Covid vaccination illegal

Covid = just the flu

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre chain, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

Since when the drug companies are desperately been Chernobyl and animal source of income!  As doctors and drug companies lost 80% of the income.

They sat on a vaccination - as you get to medicate every member of the population.  Where there there is a need or not!  Medics are not allowed to apply he spurious medication.

Vaccinations are least popular prime to medicin.  As a vaccination itself intentionally kills one in 200 of the vaccinated.  2020 and medics vaccinated 3.5 billion people around the planet.  So intentionally killing 17 million innocent and healthy patients.

The largest deliberate homicide in human history!  And it was a lot worse!  As the Covid19 virus ceased to circulate the world October 1 2019 and by January 2020 we were on care of it on to one.

Medics have found the practical experience, an obsolete vaccination it distracts immune system, and makes the next infection strain worse and more fatal.

So ever since October 1, 2019, the unlicensed covered vaccination worsened the death rate from whatever Kevin strains the individual contracted.  The vaccination is obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.

Which is why every medical student is taught that a vaccination to covet flu all the common cold is not legal!  As those viral strains change too quickly.  Will always going to be on to the next Kevin strains and1 the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed human medicine and.

Causing massive human death!  Any Dr. It giving somebody the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination struck off without legal argument!  Any Dr. From all four why he had told me they now the vaccinations for Covid20 & 21.

I reminded him that any care of it vaccination was automatically obsolete, and would increase of patient death.  We were already within the year of Covid22.

Now we are within the year of Covid23, and the drug company is are planning another UK parliamentary inquiry, into the handling of Covid19.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Curing all Covid flu strains.  And standard medical law and within the Hippocratic oath, prohibits alternative treatments and cures to already cured diseases.  Covid being just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.

And 2012 on a personal contact in New York, use a medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  He have been HIV⁺.  He bought his own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet, and cured the worst viral infection in human history in 1 minute!

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

We shared our work with the world and AIDs vanished.  Thanks to the ideas of Dr Z Peugeot future university that ultrasound set off molecular nuclear fusion in liquid water.  It transpires that applying 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally, cleared all cancers and infections.

This idea has travelled all around the world!  So the Chinese are using HIUS six months ago to clear Covid23.  Which resulted in fewer Covid infections to transmit to India.  Their families or walled and the ready with their own HIUS unit, ready to clear this year's seasonal flu.

Which he is a even fewer infections crossed across Europe.  The medics have failed to report on the sudden crash in global Covid infections.  As all hope of an economic future of an annual vaccination to the flu.

Even though every medica/l student on earth was taught that a vaccination to Covid all the common cold was illegal and medically prohibited.  Drug company is like Astra Zeneca Air all signed the Hippocratic oath.  Not to told what medicine they can apply, just a loan of other people's medical advances.

So Astra Zeneca was totally aware that the care of it vaccination was just playing downright illegal.  Which is why they have packed out of the vaccination market.  Leaving the market to MonSanta and Pfizer.  Though MonSanta acting as if he were a subsidiary of Astra Zeneca.

Just one day he making and selling a care of it vaccination, strip the drug company are all other biochemical drug patents.  Ceasing to have a valid share price they could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  It was bankrupt 2019.

Ejecting is are totally from legal medical activity ever since!  All its drug patents invalid and all its drugs stripped of patent protection.  Which will not have stopped Astra Zeneca from using its room full higher paid lawyers, to chase a the drug company is offitt C illegal drugs!  Though really who would ever copy illegal drugs!

The drug company is are still obsessed with the Covid19 vaccination, which is obsolete over three years ago.  Making an individuals next flow infection more severe an increase in the fatal.

But really the most disastrous medical intervention in history!  Directly causing 17 million patient deaths generate 2020.  1/4 fatalities from World War II, in just six months.

For have so Chris Whitty was under the legal obligation to inform the Covid inquiry, that the care of it vaccination was illegal and could not be given by any registered Dr..  He said not a word and has now retired as he UK government chief medical officer.

Reflecting the his own illegal and fatal advice!  A Covid vaccination intentionally kills the innocent for a Dr. and drug company is naked profits.

The Covid21 vaccination was never licensed human medicine: just as no Covid vaccination ever could be!  Medical execution by hypodermic.  Serving no medical value!

Every Dr. has an 8 W three MHZ unit, medically validated 2002 to cure all cancers.  Making cancer drug prescription since then illegal and striking off the Dr. and drug company.  The Internet could not yet yield the name of the new chief UK Medical officer.

Who is under the legal imperative to inform this year's Covid inquiry, that no cCovid vaccination could ever be illegal medicine.

UK individuals have invested in their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit.  ½ minute each side of the chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Including the common cold Covid flu.

All cured with no Dr. or drugs interaction.  The flu is cured.  The drug company is and doctors could no longer rays an income from the defective and unlicensed Covid vaccinations.

So flu it is cured as all 200 types of human cancer.  Dr. Skinner seen all cancers would cured 2020.  Since when no cancer tests of preventive medicine, have been legal!

Striking off any testing Dr. and drug company.  But in all probability the drug company was already struck off - for he is illegal Covid vaccination work.


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