HIV is history

AIDs was totally cured 2012.  In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use a high intensity ultrasound to clear all 200 types of cancer out there.  The Hippocratic N oath prohibits any registered Dr. Researching extinct conditions.

But the drug company is do what they want!  They will still had T and is actually researching the black death.  Which ceased to exist in 15th century Russia.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side a patient's chest will clear all viral infections including the black death and the common cold.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

To research extinct conditions in use to be struck off instantly!  Stripped of medical wages and pension.  Totally expelled from medicine for ever!

So I have at least Brett to use ½ minute of HIUS each side of his chest.  We waited for five days, his ultrasound massage device arrived and he had totally cleared his AIDs - he was HIV positive.

My Internet search tells me that Ted Danson ended up as HIV⁺.  My AIDs cure reverberated around the world is totally eliminated within two weeks.  The drug company is lost a $680.00 million business a year.

So the defective AIDs treatments it killed patients a voidable he within a decade!  2012 sore the elimination of AIDs from the U.S..  Registered doctors were no longer allowed to research the week viral infection.

That was the African slim disease, denuding the and the immune system causing dark marks on the skin and killing the patient.

All cured due to Dr Z's with sedition 2001 and that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion.  The Moffitt cancer centre published use an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to clear all hard as cell structures including all 200 types or cancer.

That was a 200 million business the drug industry lost!  80% of Dr. and drug company income.  So there will still be hundreds of thousands our suppose the registered doctors still trying to research HIV.

Six years ago I red or they were trying to locate HIV₂.  Which should obviously be totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

A career as a cancer stops the inappropriate growth of hardened cell structures.  Stopping excruciating pain and immune system to gradation caused by cancers.

I also heard by the drug industry is trying to produce a biochemical test for cancers.  Which will be quite hard, as cancer cease to exist 20 when years ago.

The drug industry would argue they will carry on researching cancers, antill the money all runs out!  Which should have happened over a decade ago.

They keep themselves solvent and pay wages, by selling themselves off piece by piece to the banks.  Who will end up owning 100% of nothing.  Remember no registered Dr. Is allowed to research non existent diseases!  And cancers vanished totally 20 when years ago.

It use to Dr. Z's suggestion, and import from the Moffitt cancer centre I devised the use of 1 minute of HIUS to clear all cancers.  Doctors' own 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, but would not use it!  Their pledge to use best medicine.

So people have bought and used an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, and all cancers family vanished from the earth 2020.1 which medicine has never acknowledged!

Health Care may still want to test people for cancers.  When cancers no longer exist.  And no cancer deaths was ever developed more cancers were in existence.

So the registered Dr. Was researching life HIV at all condom and simultaneously all around the world.  Ultrasound scans of the chest will cause viral infected cells to give off X rays!

So every he was better from AIDs would obviously have no circulate in pressurise viral cells to emit X rays.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray biological molecular nuclear fusion.  First year undergraduate physics!  Though they are obviously interested in the physical molecular nuclear fusion.  We substitute turbulence and pressure for just pressure.

The drug companies had raised five billion for AIDs research.  So star had three billion and spent when AIDs vanished from the earth.  As my free cure circulated around the world.

So they are using their cash to search for the impossible HIV₂.  Not located in 21 years of looking.  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to research by HIV suddenly went dormant.

When in actual fact it was cured!  In the same fashion no registered Dr. Is allowed to research treatments for the extinct cancers.  As cancer is do not exist, they say could not be researched!

So RIP AIDs 1986 - 2012.  If there is still cases on the bubonic plague in remote provinces of the U.S., The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest will clear all patients of the condition.

People who have followed my blog, will be a aware that I have advocated the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a Covid patient's chest, to clear all strains of Covid flu.

I use the idea 2019 to clear my seasonal flu that year.  Plato termed Covid19.  I use it yesterday to clear my Covid23.  This seasonal flu for 2023.  People are buying and using their own ultrasound massage device, to clear all infections.

So no doubt the drug company is will announce the for reasons they do not fully understand Covid has gone dormant: but will return with a vengeance!

The regular flu has not gone dormant.  Is her second to the standard medical cure published as a viral cure 2002.  Never accepted by medicine!  He watched in horror as AIDs was totally cured.

They are still anxiously searching for the biochemical cure.  So they can buy the company and shut it down!  But AIDs dead her than the dodo - which Kevid brought back by genetic manipulation of the creatures descendants.

I read last year they were working on the idea! 


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