Flu is now cured

The UK and chief medical officer, Chris Whitty address the Covid the inquiry: Covidit just being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.

That was Covid19 for a year from the 1st of October, 2019.  Then becoming the genetically distinct Covid20.  The medical renaming was automatically every year 1st of October.  The number every last two digits of that year's winter.

So this year we're on Covid23, which are mainly nobody early Covid inquiry even mentioned!  Covid19 not even existed for four years.  The Covid19 vaccination automatically obsolete and counter productive, only six months into a two year legally required drug licensing regime.  It never passed!

So never legal or useful human medicine.  Any GP giving just one Covid vaccination in recorded history ceased to be a registered Dr. the same day.  And the Covid flu line star to causing human death 1934.  Though obviously Covid34.

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And medicine never had a cure!  The Kevid vaccination automatically obsolete and counter productive only six months into a 2 year drug testing regime.

At 2002 3 real medical professors published use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all 200 types or

cancer plus a every viral and bacterial infection that will ever exist.  And overnight all cancers were totally curable.

That money hungry medics continued prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs for another 18 years.  Every medicated cancer death since 2002 warrants eight 10 million UK pound fine, and the Dr. and MD of biochemical drug company, receiving a 25 year jail sentence for every cancer patient death.

If you have the right had died from medicating cancer since 2002, you are due and automatic payout of 10 million.  And the prescribing Dr. Must hand themselves and their notes into the police, for criminal prosecution of mortal counts of first degree medical murder.

And the Moffitt Paper: as HIUS cured all cancers.  Through practical experience I have found that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Curing the common cold and Covid - the regular seasonal flu.  Just as it annihilated AIDs from the universe 2012.  As my New York contact bought and used an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, to totally clear his HIV/AIDs.

Medics stopped talking about AIDs - though mysteriously medics are still prescribing the defective and fatal AIDs treatments until 2018.  When presumably they realise their Hippocratic N oath prohibited them medicating the well.

People who tested HIV⁻ could no longer be prescribed AIDs treatments.  All involved doctors, nurses plus pharmacists, and the biochemical drug company all struck off and for ever remove from medicine.

So people are buying their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, applied for ½ minute each side the chest this will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

So the drug company is financing the UK Covidit hinquiry.  Secure in the knowledge they have no cure to the flu.  Seeking to impose a spurious locked down on the UK population.

Even their star or medical or prohibits a locked down to the common cold or flu.  The medics have realise that an obsolete vaccination is actually counter productive - so the Covid19 vaccination allowed to increase the severity of the next seasonal flu.

Increasing the fluid death rate from the three medicated 3.5% - crucially it below pandemic level.  Chris Whitty have the legal imperative, to inform the Covid inquiry that Kevid was no cured physically by the standard cancer cure.

This standard ½ minute of HIUS totally curing AIDs from the world 2012.  An incident the drug industry chooses not to mention!

½ minute of HIUS given to Corona patients within the Wuhan quarantine in China, though to the total annihilation of Corona virus from the universe by February 2020.

Covid19 was are totally distinct virus, that freely circulated the world.  Anvid standard internationally agreed medical law, could not be the subject of a lockdown order.  And no vaccination ever legal!

A Covid vaccination will be obsolete and counterproductive.  Yet tragically killing one person in 200 vaccinated.  3.5 million global citizens had B obsolete unlicensed Kevid19 vaccinations given to them from January 2021.  The medically accepted death rate would suggest that 17 million people were intentionally vaccinated to death for no reason!

A total legal fine of 470 billion.  And remember the 25 year jail term for each Kevid vaccination medical murder.  And the drug companies are back again, four years after the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and counter productive.

It should have been so easy.  No registered Dr. Is allowed to apply a an obsolete, unlicensed and flashy fatal medical intervention.  Without being struck off the same day!

Along with the biochemical drug company.  If your GP gave just one Kevid vaccination they ceased to V legal medics that very day.

Or there medical practice then criminal and uninsured.  And all her us as we are prescriptions invalid and illegal: no registered pharmacist should ever have filled!  And no registered nurse could ever help give.

Then we get to the UK chief medical officer.  Who was under the legal imperative to inform the annual Covid enquiries, that the care of it vaccination was never legal licensed human medicine.  Totally counter productive and fatal.

A locked down for the regular seasonal flu transgress is standard internationally agreed medical.  For earlier to mention these two points to the quasi medical enquiries, was incompatible with Chris Whitty is position as chief medical officer.

He was structure always fission the UK government, the first Covid inquiry!  So 2022.  No longer entitled to a medical wage of pension.  The same fancy applies to every Dr. or nurse involved in the spurious but fatal Kevid vaccination programme.

Which served no medical value!  Just killing one person in 200 vaccinated.  So Boselli to limit the spread of a vaccine that cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.

That is a most important point to raise in the Covid inquiry!  30 use or strips the individual of all medical position of pension.

The medics are have eyes in UK government have the legal imperative to inform the UK prime minister that no Kevid vaccination could ever be legal human medicine.  And will kill one individual in 200.

So within the UK the obsolete and counterproductive Covid vaccination intentionally killed 45,000 UK citizens.  For no possible medical advantage!

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  No Dr. or drugs involved.

We are not in a pandemic!  There last real pandemic was cancer in the 20th century.  Drug companies are desperate to declare another a pandemic.  But now all viral and bacterial infections are totally cured.

Along with all the diseases of age - to external application of to 1 minute of HIUS.


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