cure of AIDs

AIDs fixed 2012 - no drugs

The world should thank Dr Z, he gave me his uncle's idea from Columbia University.  On the turbulent flow and of steam or high pressure water doing nuclear fusion.  A process named molecular nuclear fusion by the late Professor Bernard Argent.

The medical world had renamed the African slim disease, as AIDs in 1986.  And C master's degree into engineering.

Basically all the confronts the cure were already there!  We just had and pop band together correctly.

The ultrasound scans of cancers and viruses cause the emission of X rays.  As we did the doctors'molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P=US→He+O+X-ray+E²

OK.  Not actually the doctors idea.  My extension of his ideas.  As I realise that ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, cause the emission of X rays.  Of issues no chemical source!

Specifically from the pressurise cells common to all cancers, viruses and bacterial infections.  I started writing about this 2008.  As I really wanted other people to contribute ideas!

2012 I suddenly heard from a guy he who was HIV⁽.  This was fantastic, as my my friends, god forbid had AIDs.  He bought his own 8 W one MHZ unit, the consumer version of High Intensity UltraSound, published 53 medical professors at the Moffitt is a total cure to all cancers and viruses.

The side the opposite side to the Atlantic ocean, waiting for HIUS ultrasound massage device to be delivered from China.  He was very involved and desperate for a cure, I was hopeful!  But obviously did not have the active AIDs.  The biochemical treatments in 2012, intentionally killed by the patient within a decade,

Which is why I have thought of using Internet to locate UK AIDs patients: but what is the medically published idea it didn't work at for HIV.  Though most pernicious viral infection in history.

I was facing my ideas on some work medically published way back 2002.  Which presumably have been personally verified by every registered Dr. On earth: or they would have been medically struck off!  So maybe he it didn't work for AIDs.

The device arrived in five days, and he used it!  An reported cell local warming to his chest.  Two days later he saw his GP, who gave a HIV test.

And he came air does HIV⁻.  We hair cured the most pernicious viral infection in history.  Duty ideas of Dr Z, who I never thought his ideas the nuclear fusion had any medical application.

We shared our work with the world, and he HIV vanished in two weeks!  The viral infection which he killed five million people around the earth since 1986, totally cures for under 45 UK pounds: the ultrasound massage device is could never be fought for under five UK pounds.  They were dearer in 2012.

That surely was the most important health news ever!  It should remain in place and on every newspaper headline in the world.  It should have been ordered by every drug company and Dr. On earth.

Doctors and drug companies were more concerned ilising $5000 a year in biochemical prescriptions.  To intentionally kill the patient within a decade!

So 2012 surely doctors are celebrate the AIDs cure.  They would on to selling AIDS treatments as preventative medicines.  Against a virus that no longer existed in the universe.

Iran Dr. Z did not cellar at the surely the most wonderful work ever by 1 minute students.  As I have into we Cambridge, Harvard and the national institute of health, to promote 8 W 1 MHZ be a total one session cancer cure.

External application of the ultrasound causing the cancer cell to boil and rupture.  Inducing the ice and action to clear that dangerous cell type totally from the body.

So no rays so we surely have filled the corridors at Sheffield University with new students!  They gave Sheffield world leading universities in the world.  I have been helped, 30 cleared by the Moffitt cancer centre.

But the three medical professors retired in discussed 2010 as other medics would not adopt HIUS as a one session total cure to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

Today it the Covid influenza strain has a new version every 1st of October.  The number reflecting that year's winter.  So Covid19 an a Z is for a year from the 1st of October, 2019.

So went medics started dispensing the vaccinations for Covid19, the Covid19 virus no longer existed.  We're on the next year's Covid20.  Which is totally resistant to the unlicensed vaccination.

So any Covid vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.  And there is a counter productive effect on later Covid strains.  Increasing the severity of the seasonal flu, an increasing the death rate from the salford pandemic 3.5%.

The pandemic alert was issued for Corona virus.  Contained within and cured within the Wuhan quarantine.  Cured by the standard 1 minute of HIUS each server person's chest.

Vaccinations have a medically accepted death rate of one in 200.  Every 200 healthy an innocent person with vaccinate will die as a direct result!

3.5 billion Covid vaccinations given out from January 2021.  And the vaccination is already obsolete and so counterproductive.  A predictable 17 million people+ died as a direct consequence.

The biggest deliberate medical killing in history.  A GP gave are Covid vaccination was legally obliged to strike themselves off and cease medical practice for ever.  Losing both Dr. Medical registration, and Health Insurance.

Subsequent medical practice there prescriptions invalid and illegal!  They must return or all medical fees to their unfortunate patients, treated as there is ceased to V registered legal doctors.

This year we're on Covid23.  The Covid19 flu strain not only existed for four years.  This vaccination unlicensed and counter productive!  Though most lethal medicine in recorded history.  Never a legal human medicine.

The medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all flu strains.  Which the cancer why medicine has only gone very quiet on Covid.  To which it has no effective medicine!

And the physical cure is some for a and totally affective: 1 minute of HIUS clearing all cancers and viruses.  So every GP has given a Covid vaccination, the struck off and stripped or wages and pension.

The assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus the manufacturing biochemical drug company all struck off.  The drug company is stripped of whatsoever other biochemical drug patents it once possessed.

Then and valueless they can no longer resume from the banks every month to make payroll.  The most bankrupt corporations in economic history.  But they are bankrupt and 2002 has never interfered to Astra Zeneca's illegal and unethical medical activities.

All its medicines stripped of biochemical drug patents, an outside legal Dr. Prescription.  Any Dr. Prescribing Astra Zeneca drugs since 2002 the struck off and removed totally from legal medical activity. 


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