Nobody dying of pig/swine flu

Pig flu non dangerous.

Vaccinations were developed as Jenna noticed that dairy maids were free of the legions left behind by a small pox.  Unquestioning he discovered that the dairy maids were in daily close contact with cattle.

And caught cow pox: as rice's are specific to their hoast.  So transmission to another species of animals is difficult.  And those you are enclosed daily contact with pigs you are not going to catch pig flu.  And there is no person to person transmission of the pig flu medically possible.

If by medical you called pig flu, you would feel a minute fluey, for four days.  Then be totally better!  Gain three years' protection from the human flu strains.  That flu changes annually, so that protection is only as good as getting better from human flu.

So no person per cent cancer of pig flu.  And nobody gets in a lot dies from that virus adapted to another animal species.  In the same way that monkey pox, only transmits between monkies.  And he is not lethal to humans!

Only farm workers with epic herd, and daily contact with infective swine are ever going to experience pig flu.  Feeling unwell for four days, and totally better!

Cancers would cured totally 2002.  Using 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound applied externally, ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of her patient's chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

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And as already mentioned, he will have moved in close proximity to fix for hundreds of years.  And humans will have cold and got better from big flu and is two years ago.  No he human death or illness can result from pig flu.

The drug company PR firms, are desperately trying to whip up flu has a new cancer.  There the usual 1 minute of HIUS to the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray the foreign inflated cell nature common to all cancers and infections, will result in the infected cells boiling and rupturing.

Inducing the full immune action to clear that dangerous cell type totally from the body.  All infections cured without drugs or Dr. Involvement!  And pig flu such a trivial infection for people, he does not require any Dr. Attention.

And ran species viral transmission is a very very rare!  And never fatal.  The PR firms need to drill are some other real medical stuff.  All flu is cured.


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