Cure of AIDs & Covid

HIV/AIDs cured 2012

Came about by the collaboration of the ideas of Dr Z, Dr. Polly MatZinger - with a contact sue Harvard and Cambridge.  2001 and my PH D work into nuclear fusion was abruptly ended, as it was sort Cambridge is going to offer me a medical Ph.D..  They didn't!

I lacked that first crucial medical degree.  I went singing 2001 and had gay friends!  90% are many sing are gay.  I was just working on coing talking again after a car accident!  So I had had two marriages.

Dr. Z confirmed my idea is that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in cancer.  So nuclear fusion at body temperature and pressure!  But cancer cells have to sign the whole of eighties pressure.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre confirmed my idea, that high intensity ultrasound applied externally to where it hurt, will cause all foreign cell types like cancers, to boil and rupture.

The regular more placid body cells only experience NG ultrasound burns at higher power levels.  So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound was confirmed to clear all 200 types of human cancer.

To my surprise the Moffitt Paper also invoked the cure viruses.  Through practical experiment I found out there ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

I wrote up the idea about AIDs 2008, and got a my career of writing songs and sing on stage.  They had ended there is a group leader took retirement!

2012 I heard from a contact in New York, who was HIV⁺.  He bought and used his own 8 W one MHZ unit: the five day delivery window from China was agonising!

Then I got the email!  He had to use the device.  I waited three days until his next GP appointment, who fully discharged him from all Medical Care, they said I cured the previously incurable condition.

Are meant to be the hard this problem out there!  We freely circulated our work on the Internet, and there disease vanished in two weeks.  Since 2012 the drug companies have been frantically searching for HIV₂.  Are all viruses are cured by HIUS.

So the drug companies took a $680.00 million hit as AIDs globally was cured.  So the work started at Sheffield University, but they are rather embarrassed that an engineer should return useful medical work.

There disease and secure five million people around the world since 1986, cease to exist 2012.  In 1988 I suffered 30% brain damage in a car accident.  Luckily not to the area of the brain we use to think with.

Sheffield has never acknowledged that it is something as useful as cure AIDs.

The idea was used by Chinese medics in Wuhan Province China, to clear Corona virus totally by February 2020.  No direct relationship with the globally circulating Covid19 that arose a year after Corona are ours was identified.

I court the seasonal flu November 2019, which was Covid19!  Medicine prohibits vaccinations to cured conditions.  And the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

The Covid19 vaccination was never licensed while Covid 19 was the seasonal flu.  Given in the year of Covid20 absolutely no medical purpose.  Tragically killing one individual in 200, as you are licensed vaccinations.  Around the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed.  Always obsolete.

Which he is it any registered Dr. Could never ethically and legally give any Kevid vaccination.  As a vaccination be obsolete only six months in 2A2 year drug testing regime.  a legal requirement, before the drug was a licensed human medicine.

So every vaccinating Dr. and the drug company plus hospital and health centre struck off and remove from legal medicine for ever.  Each patient death warranting a 25 year jail term for the prescribing Dr. and managing director of the drug company.

So all Kevid strains are cleared by the standards ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Just as the world found out it totally cleared AIDs in one session.  With no Dr. or drugs involvement.

And I can assure you, there was no noble prize for curing AIDs.  My E mail is 


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