Medicine is seeking to exploit lawyers

The seasonal flu started in 1934, with Covid34.  The code number increases every 1 October, for that year's winter.  So Covid19 only existed for a year from the 1st of October, 2019, are the 1st of October, 2020 we were on the year of Covid20.

UK Covid inquiry wrong

One of my medical professor friends reminded me, the obsolete vaccinations actually increase the severity and fatality rate of the next year's infection strain.

It takes six months to develop a vaccination even today, then he enters a two year drug testing regime.  That time is set in medical stone.  But drug companies have always been pushing to shorten this time, with fatal consequences.

How was thalidomide tested?

Sixty years on: the history of the thalidomide tragedy ...

Thalidomide was developed in Germany in the 1950s as a sedative and was tested in several (non-pregnant) animal species and then in humans. The animal results seemed to show that even very high doses were not harmful.2 Dec 2021

It meant that the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and counterproductive only 1/4 way through the two year drug testing.  So void generate 2021 the drug company is pressurised Boris Johnson into a allowing the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination to be used.

Given to 3.5 billion global citizens, it resulted in the inevitable hypodermic induce deaths of 17,000,000.  A total legal fine of 170 trillion.  In excess of the worth of the planet.  The lawyers told me 1986 the Astra Zeneca total insurance car or 2.5 billion.

The covet 19 vaccination liability is as I have stated 170 trillion.  Excess of the total worth of world economies.  Massively in excess of insurance cover of the World Bank and IMF: the lenders of last resort.

So the massively fatal Covid19 vaccination tragedy, has stripped every involved drug company of the Financial Insurance.

So Pfizer and MonSanta now have no legal insurance cover.  They have been stripped of their biochemical drug company operating formation.  They are no longer registered drug companies!

The massive patient killing caused by the Covid19 vaccination medical tragedy, has are obviously stripped Astra Zeneca Air of its biochemical drug company operating licence.  And it is now a totally uninsured!

The drug company is tried 2022, to launch a legal challenge to the refusal Boris Johnson the British prime minister, to inflict on the spurious national locked down on the UK population.  Medical prohibits a lock down four covet flu all the common cold, which changed too quickly to respond to vaccinations.

This is late October 2023, and the drug companies double as a second the will review of the care of it handling 2020.  Never mentioning the legal prohibition to a care of it vaccination programme.

Never mentioning that a code vaccination is automatically obsolete and counter productive, so never infective legal medicine.

So the drug companies are seeking to exploit the lawyers.  Medics being the only professional grew more persuasive than lawyers.  Lawyers are going to be unaware of the medical prohibition to a vaccination programme to covet flu.

The vaccination is automatically obsolete and never licensed!  And today he we're on Covid23.  Oh no pressing for the year so the Covid21 vaccination.  Which by medical contact in Hawaii as it surely was somehow produced!

There no registered Dr. Has ever been permitted to work on a vaccination to covet flu all the common cold.  Care of it just being the name for seasonal flu that tracks winter around the globe.

Medicine never pretended they could vaccinate it senses identified 1934.  As a vaccination process makes any produce a vaccination obsolete and counter productive, so never licensed.

As it taught this during my master's degree in to engineering and metallurgy, 1984.  There are professor argent thought we should have A brown did scientific training.  How right was he.

Medics never pretended they could vaccinate against Covid, and two was medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002, that a single application of High Intensity Ultrasound clears the foreign inflated cell structure common to cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

80% of Dr. and drug company income vanished 2002.  Which is left medicine mass of the scrabbling around for another source of income.  So they reviewed there for the make of it vaccination, and decided that now they could vaccinate!

That two year drug licensing regime, the Zeneca Air of it vaccination is automatically obsolete and counter productive, so never licensed.

Any Dr. Giving an obsolete unlicensed vaccination, the struck off without legal argument.  Stripped of Dr. Medical registration, and Health Insurance.  And the National Medical regulators will not defend violation of the Hippocratic oath.

The assisting nurses are also in contravention of their nightingale pledge.  When they have promised only to apply best medicine.  An obsolete and counter productive medical intervention, these defective and potentially fatal medicine.

The involved doctors and nurses stripped of medical wages ever since the first care of it vaccination, an entitled to no medical pension.  The manufacturing biochemical drug company stripped of its biochemical drug company licence.  And all other biochemical drug patents void and worthless!

Ceasing to have a valid share price they could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.  After Zeneca Air has been bankrupt since 2002!  Hellisly persuasive, they still act as if there a licence biochemical drug company.  Which they are not.

So at 2023 the drug companies are seeking to use alliance, to force the UK locked down a mass vaccination programme.  The medical or prohibits a locked down to trying combat the flu all the common cold.

No code vaccination never licensed an legal medicine!  Always counter productive.  Increasing the flu intensity and death rate.  And the drug company is are on a show only trying to exploit the lawyers, to increase the patient death rate amongst healthy an innocent individuals.

The Covid19 vaccination was given to 2.5 billion UK healthy an innocent individuals.  45,000 of which had died as a direct consequence.  Murder by hypodermic!  Deliberate medical killing by the family Dr..

Who was obviously serve struck off instantly!  IA total UK fine of 450 billion.  And 2023 he they are seeking to come back for more medical homicide so!  Seeking to use a covet inquiry to force a hand of the UK government.

To enforce needless medical killing on the UK population.  For the financial profit of the drug companies.  Assisted or aided by a medically under informed lawyers.

All so needless!  ½ minute from the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit owned by all registered doctors on earth, to each side of the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Just as it was medically proved 2002 to clear all cancers - I applied to where the cancer hurts.

That I was actually devised an 8 W three MHZ unit.  Stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming.  Are lawyers happy in being exploited by the medics, to force a massive killing on the UK population.

The drug company is now a pressing for at least 100,000 UK patient deaths.  The doctors have all taken early retirement!  In horror as he realized they were deliberate medical execution is for drug company profit.

The assisting nurses also struck off stripped or wages and pension.  The remaining nurses are not allowed to prescribe patent drugs, that any care of it vaccination would be!  Obsolete, counter productive and unlicensed.  To totally outside drug company patent law.  But there again the drug company is are seeking to exploit lawyers.

The second most receptive people on earth.  Doctors being the most persuasive. 


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