Covid vaccination= medical murder

Cold hearted deliberate killing

A vaccination takes six months to produce even today.  But then enter A2 year drug testing regime before it is a legal human medicine.

Care of it and the common cold have much more frequent rows is then that.  Care of it is given a new number designation every 1st of October, for that year's winter.  So we are on Covid23.

A financially motivated medics started giving out the Covid19 vaccination from January 2021: already within the year of Covid20.  As my medical professor friend told me, obsolete vaccinations actually distract the immune system, and make the new infection strain more lethal and fatal!

Hence people have the Covid19 vaccination has a negative effect on next year's Covid20 - the seasonal flu for 2020.  And registered doctors are not allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medical interventions.

As the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and never licensed; any Dr. Giving just one Covid19 vaccination, the struck off without legal argument.  They must return or medical fees for the obsolete and counterproductive vaccination.

Before striking them cells off the doctors' medical wage for life.  This they're all medical wages paid to them since their first vaccination.  And drawing no pension.

Paying out 10 million for each of the one in 200 patients vaccinated to death: that is a medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination.  And the care of it vaccination never licensed.

To clear the common or Covid all strains, requires ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound each side the chest.  As medically published 2002 by three medical professors at the world renown Moffitt cancer centre.

A total 1 minute cure to all cancers - I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.  Using e.g. an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.

Every registered Dr. On earth purchased and validated an 8 W three MHZ unit, clear all cancers plus all viral and bacterial infections.  As all those foreign cell types have a non native inflated cell structure.

Registered nurses are prohibited from assisting with defective medicine.  Any Covid vaccination is automatically defective!  As nurses would told by high up nurses, who like the drug company is take the doctors Hippocratic oath,

Any global nurse half a just one Covidt vaccination application, struck off.  Like the Dr.s stripped of all subsequent medical weight and entitled to no medical pension ever.  Having to stand criminal trial for assistance of first degree medical murder, for each regular flu death.

Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu!  Not a dangerous novel virus.  That was Corona virus - apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covidt18.

From December 2019 Chinese medics applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of Corona patients.  And last 44,000 cases one extinct by February 2020.

Always contained within the Wuhan quarantine.  Covidt19 was the regular seasonal flu that freely circulated the whole world.  Causing human deaths since 1934 - with Covid34.

Nurses are very limited to what drugs they can prescribe.  Basically nothing within patent!  And the drug company is are only interested in the care of it vaccination, as they have persuaded the medical regulators to give them 25 years patent protection, on defective and potentially fatal medicines.

Totally obsolete and unlicensed!  So now the NHS is gearing up 2023 and the window Covid vaccination.  The most recent Covi strain they can produce a vaccine two was Covid21.

There is just like Covid19 is obsolete and hellishly counter productive!  From Jenny 2021 financially motivated former medics, gave out 3.5 billion Covidt vaccinations globally.

And smiled as a predictable 17 million for mass patients died in medically induced deaths.  By far the most fatal medicine in human history.  Far surpassing the deaths from the Sarin NAZI Gas chambers.  That is a measure of illegality!

Each patient death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  So a total fine bass of 170 billion.  The continued prescription of the useless an defective cancer drugs killed an estimated 200 million cancer patients.

A legal fine of 2000 trillion.  Striking off every involved Dr., Nurse, drug company and health centre or hospital.  No biggest premeditated first degree medical murderers in history.

If your GP gave just 1 Covidt vaccination, they ceased that day to be a legal registered Dr..  There medical practice then illegal and an insured.

They could no longer prescribe even Aspin!  Their medical bills all void, as there medical practice lapsed into illegality.

So no registered Dr. Since 1934 there has been a water give a vaccination to the regular seasonal flu, medical name Covid!  Or they ceased that day to be registered medic for ever.

Yet the curvy doctors have remained in C major medical practice.  Writing illegal and invalid prescriptions.  And smiling as he medicating their patients to an needless and illegal death.

Nurses are not allowed to prescribe care of it vaccinations: Bio for the most defective and illegal medicines in recorded history.  The NHS is gearing up for the Covid vaccination for 2023.

That he UK patients are far from stupid!  And they have seen their friends and family vaccinated to death by the smiling Dr., Using the hellishly defective care of it vaccination.

The doctors who developed the Covid19 vaccination active in ultimate medical illegality.  They are also are struck off!  The jail time and finds are a matter for the lawyers.

No registered Dr. Is ever allowed to open any care of it vaccination.  It does not take a genius to see that the Covid21 vaccination is so illegal.

Totally outside legal Dr. Prescription.  Never any chance of or nurse been allowed to prescribe a dangerous medical intervention like a vaccination,

Each vaccination death warranting the usual 10 million UK pounds.  Striking off the Dr., Nurse, drug company and health centre or hospital.

Within the NHS nobody could never legally prescribe the fatal Covidt vaccinations.  So the NHS is gearing up, to get people involved in the 2023 care of it vaccination programme.

All totally illegal!  Probably killing in excess of 45,000 people killed for the Covid19 vaccination.

Medical are totally prohibits any registered Dr. Prescribing obsolete an unlicensed medical interventions.  Physically once the site totally spurious, no possible medical benefit, or killing one in 200 of those vaccinated. 


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