Covid is just the flu
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Colds and flu so cured. |
2002 am Moffitt cancer centre published the application of High Intensity UltraSound as a total one session cure to all cancers and viruses.
1 minute of e.g
. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound was medically proven 20 when years ago air to clear the inflated cell structure common to all 200 types of cancer.
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A viral and bacterial infections, fus parasites share the same foreign inflated cell structure. So just ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears all viral and bacterial infections.
Every registered Dr. Bought and validated an 8 W three MHZ unit, clearing all cancers! Embarrassing the biochemical drug industry, can not cure all cancers. The rest the drug industry can do is are fatal two year Bio chemically assisted decline to an expensive death.
They were off although 1 minute of HIUS cured all cancers with no Dr. or drugs interaction. People can buy their own ultrasound device at home, and he 1 minute cure all cancers.
Yet it talk until 2020 the doctors to observe the cancers' were no longer forming. They are frantically medicating the last patients to a needless agonising Bio chemically assisted death.
Even though every Dr. On earth has promised to use best medicine! Cancer drugs made up 80% of drug company and Dr. Income, so the smiling doctors is perfectly prepared to deliberately medicated cancer patients to an needless death, hoping there would die before megawatt justice!
After 21 years, they were so right! By 2020 and all cancers ceased forming. 1 minute of the ultrasound from an 8 W one MHZ unit. Clearing all cancers without Dr. Intervention.
In the usual with the drug companies, they RE focused on heart disease. And till 2013 medics published a 20 patient double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease: the most serious and dangerous heart disease ever!
It inappropriately individual heart repair and raised blood pressure. Increasing a person's struck risks!
Atria Fibulation actually do rays the person's blood system. Degree C in the patient's blood pressure! Loring the stroke risk. Coronary heart disease used increase struck this by a factor of five, and the drug companies use carry that fact R and to C over so about heart arhythmia.
This omission companis shows stop running the fictitious drug company inspired adverts, about hearts arhythmia. They are just drug company fiction!
½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest will clear all of the bacterial rump structures, that use to cause coronary heart disease, and now at causing heart arhythmia.
GP is have a permanent the required HIUS unit since 1921, where he is medically proved to clear all cancers. Though the party logical individuals insisted on continuing to prescribe the defective heart medication, until 2020.
On entry medical practice all medical students promised to be aware of, a validate and use best new medical science. As back at Sheffield University 2005, and all medics had heard of and validated HIUS. So were legally constrained from prescribing cancer drugs.
An yet they did! Being required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register on their first defective prescription. There first prescription for heart, cancer or diabetes.
2013 I've published my experiences ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, clearing the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes. Drug company is never announced what causes diabetes! Professor fossil suggested it.
Type one diabetes only remitted in three days. In 2016 as a water validate the 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally cleared even type one diabetes instantly.
They cure to type two for my mother and stepfather. After I found the cure worked with my church health group around. They attributed the magical diabetic cure to a biochemical prescriptions of the Christie cancer hospital: which is now shut down!
The drug company is would not make any drug to cure any disease. And the cure magically happened magically after I applied the ultrasound from an ultrasound massage device, before T!
My mother still swears by the Dr.! Though they now use the nightingale health centre. As the Christie family all cancer drug income has ceased, there so medicine and cease to make money.
By February 2023 doctors reported there all diabetes, Taiwan type two had vanished from world. This so obviously not been a drug company is have stopped a financially inducing ones registered doctors, to still prescribe the defective and metformin.
Leading to a patient's 10 year decline to certain Bio chemically assisted death. HIUS curing all diabetes in 1 minute. Crucially no Dr. or drugs intervention required!
The first year or medical course, the students are taught that a vaccination to Covid/flu all the common cold, is not possible. As those viral lines change too rapidly.
Care of it has a new version declared every 1st of October. We are now within the year of Covid23. The medics have found the obsolete vaccinations to a viral family actually worsen the infection severity and death rate, from the new infection strain.
The drug companies are still pushing Covid19 vaccinations. When the Covid 19 virus is not existed in the universe for four years. The Covid19 vaccination both obsolete and counter productive.
Became a obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime. The legal requirement before any drug becomes legal human medicine. So the Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicine.
Any Dr. It giving a non licensed he illegal medicine, the struck off the same day! And a every registered Dr. On earth was aware that a Covid vaccination was not possible.
And the obsolete vaccinations to previous flu strains, that he made the new Kevid infection worse and more fatal.
Giving the Covid19 vaccination to 2.5 UK residents from January 2021 it worsened the fluid death rate in 2021. There vaccination was so massively counterproductive! An any vaccination has a one in 200 death rate.
So the infection you to more serious than that, to be legal. Was he have been legally tested through a two year drug testing regime.
No Covid vaccination could ever be illegal human medicine! Any vaccinating Dr. Automatically struck off the doctors' medical register. Then for ever excluded from legal medical practice, there prescriptions illegal and invalid.
Since 2002 the medical world has be aware of HIUS clearing all inflated cell structures. ½ minute each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.
Just as it led to the total extermination of AIDs, as my personal contact who was HIV⁺ 2012, use a medically published e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to totally clear his week viral infection in one session.
Tragically AIDs killed five million people around the world since 1986. I only found the cure to cancers and viruses, through the ideas of Dr. Z on the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam doing nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+TU→2(E²+X-ray) TU= fluid turbulence above 1 W. The lawyer of regular water turn into helium and oxygen gases he is very very tiny!
But the heat generated by this molecular nuclear fusion, causes the cell contents to boil and there cell rupture. The immune system then secretes the active specific antibody, to totally clear the exploding cell type throughout the body and brain.
This totally clearing all cancers plus from bacterial infections, without Dr. or drugs interaction. The or prescription of infection medication including vaccinations, defective and often fatal medicine.
No registered Dr. Could ever prescribe a vaccination now! 2.5 million UK citizens vaccinated. 45,000 them died as a direct result! Around the world 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations given, and a predictable 17 million patients died as a direct result.
Each death striking off the Dr., Assisting nurses and pharmacists, and manufacturing biochemical drug company. Resulting in a 10 million UK pound fine.
The total legal fine around the world is an eye watering 170 trillion. In excess of the worth of the planet!
Within the UK the 45,000 patient deaths invoke a fine of 450 billion. And the prescribing doctors receive a 25 year jail term for each vaccination death. In countries with the death penalty, the murderous individuals are just put to death!
This is the year of Covid23. Magically the medics have stopped using the strain numbers! As if all Kevid viral strains responded to same medical treatment. Base so we do not!
Every year the vaccination to covet strain because obsolete, as never medically licensed anyway! The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral infections. Including Covid/flu, the common cold and even AIDs,
It is worth remembering the drug industry never produce a HIV cure. And watched in disbelief as HIUS, the standard cancer cure, was used to clear AIDs 2012.
And the world would O a big debt of thanks to Dr. Z. it mysteriously ended my PH D into nuclear fusion, for no reason! And could never understand there disease cure anyway.
So my ideas totally cured the most pernicious viral infection in history. Which Sheffield University never even acknowledged with a PH D! They were very angry that I had totally cleared HIV. Such a massive income source for medicine!
That only killed five million people around the world (sic). There raise one billion from well wishers to fund biochemical research. Which never produced nothing!
We are producing the HIV cure costing 45 UK pounds. On a 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound massage device. Though medicine prefer as 8 W 1 MHz.
So the most significant science ever done at Sheffield University! Without any formal acknowledgement at all. You're advocating most pernicious infection in history. Not even an article in the New England Medical journal.
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