ill and that have been erroneously issued by the world health organisation.
Corona virus only existed and was cured within Wuhan Province China. Wuhan it an outbreak of Covid19, and as people who had got better from Corona virus! Totally cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
Saul medics have personally validated the total cure to all viral infections. The ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound, and five each side of the chest, or 1 minute to an infected organ.
So RSV and metapneumovirus cured by the standard High Intensity UltraSound, the total cancer and viral cure.
The drug companies will react by selling and nursing a pandemic fur farm or antibiotic tolerant bacterial infection. Total rubbish! Bacterial infections require their infected structures also is have a foreign inflated cell nature.
So a local application of HIUS to an infected organ, by ½ minute each side of her patient's chest, will cause the bacterial structure to experience biological molecular nuclear fusion.
The bacterial structure will boil and rupture! Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear that dangerous exploding structure totally from the body.
So the viral and bacterial cure published 2002, validated by every registered Dr. On earth or so to clear all bacterial infections. So the prescription of cancer drugs, plus infection medication from 2002 was defective and potentially fatal medical malpractice.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company! And curing all bacterial infections are will ever exist. In the same way that the cure all viral infections! I've published over long about curing RSV a month ago.
Doctors are legally required to be aware of and validate new medical science. By the Hippocratic oath they swear on taking up medical practice. Contravening the Hippocratic oath sworn on Dr. Medical registration, and Health Insurance. Making medical
practice doubly criminal and illegal.
Which is great news for patients in hospitals today with a respiratory viruses. Every nursing office in every hospital in the world, already owns the validated HIUS unit. And all nurses are trained to use the unit to clear all infections.
No Dr. Intervention or drugs required! All viruses so cured. Including HIV AIDs in 2012. Yeah suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and fatal AIDs treatments until 2018.
Such murderous individuals are struck off on their first AIDs prescription after it 2012. They must return or all medical fees to their unfortunate patients since that date!
And are required to strike themselves retrospectively from 2012. Returning or medical wages paid in Rome nce to them since. In getting no medical pension. Prohibited from pretending to above one medical practice for life!
Losing Health Insurance on their first defective AIDs treatment prescription. All medical practice then an insured and criminal!
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