Sheffield had cancer cured 2001
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All cancers cured 2002 |
2001 and and I suggested the use of high power ultrasound to clear all types of human cancer. My PH D was mysteriously ended for no reason. As empty studying nuclear fusion.
2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, supervised by three medical professors into high intensity ultrasound clearing all cancers.
They have stumbled across biological molecular nuclear fusion. I suggested the idea and after I became aware that ultrasound NG the pressurise cells common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections give off X rays.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray there being no biochemical source of X rays! And there is no source of radioactive decay. So will forming helium from two a hydrogen ions.
This made the research or prescription of cancer drugs from 2002, defective an intentionally fatal medicine. So every researching or prescribing cancer drugs doctors struck off 2002.
All other biochemical patents are then illegal and invalid! The doctors medical and registration is canceled. They are each individually charged to strike in themselves off the doctors' medical register.
Supervised by the National Medical regulator! Which tragically are staffed by cancer or prescribing doctors. Who so did not strike their colleagues off!
Through practical experience I have an 8 W one MHZ unit, I applied externally for 1 minute to where it hurt, cleared breast, colon and lung cancer. Lung cancer is being 80% other cancers out there!
So since 2002 no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe cancer drugs. Which makes up 80% of Dr. and drug company income. They cancer drugs were defective and criminal medicine!
My thanks go to Dr, now professor Z who first suggested that the ultrasound NG of water did nuclear fusion,
2 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray so 1 minute of 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound will cause a metre flask of water to boil. Filling up with my crew bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen gases, giving off X rays, there are producing no carbon dioxide!
Lightening demonstrates that are steam plasma will liberate visible light, heat and even X rays.
So so as heavy precipitation in the rain or snow storms, already does physical molecular nuclear fusion and.
3 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray
University geography departments have written to as a could end papers, on heavy precipitation for the helium and oxygen gas, massive carbon free energy and X rays. The positive charge collects above the clouds layer and the negative charge falls with electrons to the ground.
At 5000 volts 100 amps a lightening down strike links up the charge arrears, to discharge all that electrical potential. But once set up the steam plasma does nuclear fusion and produces five tonnes of helium ions.
4 H₂O+PL→He+O+L+E²+X-ray TU= turbulence above one Watt within the plasma.
My American friend set up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
5 (H₂O+PL) confined→2(E²+L+X-ray) so the plasma burns the helium and oxygen atoms, into yet more heat light and X rays.
So a 15x1.5cm steam plasma, can be started up Bahrain in the high voltage electronics from a all fluorescent light produce a local secondhand shop. Once started will burn 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water a year and will then self sustain with no external current.
If we pass air across this light emitting cylinder, it will be heated two an estimated 800° C. It will then generate 65 kW of carbon zero power. We generating an annual income from the national grid of 180,000 UK pounds every year.
That's right the grid pays you for that lovely excess carbon zero current you produce. If we are back to my medically interests, all foreign cell types, which includes cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, and have a non native pressurise cell structure to induce cell replication.
So external application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute, will cause all 200 types of human cancer to boil and rupture! Inducing the full immune action to clear these dangerous foreign cell type from the body.
Confirmed by every registered Dr. 2002 - or they were automatically struck off and remove from medicine for ever. Making cancer drugs defective medical killing are cancer patients.
1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound clearing all 200 cancers out there. Which should have happened 2002. But doctors were addicted to the illegal money they got from cancer drugs.
Sheffield four they were relieved to hear from my PH D work into nuclear fusion, to have are criminal medical Ph.D. at Cambridge. Cambridge got scared, as I could give them the total cure to all 200 types of cancer.
60% of medical school income comes from the drug company is to study cancer Bio chemistry. 1 minute of HIUS clearing all cancers from 2002. Ending the medical cash cow! Cancer drugs became the defective and criminal medicine 20 when years ago.
And firstly validated 2010 and there ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Which share the same foreign inflated cell structure we're all cancers.
Brett used ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear his AIDs 2012. Doctors and drug company is lost or $5000 a year business. Killing the HIV patient within a decade.
My one session total cure to all viruses circulated the world, and HIV vanished in two weeks! 2018 Corona are ours was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. And say yes shown Chinese medics applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a Corona patients chest.
An last 44,000 cases of Corona virus on earth were extinguished. No direct relationship with the next year's Covid19. Which I have personally cleared using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side my chest.
I use the standard medicine to clear my Covid32 this morning. Totally five within 2 hours! In fact instantly. The UK covered inquiry is agonising over a mass vaccination using the unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination.
Strain dream of Chris Whitty, did not inform the care of inquiry and and the care of it vaccination was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime. So never a licensed human medicine!
Given to 2.5 million UK citizens from January 2021. Already within the year of the genetically distinct Covid20. So not one life saved by the Covid19 vaccination.
But 45,000 healthy an innocent UK residents were intentionally vaccinated intentionally to death. To stop the spread suppose the of a virus that no longer existed! Around the world 3.5 billion Covid19 purposeless Covid19 vaccinations given. The medically expected death rate was 17,000,000!
The most fantastically fatal medicine in recorded history. The UK it death rate was a legal fine of 450 billion and around the world the legal fine is 170 trillion. In excess of the worth of the planet!
Those that money being anvid Astra Zeneca. The most fantastically bankrupt and fatal organisation in history.
And the drug company is one more medical killing! They do not advocate using the Covid21 all Covid22 vaccinations. Which is have the same detrimental impact! Killing one in 200 of those vaccinated. For no possible medical gain.
Which is why medical law has prohibited the production a vaccination to covet flu all the common cold since 1934! Always obsolete and never licensed. A massively fatal medical intervention!
Any GP giving just one in Covid vaccination the struck off and totally remove from legal medicine for the rest of recorded history. There vaccination saving not one life! But killing 45,000 UK healthy an innocent individuals.
Rumour that total legal fine of 450 billion! And each smiling GP has seen a vaccination patient dying as a direct result of the obsolete unlicensed Kevid vaccination, just as psychopathic mass murdering bastards.
There are only 40,000 UK practicing G P's. They Kevid vaccination programme generate 2021, killed 45,000. More than one E GE for the vaccinating doctors!
The doctors automatically struck off. Which is why there was such a horrendous crash in Dr. Numbers 2018. Always prohibited from a return to medical practice. A bar they just ignored!
The hospital or health centre also struck off, and removed totally from legal medical practice activity for ever. The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off! Never to return to medicine.
And the drug companies are seeking to use the UK government lawyers, to force another spurious locked down on the UK population. Even though medicine specifically prohibits a locked down to Covid or the common cold.
And of course no Kevid vaccination could ever be legal human medicine. The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side a person's chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.
Just as 1 minute was medically proved 2002, to clear all 200 types or cancer. Yet the fatal cancer drug prescriptions continued until 2020. Their family medicine conceded there all cancers no longer started.
So by 2022, or medicated cancer patients were dead. Annie to the prescribing doctors plus assisting nurses and pharmacists, all struck off and prosecuted for mortal counts of horrendous the first degree medical murder.
200 million cancer patients around the world medicated to death using the defective cancer drugs. The total legal fine of 2000 trillion! World economy is are only worth 138 trillion.
A Covid locked down and vaccination would served no medical value. Just intentionally killing another 45,000 innocent and healthy UK residents. Chris witty was under the legal imperative to mention this point to the Covidit hinquiry.
For earlier to mention those 17. And Chris Whitty totally removed from his position. The appropriate jail Time &Financial fine is a matter for the lawyers. We are talking 10 of millions.
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