Free heat and power

CO2 drives life on Earth

Biology teaches that plants eat carbon dioxide.  The build carbohydrates and excrete oxygen, as amazingly enough they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  So plants in the light give out X rays - as a turn regular water into helium and oxygen gases.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+rO₂→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O₃+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So photosynthesis releases helium and ozone gases, the massive heat with a faint blue light and X rays.  There being no biochemical source of visible light or X rays.  And certainly not helium!  Your grass lawn in the light does nuclear fusion!  Interesting!

The turbulent flow of steam in a steam engine does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+L+X-ray TU= turbulence

Which is why the steam cycle is such a useful Energy System!  We are actually doing nuclear fusion.  And have been doing sir since the 18th century!  A working steam engine gives out X rays.  Which I knew in the 1980s, but was too busy to follow up.

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Their geography teaches is that produces five tonnes of helium ions.  Totally unaware there is no chemical source of helium.  We are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion again.

So the industrial revolution took off as he started using expansive steam cycle, in the 18th century.  Which did nuclear fusion on earth!  At distinctly moderate temperatures and pressures.  Below 1000° C.  And only 4 to 8 atmospheres pressure.  And yes I really should have 5 minutes on earth!  Sorry world.  I was busy!

Each lightening strike is a 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma, says over eight atmospheres collapsing at three.  Releasing a constant 1.2 MW/m of heat.  As all that nuclear fusion releases heat and X rays.  Or making helium and free radical oxygen gases.

My American friend was so interested he fired me up a steam plasma.  He firm that a 30x1,5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

3 H₂O+de/dT+P→2(E²+L+X-ray) the plasma has burnt at the helium and oxygen from molecular nuclear fusion, into twice the energy light and X rays.  We utilised and produce no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes.

Firing up the plasma user high voltage electronics borrow from a all fluorescent light.  My American friend was on benefits!  So the whole system can be set up for under $500.

He asked me how to turn that heat into electricity.  Simples!  We utilised a a 1500 pound thermoelectric generator, which produces 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.

A small half megawatts steam turbine will cost 12,000 UK pounds.  Foing an annual return from the power grid of 1.5 million, for all that lovely carbon zero electricity!  We rectify into mains AC current.

The thermoelectric generator will give us an annual income of only 180,000 UK pounds.  Which is a millionaire's income!  For the carbon zero electricity to drive eight houses on Christmas day.

The national grid has massive free generating power for Christmas day.  Where everyone he as home!  The rest the year we are producing the electricity for 20 houses.

The national grid may overheat!  He everyone he buys a steam turbine, we generate just too much carbon zero electricity.

A thermoelectric generator gives us a more manageable amount of power.  Sold with the generating get to freeze mains linked three phase AC current.  Nice!

We do not burn any fossil fuels.  We go nowhere near the carbon cycle - which supports all biological life on earth.  Plans take Ian additional carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.  To build additional plant biomass!

The in just a preindustrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate earth during the day.  The static level since before mankind even involved!

Above the arctic ice In winter snow covers the ground, ice covers the seas and there is no active photosynthesis.  Carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth - and down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

-50° C above the north pole.  As the deep C warm currents carry cellar heat to the extremes the planet.  The self pole receives less heat!  So carbon dioxide only rises in the cold.

The little ice age across Europe in the 18th century, sore throat and uses a -20° C.  With an arctic four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Though the ice age was very intermittent!

After we have generated electricity, the steam is still at 680° C, and will happily drive a local area space heating central heating system.  Totally carbon zero!

And we get out 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Which is a huge amount!  Giving us an annual check for 180,000 UK pounds.

We don't pay the power company - they pay us big time!  All practically confirmed in 2020.  Carbon zero electricity that pays massively!

Since when there climate change people have continued talking about carbon dioxide from absolutely no reason!  Carbon dioxide is a static trace gas, which by definition affects nothing.

All the academics who have written spurious scientific papers on manmade global warming climate change, are on are bound to resign!  An return or money is paid to them since their first spurious scientific climate paper.

Only chemist who have refused to publish work and carbon dioxide, to remain in employment.  The now professor Z boasted that he never publish any work on carbon dioxide.

There 2001 even the carbon dioxide is a static trace gas.  And he ended my PH D work before my accountant could even pay for the Ph.D.. 


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