All Covid cured

2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use a one session of high intensity ultrasound to clear prostate cancer.

Doctors bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit from the Moffitt, over the it will clear all 200 types of cancer in 1 minute.

I have found an 8 W one MHZ unit as effective, totally clearing all the inflated cell structures in just 1 minute.  Medicine has never consider cancers were all cured!  Though the total cure was published 2002.

Foreign cell types within the body needs some inflated cell structure get cell replication.  Cancers divide in a viral single cell type of fashion.  Which he is ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral HIUS five bacterial infections.

2012 my contact in New York use it to clear his AIDs - though most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection history totally cured in 1 minute.  The cure circulated the world and AIDs was extinct in two weeks/

Suddenly all 200 types of cancer or every serious viral infection was totally cured.  So the medical world RE focused on Covid - the medical name for the regular seasonal influenca.

They ever wanted to focus on Corona virus, as or Chinese medics to use the standard 1 minute of HIUS to clear last 44,000 cases are Corona or within the Wuhan precinct China.

Which has no later outbreaks of Covid19 - eight totally distinct virus, and the regular flu strain can be traced back to 1934.

`Corona virus appeared 2018.  Extinct even within Wuhan and by February 2020.  And extinct virus is do not evolved and spread!  They are gone.

I court flu November 2019, which was Covid19.  I applied the standard 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz to each side my chest, and had to ours was healthy again!  Just your regular seasonal flu.

So every registered Dr. On earth validated HIUS curing all cancers and viruses 2002.  Four and has the effective 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit in the nursing office.

Validated to clear all cancers!  There were prohibited by the Hippocratic oath, from prescribing the defective and potentially fatal cancer drugs.  The cancer drugs made drug company is and doctors so much money.

Since 2002 financially motivated psychopathic former doctors, have happily prescribed the cancer drugs the it into 200 million human deaths.

By 2020 doctors have put on record they cancers have stopped forming: which he to cause the opportunity to continue medicating 1,000,000 cancer patients to an needless death.  Biochemical treatments order cure them all by 2022.  The no cancers on earth.

So medicine RE focused Majerle on the seasonal flu - Covid.  But had no direct relationship with the extinct Corona virus.  There has a new version declared every 1st of October.

Resulting the medicine has prohibited any registered Dr. Working on, are applying any Kevid vaccination since 1934.  As a vaccination is obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.

3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given.  They are fatal medical death rate was 17 million.  As even licensed vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.  And remember the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed, never legal human medicine.

Registered doctors are not allowed to use unregistered medicines!  Or they are instantly struck off.  And each Covid vaccination death once a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and 25 years in high security prison!

Which explains why the psychopathic murderous doctors have suddenly taken early retirement!  Though they are not entitled to a medical wage since their first Covid vaccination, or the or prescription of the defective cancer drugs.  And then never entitled to a medical pension.

The most heinous medical killers in history!  And medicine is still going on about Covid.  Though this year automatically on Covid23 which obviously would not respond to the unlicensed and counter productive Covid19 vaccination.

My mother luckily survived four Covid19 vaccinations - or even four years after the Covid19 strain ceased to exist.  He GP service has the effective an unused HIUS unit in the nursing office.

But no doubt the GP is still prescribing useless antibiotics!  And in favour drug company is for every ineffective prescription.

Just ½ minute of HIUS each side of my mother's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As practically confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth, to clear all cancers and viruses 2002.

And medicine prohibits vaccinating for a cured disease.  So all 17 million vaccination deaths warrants a total legal fine of 170 billion.  In excess of the worth of the planet!

The drug companies are still intent on giving people more ineffective, unlicensed and counterproductive Covid19 vaccinations.

So nurses have the validated unit to clear all human diseases.  And their nightingale pledge requires that they should use it to clear disease.  No Dr. or drugs intervention even legal!

Last year or is Kevid infection very nearly killed her.  The GP assisting they did not have the cure to her Covid.

Yes they ****ing did.  It was the validated total cure to all human cancers.  Specifically ½ minute of HIUS using the unit in the nursing office, each side an individual's chest.

How hard is that!  Prescribing drugs is defective and potentially fatal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company without argument.  But the doctors have been prescribing the defective Covid19 vaccination for four years.

And smiling as one in 200 other vaccinated died!  A predictable and needless death.


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