diabetes no longer exists

Doctors reported for every 2023, but there is no type one and type two diabetes in the world.  He the drug companies are still pendling medical rubbish!

This means that, including the number of undiagnosed people, there is estimated to be over 4.8 million people living with diabetes in the UK at present. This represents 6% of the UK population or 1 in every 16 people having diabetes (diagnosed and undiagnosed).15 Jan 2019

In my church health group 2013 and I have practically established that ½ minute of 8w 1 Hz ultrasound from a massage device purchased over the Internet, I applied to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes.

The same week are cleared it for my mother and stepfather.  The Christie cancer hospital was livid!  As they are gone to heart disease and diabetes, as medical professors have published use of 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all 200 types or cancer.

Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers

The Moffitt cancer centre published use of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound as effective HIUS to clear all cancers.

That was why have the ultrasound massage device - as verified it cleared cancers.  I applied it to the lower right of my friends chest, to ease his diabetic discomfort.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

Who postulated the use of HIUS to clear the inflated cell structure common to all the diseases of age, from the ideas of Dr. Z.  He postulated that ultrasound cause nuclear fusion in liquid water.

1 H₂O+US→He+O A process named molecular nuclear fusion five professor Argent.

After my feet he was inexplicably ended at Sheffield University, and to salford quays and singing and writing songs.  And continue my interest in nuclear fusion.

I have sent my dear on ultrasound restricting cancer growth to my contact at the NI H who forwarded it to the Moffitt cancer centre.

Who published 100 patient double blind trial 2002 into the external application of HIUS clearing all cancers.  2000 and the world population 6.6 billion.

Curing cancer is saved the lives of a third of were developed world.  So was living in a time of great use population explosion ever.

8 Billion Lives

State of World Population 2023: 8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities. New data reveals population anxieties are widespread and governments are increasingly adopting policies aimed at raising, lowering or maintaining fertility rates.11 Jul 2023

The population is actually growing in Africa and China.  The Covidt pandemic was actually just the seasonal flu for 2019.  The virus erroneously declared a pandemic was Corona virus in Wuhan Province China.

That never penetrated the quarantine in Wuhan.  Before medics applied ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a Corona patients chest.  No virus was driven extinct!

I cleared my own 19Covid using ½ minute to my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of my chest.  Just the regular virus!

The same idea was used on a personal contact in New York to clear aids 2012.  Am medicine and so only stopped talking about the most burn fiction in history.  As it was totally cleared by 1 minute of ultrasound.

Tragically at killed five million people since 1986.  Responding to the standard viral cure of ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.  Medics talking about Ccare evidence being a historic disease.

Covid19 was extinct by medical naming convention 31st of September, 2020.  We then have the year of Covid20.

The Covid19 vaccination is only six months into a two year drug licensing regime.  When obsolete and counterproductive!  Covid20 autumn also be a an fatal if he ever survived a Covid19 vaccination.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to give an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, are they are struck off the same day and barred from all medical activity, and there prescriptions invalid and illegal.

This year we're on Covidt23, cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a person's chest.  Which explains why the medical world does not like talking about Covid.  Which it has a new flu strain every 1st of October.

Covidt19 only exist of on the 1st of October, 2019 until the 31st of September, 2020.1 the vaccination never licensed!  A GP giving a Covid19 vaccination was giving a counterproductive vaccination for their own personal use.

It made the seasonal flu for 2020 worse.  Covidt 19 was extinct before the vaccination was doled out.  Which explains why a first year medical students are taught that a vaccination to covet flu all the common cold is not ethical and legal.

Always obsolete and the virus no longer exists!  And the vaccination never licensed in time.  If your GP gave you a Covid19 cvaccination he must return or money and strike themselves off.

Returning or medical fees since the first he illegal covidvaccination.  They had ended for 10 million, for each of the 200 vaccinated patients who had died as a direct result!  Vaccinations are not safe medicine.

The care of it19 vaccination was given to 3.5 people around the world.  17 million of whom died as a direct result!  The most lethal medicine in history!  Giving a lead injections for syphilis was nowhere near as fatal.  And did win the noble prize!

So all Covidt strains cured in 1 minute.  Every 1st of October want a new Kevin strain, and he does not matter!  ½ minute of HIUS is side the chest cures all viral and bacterial infections.

Easily device bought by every medic on earth 2002, to validate the 1 minute total cure of all cancers.  Making subsequent prescription of cancer drugs though most for by the medical malpractice in history.

Killing an estimated 200 million innocent people.  Only in 2020 to all cancers vanish!  Which medicine has never acknowledged.  As he met since 2002, or cancer drugs were criminal medical malpractice.  200 million human deaths!

1 minute of HIUS clearing all cancers.  A factor down the application time, and he will also clear all animal cancers.  And vets are pledged to use best medicine.  One session of HIUS and all cancers cured.

For every 2023, only 10 years after the ultrasound cure or diabetes was published.  ½ minute to the lower right of the rib cage over the pancreas to clear type two diabetes.  1 minute to clear type one diabetes.

Otherwise there type one diabetes only remits in three days!  The drug companies have responded by promoting asymptomatic diabetes.  People not using a diabetic medication and having totally normal blood sugar levels.

In other words mean freely diabetes!  They were launched a global search to check the blood sugar levels or former diabetics.  He could be directed into their G P's surgery, and the Dr. is required to apply the standard ½ minute or 1 minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest.

They are not been permitted to prescribe diabetic medication since 2013.  All the doctors who did must return the diabetic fees.  Strike themselves off, and hand themselves in to police for criminal trial.

10 million for every person medicated to death from diabetes.  And 25 years of jail time for each death!  So thank you Dr. Z, we are living in that time and the greatest population growth in history.

And start by medics on the cure to cancer and heart disease.  Though I suggested the use of HIUS.  And I have practically confirmed the cure of type two diabetes.

Surely worth the award of a PH D from Sheffield University!  For extending their ideas and confirming it cured human disease.  Not one word!

As it means there every Dr. or academic medic has a looked on cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off without legal argument.  Remove from legal medicine for ever.

Facing the usual jail and fined structure.  10,000,000 for every resulting patient death, and a 25 year jail term for the involved doctors.  Medical schools prize 60% of the income to universities.

80% other income was from cancer drugs.  Which shows ceased 2002!  Making medicine massively uneconomic and bankrupt.


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