Lighting and warming the UK winter

The practical confirmation here was done by my American friend 2020.  HIUS problem away being a millionaire now.  He fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, and termed were regular water into heat light and lower power X rays.  Just like natural sunlight!

1 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²+L+X-ray

This is the power system set up by heavy rain or snow storms all around the earth constantly.  Where we use the turbulence of the precipitation, in place of the plasma.

2 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+L+X-ray

So a heavy rain or snow storms all around the earth are doing nuclear fusion as you read this.  And so the idea of Dr Z's uncle from Columbia University 2000.

I wrote my first paper on molecular nuclear fusion (turning molecules of hydrogen light water into helium plus molecular fragments) 2001.  Just as uranium nuclear power was by him a chair in chemical and process engineering.

Since Chernobyl nuclear power has needed annual insurance of 40 billion per 100 MW power plant. 

They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  Which is automatically they are banned from funding academia!

They cannot fund PH D's into spurious science fiction of manmade global warming or climate change.  There is just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air, the static level fixed by photosynthesis on land and in the seas, since 1880.  Before mankind's industrial revolution.

3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So green plants' eliminated by infrared light, eat carbon dioxide.  Turning into the carbohydrates of plant biomass.  Excreting the waste oxygen and taking in energy.

Endothermic pressure is is do not happen in nature.  But here we are linked to a massively exothermic molecular nuclear fusion.  So green plants during the day he do nuclear fusion.

Which is why to give out a faint blue light and emit X rays.  Go for a walk in Allied with a Geiger counter, and he can measure the X ray emission from plants.  There is no chemical source of X rays.  All for that matter visible light.

So all life on earth is dependent on plants doing nuclear fusion, turning regular water into helium and free radical oxygen gases, and the plant photo blast.  Making biology the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.  So many funded PH D's waiting to be done.

Ball we get back to lightening.  Where the term and interaction of rain or snow drops, does molecular nuclear fusion.  Releasing the oxygen that turns regular oxygen molecules into arrears.

Giving out light and heat.  Which to why the storm will warm the air.  Even snow storm - which is why the first snows of winter do not stick.  They hit the ground, and do molecular nuclear fusion, releasing heat and a flash of light too short to be noticed.

My friend had fired up a non pressurised 30cm steam plasma, and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  An acemi the best way to turn them into electrical power.

As of 500 kW steam turbine can be purchased over the Internet for 12,000 UK pounds.  Generating an annual income of 1.5 million UK pounds.  For ever!  So he is the answer to the fictitious manmade global warming.

Again carbon dioxide has been static since 1880.  Dr Z has been away for five years trying to invent another reason for manmade climate change.  This year the natural weather we enters 28 year period of global warming.

Expect academics to dust off their summer's fiction for 30 years ago, or my manmade global warming will inevitably kill us all.  Trace history warm period served not been a problem.

Life expands, tying up water in plant biomass.  Depressing sea levels!  In the Jurassic one periods there was 85% more life on earth.  Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower.

The Jurassic had three natural ice ages.  I carbon dioxide increase to eight parts per million.  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!

We feed the heat into a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectic generator.  Week with the use a Sterling engine and, which is very nearly as he efficient.

The thermoelectic unit is a semi conductor device, that passes heat across usually a Thorium salt, turning heat directly into DC electricity.  Hence at 1 MW of carbon zero heat in is over 65 kW of DC current.

The Florian generator is sold with the electronics to freeze mains AC current.  And every house needs just 8 kW of electrical power.  So we are selling 57 and kilowatts even on Christmas day he to the national grid.

Usually about 60 kW throughout the year.  Which have given us a nice little annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  The good power we can do without money!

We heat our house electrically using my free electricity.  Ceasing to burn fossil fuels.  Even remotely at the power station.  We are selling massive carbon zero electrical power to the national grid.

About six months ago or the UK economy was generating 44 GW of electrical power.  That he is 44,000 MW.  The total UK Energy demand.  So the UK was now using regenerate four power sources, to generate all the its electrical power.

Using cellar panels, or little turbines in nearby flowing river.  The tidal power units, really require massive engineering, and are expensive and difficult to build.  So the UK it generated all that electrical power without any power from the national grid.

Presumably the electricity generators have discounted there electrical power to major power users, to still sell their generated electrical power.  Or less a minute to France over the channel power link.

Or the UK electrical power generated carbon free.  Absolutely no publicity given to this massive achievement.  But now a little 30cm steam plasma and will generate a constant 6 to 5 kW a carbon zero electricity.

Yielding the annual check from the power company is for 180,000 UK pounds.  The good that we can do without money!  Charities are always desperate for new sources of finance.  Give wisely!  You can do such good.

Little engineering company is can building to where the plasma power units to the aged.  In exchange for a payment from the national grid, to cut the cost of building the unit with a nice profit.

We then sign over a considerable fortune to the house owner, who has been surviving on the state pension or just 8000 UK pounds a year.  No pension is get to be on an 80,000 UK pounds a year.

This is massively in excess are the most generous para pension schemes.  And patience get free heat and power, no over priced at heating or electricity.  All due to throwaway comment from Dr. Z in 2000.

Actually the idea of his uncle from Columbia.  And what an idea!  Though I have done extensive engineering work around the idea.  Devising the fossil fuels free, no boiler chamber power unit.

That utilises two little water ever to measure in a lifetime!  It utilises and produces no hyper toxic radioactive waste.  Present uranium nuclear power know knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.

Since Fukushima in Japan 2010.  Conclusive proof that even the best engineers on the planet can't engineer uranium nuclear power safely.  Here we are using a plasma to turn regular water into heat power and light.

Without any radioactive waste!  And no fossil fuel burn.  Strangely enough I have not heard from the climate change people yet.  Though my American friend confirmed this science 2020.

And I have obviously been telling the world!  There have been keeping Sheffield University up to date, though they have failed to publish this life saving science on the Internet site.

Which tells the world how to use a no burner Power System to be so immense free heat light, and hence electrical power.  All totally carbon zero.  Cost free.

Everything the climate change people say they want, I gave it to world for free!  Not one word of thanks.  Not even from Dr Z.

We fire up a grid of 8 cm steam plasmas, to metres above the ground.  This knees practical confirmation obviously.  The plasma is are suspended by little aluminium balloons.  Which collects the hot rising air.

So act as little hot air balloons.  Here in the plasma tubes suspended over the ground.  During the summer we swivell a reflector to deflect that heat into the air.  As the sun is hot enough.

In the winter we turn that reflects a upside down, so now we reflect all the heat light and lower power X rays to the ground.  We have produced a little artificial sun, that runs and powered.

Grade for the north of England or Scotland, waking crime in a second harvest to what today is the cold and dark months.

With light up gardens and public areas.  Which get to V a warm and light.  Just like us a month.  When the sun is down at below the horizon!  So we end the dark of winter.

And network of little steam plasmas, act as little free suns.  Lighting and a warming the area below.  Plant's will grow like marred!  Eating all I carbon dioxide, and turn into plant biomass.

The plasma is used two little water ever to measure in a lifetime.  We use a high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma.  Which then self sustains.  Tony a fantastically tiny volume of regular water into our heat light and lower power X rays.

The difference this will make to farming incomes!  To harvests a year.  Basically year around agriculture.  In the natural summer, we turn the reflector, to deflect the heat light and X rays into space.  So the still get too warm!

Today and the plaques were back.  I it through a day of term forward, back and every which way.  And till Sunday morning, that earned all the clocks to agree with the BBC.  Who usually get it right!

My body clock is a every which way.  But now we can light and warm the dark winter months.  Supporting plant growth all year round - sucking in carbon dioxide.

But really manmade climate change was only the most intellectually vacant science fiction PR for nuclear power.  Who as they build a power station release the carbon equivalent in two years, of operating a commercial power plant for 25 years.

Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon source.  So very much not carbon zero!  Plasma power is free and carbon zero.  Enjoy! 


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