cure of shingles and heart arhythmia
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2002 and the world renown Moffitt cancer centre two hospital chain in America, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus all viral and bacterial infections.
They actually invoked the molecular nuclear fusion, I was busy studying under Dr Z, and we had figured out that ultrasound scans of the pressurise cancer cells already did a little nuclear fusion.
At 5 W 40 kHz! We get the emission of our own little or X ray radiation. Of which there is no chemical source. That e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from an ultrasound massage device by the total clearance of all 200 types of cancer.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Which burnr from 2002 the prescription or application of cancer drugs in chemo or radio therapy, were all defective and criminal medicine. The prescribing nurse, plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists, and the manufacturing biochemical drug company all struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever.
The medical staff removed from medical payroll. Never to receive medical wages again. Then stripped of any teacher medical pension. So from 2002 the prescription of cancer drugs became defective and criminal medical malpractice.
Every Dr. Are legally required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register, and never pretend to practiced legal medicine again. Totally stripped of Health Insurance and legal cover.
But the National Medical regulators have already declared the doctors contravening their professional Hippocratic oath, instantly structure of legal protection for life.
High up nurses take the doctors Hippocratic oath, so they can inform lower down nurses and pharmacists or what use legal best medicine. So from 2002 no registered nurse is allowed to dispense cancer drugs. No pharmacist allowed to fill the drug orders.
Any nurse dispensing cancer drugs from 2002, the struck off as a registered nurse! An precluded from medical activity for life.
The prescribing doctors could no longer prescribe any medication! Not even Aspin for their own headaches.
Doctors were truly horrified, as drug company is and doctors lost 80% of their income. I shan't the medical schools were 60% of their income! So no academic medical research into their defective cancer drugs was medically legal.
Any academic medic researching cancer drugs since 2002 struck off without legal challenge. They are signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.
Throughout corporate history losing 80% of your income has been economic death to any corporation. The health sector has persuaded politicians to increase the public health budgets, in the assumption they were doing useful medical work! They were so not.
Every medicated cancer death since 2002 warranting the standard 10 million pound fines. The prescribing doctors and nurses struck off, both stripped of medical wages and pension.
The involved biochemical drug company is stripped of what ever other biochemical drug patents they once possessed. Then worthless they can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.
And he we are talking about the largest wages bill on earth! So no drug company can legally borrow money from banks since 2002.
Drug companies have tried to make up for lost in income, by progress over the summer cells of to the bank's. He should have noticed so they are they are earning year hundred per cent of a totally and valueless corporation.
Which is total bankruptcy for the banks! Who own 100% of absolutely nothing!
The drug companies refocused on heart disease. That is caused by pressurised bacterial structure on the coronary arteries all around the kidneys. Hearts arhythmia is a is caused by a post infections structure, which is pressurised just like all cancers.
2013 I've published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys as a total one session cure to heart disease. Amazingly enough this idea percolating around the world, and in two weeks coronary heart disease had vanished. As prescribing cancer drugs would invoked seven patient death is a walking down the street.
One session of HIUS and coronary heart disease totally cleared. Coronary heart disease into phase of heart repair mechanisms, and inappropriately raised it blood pressure.
As you clear the bacterial structure almost instantly, the blood pressure returns to normal and heart repair resumes.
Heart arhythmia is caused by a similar bacterial structure on the coronary arteries: A fact that medicine wishes to avoid! Even though every registered Dr. Is first use best medicine, and the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest clears all heart arhythmia included Atrivial heart problems.
Medics had really hate HIUS - which they are legally bound to use. And academic medic has been allowed to a biochemical research into heart disease, since it was cured.
So Alwas heart disease is good for to into other areas so medicine, will never return to heart medicine! As all hearts rhythm problems cured.
And 2013 I also validated that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, I cleared type two diabetes instantly. I cure the condition for my mother and stepfather, who are medically discharged by the Christie cancer hospital.
I also cures for my stepfather was colon cancer: 1 minute of external HIUS to the lower portion of the intestine over the colon.
I also give my stepfather standard ultrasound cures of coronary heart disease. Which my mother did not even realise that he had! One session of HIUS and he did not.
Doctors family put on record that all type one in two diabetes had vanished from the earth by February 2023. Only a decade after the total cure was published on the Internet. All cancers had vanished from the earth by 2020. 18 years after the conditions had vanished from the universe.
But still the cancer charities are advertising for donations! Cancer Research are physically exposed, as I refuse to research HIUS. And coronary heart disease vanish from the world 2013.
Which in no way enchanted the fund raising activities of the British heart foundation. Who are raising money to fit wages and for under pound raising events.
No registered Dr. Is allowed to research a cured condition. And medicine prohibits alternative treatments for already cured conditions. So there is no biochemical work ethical that the British heart foundation could do.
The drug companies have gone into an orgy of blood sugar testing. Intent that the diabetics are out there but hiding! And not spending their lies receiving immediate diabetic care in accident and emergency.
The cancer the diabetics have all been cures is totally foreign to the drug industry! Who were rotated to the idea that diabetes could never be cured, only treated.
And and 2013 the total cure or diabetes was medically published on the Internet. Which had to verified in use by every registered Dr. On earth. Just slightly use of HIUS externally to cure all 200 types or cancer in 2002.
It talk until 2024 cancers' to cease to exist. The cancer charities are still desperately raising charitable donations, religious or pay wages. As there are no cancers that need medical attention!
So the attention of the drug companies turn back to infectious disease 2020. Since 1934 is has been medically prohibited for any registered Dr. To research are applying a vaccination to covet flu all the common cold.
Flu and the common cold change too quickly! Needing any vaccination every six months - bar they are vaccination is obsolete and ended testing 18 months before it could never be licensed.
So the Covid19 vaccination was never a legal licensed human medicine. Any GP giving any Covid vaccination struck off for ever the same day! For ever excluded from medical wage of pension. There prescriptions are medical practice illegal and an insured.
The Moffitt Paper 2002 covered the cure all viral infections. Which the transfer of a cure all bacterial infections. As the foreign cell types have a non native inflated cell structure.
So ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all adults viral and bacterial infections: stop the ultrasound as a child reports warming! Is has worked.
So any Dr. Prescribing infection medication since 2002, when they had the validated curative 8 W three MHZ unit in the nursing office, I was doing criminal medical malpractice.
Struck off the day there first infections prescription! And Health Services around the world keep prescription records. So every prescribing Dr. Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists, once again struck off.
I use this idea November 2019 to clear that year's seasonal flu - later RE as a one as Covid19. So all Kevid strains cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
Family is of greater French should have an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, ready to cure all viral and bacterial infections as people feel the infection coming on.
You apply the HIUS at night, the animal and get up fit and well! Totally disease free. This stops subsequent development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
I have personally verified the dementia cure 2013 again. In my church health group. ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head just once. Clears MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. Plus other serious mental health issues.
And the drug companies have decided that the future health problem was going to be dementia. As a realise all cancers were cures! But continue with the illegal manufacture and sale of cancer drugs until 2020.
All cancer deaths invoking the usual legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. Total legal fine since 2002, an impossible 2000 trillion. The world is only worth 138 trillion.
The human rights lawyers get 10% are the total legal fine. Drug company is my turn access to 100 billion of poems.
So the European Court of human rights could expect a parent of just 10 billion. VOA total fine of 20 trillion. Cancer drugs just that he illegal! Causing an extra 200 million human deaths since 2002.
Hearts arhythmia cured by ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the top left to the chest. No Dr. or drugs involvement even legal! All heart disease totally cured 2013.
Academic medics prohibited from biochemical drug research since 2002. Any researching academic struck a off! Along with their medical school department.
So every medical school cancer unit struck a off 21 years ago. The major income source of medical schools. Just as cancers were 80% of the income of doctors and drug companies.
Which is why doctors all taken early retirement again, as they did 2018: if or drug company is fantasise they could produce a vaccination to the seasonal flu.
They gave out 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations. The medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination is one in 200. I remember the Covid19 vaccination always obsolete and never licensed. Never a legal human drug!
Any GP giving air just one Covid vaccination, or struck off without legal challenge. Each patient vaccination death warranting the standard 10 million UK pound fine. Striking off the prescribing Dr. and assisting nurses and pharmacists.
So the illegal Covid the vaccination system 2021, Glasgow or within the year of the genetically distinct Covid20. So saving not one life around the world. Killing in excess of 17 million people.
A legal fine of 170 trillion. Striking off every vaccinating Dr. Without legal argument. Removed totally from medical activity for life. Stripped or wages and pension.
ShIngles is just your regular viral infection. Killing 50 individuals around the UK every winter. Giving a shingles will kill 2000 healthy an innocent patients. The most fatal medical intervention ever! 400 times more lethal than the disease itself previously.
Since 2002 we have been totally aware that ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all viral infections, so obviously including ShIngles.
So he can clear their infection home use in the family HIUS device, never troubling the murderous Dr..
2012 my personal contact in New York, use the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear he is HIV/AIDs infection. The idea percolated run the whole world, and AIDs has vanished within two weeks.
Dr.Z used using credit for suggesting the most important medical department in history. Curing cancers and AIDs. Amazingly enough, years as not to be given any credit.
At Sheffield University has a large medical school. Since 2002 every academic medic in medicine at Sheffield, the struck off! As they continued with the illegal and unethical biochemical cancer research.
Which is so every medic is graduating from Sheffield University since 2002, never actually medically registered. The same as for every graduating Dr. Throughout the world since 2002.
Totally struck off and denied medical wages and pension ever since the Moffitt Paper. The academic medics also struck off and stripped or wages and pension.
The 'begging league' will give them instruction to bake at the street corners. Not letting on the and the ever pretended to be medical doctors. For ever totally excluded from hospital grounds.
There medical practice criminal and an insured. There prescriptions invalid and illegal since 2002. They must return or all medical fees charged to their patients since they ceased to V registered doctors, on their first cancer drug prescription.
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