Covid19 has not existed for four years

RIP Covid19 2020

By medical definition the influenza strain is Covid followed by the last two digits of that year's winter.  A new strain declared every 1st of October!

So Covid19 only existed for a year from the 1st of October, 2019.  People publishing date are as if Covid19 virus so existed, are the most dangerous medical idiots who ever lived.

We are now on Covid23.  Totally cleared by the standard application for ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound each side of the chest.  The total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.

This was the published medical science by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  Since that date all infections cleared by ½ minute of the ultrasound from an e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

Every registered Dr. On earth bought and validated an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, clearing all cancers and infections: which share the same foreign inflated cell structure!

For the regular more placid body cells not affected by ultrasound ever 20 W 1 MHz.  So we have a selective way he to clear all cancers and viruses.

It was used by Asian medics 2003 to clear the SARs outbreak from Asia, cause predictably by Covid3.

I use this method to clear my own Covid19, November 2019.  Only one month after he took over from Covid18.  When they really were still calling it the regular seasonal flu.  As it was!

Today feeble can buy their own HIUS unit, and be ready to cure their own viral and bacterial infections as they arise.  You apply the HIUS at night, and get at the next morning fit and well.  No trip to the Dr. or drugs involved!

My personal contact in New York 2012, was HIV⁺.  He was and used his own unit four from China, A 5 day delivery window.  Maybe he only had two days to the U.S..

This standard medicine will cure or even the common cold and Covid flu - all strains are will ever exist!  Tragically a medical vaccination to Covid, is obsolete and counterproductive only six months into a legally required two year drug licensing regime.

Resulting the Covid19 vaccination obsolete and counterproductive and is given from January 2021: already within the year of Covid20.  Having survived the Covid19 vaccination activate the next year's regular seasonal flu worse and more fatal!  As it distracted the immune system.

Certainly giving the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination ever, was defective and potentially fatal medicine.  Striking off the prescribing Dr. Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists, and the manufacturing biochemical drug company.  No legal argument, to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Higher up nurses and drug company is voluntarily sign!

So they could inform lower down nurses not to assist.  They counterproductive Covid vaccination.  Any nurse are applying Covid medication struck off without legal argument!

Each vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  And the prescribing Dr. Receiving 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each intentional medical murder!

Every first year medical student is taught that a vaccination to Covid or the common cold, is counterproductive and useless!

NAZI Germany prohibited the annual flu vaccination in the 1940s, as are most murderous government in global history, just a counter productive vaccination just too fatal!

The medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest cures 100 per cent of infection patients without any death involved!

Today there are still documents on the Internet concerning Covid19, which has not existed for four years in the universe.  And the vaccination to which was always obsolete and never licensed!  Totally counterproductive and potentially fatal medicine.

Striking off the prescribing Dr. Without legal challenge!  This year's Covid23 totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

So all flu strains are cured totally without drugs or Dr. Involvement.  A care of it vaccination could never be licensed before being obsolete, but still killing one in 200 patients - the usual vaccination death rate.

And making subsequent flow infections more severe and fatal!  3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations illegally given by doctors who were instantly struck off!  On their first Covid vaccination.

Subsequent medical practice illegal and an insured.  The pathological the individual find 10 million for every patient death.  And totally excluded from all legal medicine for ever.

2002 and a world leading cancer hospital chain published the use of HIUS to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  And every registered Dr. On earth rushed to buy a HIUS unit within five days.

And then globally prohibited from the prescription of or now defective and fatal cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy.  So chemo and radio therapy became criminal and defective medicine 2002.

No longer licensed cancer medicine.  He rays from medical archives!  As totally fatal medicine.  Any drug company is and doctors are 80% of the income.

Intentionally killing cancer patients in two agonising expensive years!  1 minute of HIUS externally from the ultrasound device in every nursing office in the world, are totally clearing all cancers in one session.

No repeat drug prescriptions legal!  This is 2023, and the total flu cure was published 20 when years ago.  Firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth using the ultrasound unit that cured all cancers.

No infection medication legal ever since.  The doctors struck off, and again the usual 10 million pound fines for every infection death.  And the standards quarter of a century in high security prison without parole.

Each infection drugs or Dr. Has amassed a total legal fine of four billion UK pounds.  Though void Health Insurance is only good for the first hundred million.  But they have been doing defective medical practice an insured since 2002.


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